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Samsung announcing "Super" OLED TV


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Samsung revealing "Super" OLED 55" TV next week.



Been (and still) waiting for OLED / SED / FED / QLED TV's (and PC screens).

Still have to wait for the prices go down and inches go up. Well, 55" is enough, but SED, FED and QLED are still small (and unfinished), so first of all have to wait those to get released. :D

I guess SED development has been stopped at the moment, FED's not nearly finished yet.

QLED might get released earlier.

Haven't read about these in a while, haven't had the need to buy a new TV or PC display.

At the moment I've Sony 40W4000 if I recall correctly, I'll buy a new one when some of above mentioned technologies/TV's will be released with suitable size & price.

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Haha, true! :D

We'll see which one comes out first.


Canon officially announced on 25 May 2010 the end of the development of SED TVs for the home consumer market, but indicated that they will continue development for commercial applications like medical equipment. On 18 August 2010, Canon decided to liquidate SED Inc., a consolidated subsidiary of Canon Inc. developing SED technology, citing difficulties to secure appropriate profitability and effectively ending hopes to one day see SED TVs in the living room.

- So I guess that's not coming in near-future.



In November 2010, Nikkei reported that AUO plans to start mass production of FED panels in the fourth quarter of 2011, however AUO commented that the technology is still in the research stage and there are no plans to begin mass production at this moment.

- Looks a bit better than SED, but "still in the research stage" etc.



Commercialization of quantum dot display is yet to come. Compared to LCD and OLED, the manufacturing cost of QD-LED is relatively high and development of novel and more cost-efficient fabrication process is desired in future.
Many expect that quantum dot display technology can compete or even replace liquid crystal displays (LCDs) in near future, including the desktop and notebook computer spaces and televisions. These initial applications alone represent more than a $1-billion addressable market by 2012 for quantum dot-based components.

- Not sure about this, but pretty certain that QLED TV's (at least not with big size) won't come out this year.



On December 26, 2011, LG officially announced "world's largest 55" OLED panel" to be featured at CES 2012.

- Samsung announcing "Super" OLED TV at CES 2012 as well, so have to wait for CES 2012 then. Seems like OLED is coming out first with proper sizes, don't know about prices yet.

CES 2012 / 10.-13.1.2012

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Years ago, I remember going into an inner city department store with my mother and seeing one of the first ever plasma televisions. The asking price was a tiny $14,000 (~USD$14,150)

I'm Shane.

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The asking price was a tiny $14,000 (~USD$14,150)

I remember looking at one in an electronics magazine back in the 1990s that was USD $20,000 it was only a 20 inch screen so it was USD $1,000 per inch. :lol:

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Sony and Panasonic to Collaborate on the Joint Development of Next Generation OLED Panels

The rumor that Japanese electronic giants Panasonic and Sony would team up on OLED HDTV technology has been confirmed by a press release (included after the break), and the two plan to establish mass production in 2013. Together, they'll be able to utilize the core and printing techniques that each has so far developed separately to roll out HDTV-sized OLED panels.
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I heard they have also 8k TVs now. Which are you getting?

8K ain't coming in a while and not with a decent price, so it's not "worth waiting for" yet. Also the screen size could be too large. It's more realistic to wait for OLED / 4K TVs.

4K OLED should be released next year (though it'll cost too much at first). Probably have to wait to 2015 or something.

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