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Interesting Website

Mike Rochip

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How long did you wait before you decided he wasn't coming back?

Oh, good! I wasn't the only one. About 3 minutes (I'm a patient kind of guy).

Save a tree, eat a beaver.

Save a tree, wipe with an owl.


Every time a bell rings, a thread gets hijacked!

ding, ding!


Give Andavari lots of money and maybe even consider getting K a DVD-RW drive.


If it's not Scottish, IT'S CRAP!!!

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not that that isn't funny, and i'm not even wondering what type of person makes such a site, but i really have to wonder how other people stumble across it...aww the internet, what a glorious tool of our age...


PS: i love the lounge, never know what randomness will show up next

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Ok, Ok, Lie.

Save a tree, eat a beaver.

Save a tree, wipe with an owl.


Every time a bell rings, a thread gets hijacked!

ding, ding!


Give Andavari lots of money and maybe even consider getting K a DVD-RW drive.


If it's not Scottish, IT'S CRAP!!!

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Another intesesting site is this



I just ran a few things through it such as kobrakommander, and also lunarsoft...

most interesting!!!



I thought I was scared when I thought it was Cannibal Week.


George W Bush = He Grew Bogus

Tony Blair = Liar By Ton


You might have mentioned anagrams are psychic and can predict the future :o!


Paranormal aspects aside, looks like a fun site. Thanks!

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pork and beans = On bad spanker


What on earth did we do before the internet?


By the way kobrakommander, you are "maker or bad knob", lol

Save a tree, eat a beaver.

Save a tree, wipe with an owl.


Every time a bell rings, a thread gets hijacked!

ding, ding!


Give Andavari lots of money and maybe even consider getting K a DVD-RW drive.


If it's not Scottish, IT'S CRAP!!!

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is the same whether you read it from left to right OR right to left.


So is "Go hang a salami, I'm a lasagna hog", without the punctuation, of course. Thank you Weird Al Yankovik.


[sarcasm] And wow, "hazelnut"! I would've never come up with that! [/sarcasm]

Save a tree, eat a beaver.

Save a tree, wipe with an owl.


Every time a bell rings, a thread gets hijacked!

ding, ding!


Give Andavari lots of money and maybe even consider getting K a DVD-RW drive.


If it's not Scottish, IT'S CRAP!!!

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what the hell are you talking about?


You wrote that Hazel Nut became Hazelnut. I wrote:


[sarcasm] And wow, "hazelnut"! I would've never come up with that! [/sarcasm]


That was sarcasm, because in fact, given enough time, there is a good chance that I would've come up with that. :D

Save a tree, eat a beaver.

Save a tree, wipe with an owl.


Every time a bell rings, a thread gets hijacked!

ding, ding!


Give Andavari lots of money and maybe even consider getting K a DVD-RW drive.


If it's not Scottish, IT'S CRAP!!!

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nah nvm w/e




Is it bad if I don't know what that means? Sorry, I feel like a bit of an acronym n00b.

Save a tree, eat a beaver.

Save a tree, wipe with an owl.


Every time a bell rings, a thread gets hijacked!

ding, ding!


Give Andavari lots of money and maybe even consider getting K a DVD-RW drive.


If it's not Scottish, IT'S CRAP!!!

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