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used cccleaner and now i cannot log in and pages wont open


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my homepage gives the following statement now:

Access Denied (policy_denied)


Your system policy has denied access to the requested URL.


For assistance, contact your network support team.

and that is my homepage so it should work fine.


I cannot log into my ning anymore because it keeps refreshing when logging in so it states log in here, i give my emailaddress and password and then it states log in here again and again and again I tried hundreds of times now.


i have deleted this cc cleaner malware but it still blocks me.


what can i do besides throwing away my 550 euro half year old laptop and suing cc cleaner for the grieve and the new laptop?

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Don't be so quick to lay the blame, Ccleaner cannot block your use of the internet. It could be other things such as a firewall.


What operating system do you use?


Did you have the cleaner set to save cookies of your site?


Did you use the registry part of ccleaner? If so, did you make a backup when offered the chance to do so?



Also do you have any web content filtering on?


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First thing to do is phone any banks / credit cards to enquire about unusual activities - perhaps you have been hacked.


Perhaps when you enter your email address and password you are NOT giving them to ning but to malware that has come on-board and phoned home with passwords and credit card numbers.


If you use a different computer to visit ning you may find that a hacker has been impersonating you there.



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I cannot log into my ning anymore because it keeps refreshing when logging in so it states log in here, i give my emailaddress and password and then it states log in here again and again and again I tried hundreds of times now.

I had that problem a while back. If your using Internet Explorer change the following settings...


Tools>Internet Options


Goto the security tab

Select Internet and click the Custom Level button

Scroll down and enable the option for Userdata Persistence

Click Ok button


Now goto the Privacy tab

Click the advanced button

Checkmark/enable the following options:

- Override auto. cookie handling

- First party cookies accept

- Always allow session cookies


A couple of screenshots for a visual...







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what can i do besides throwing away my 550 euro half year old laptop and suing cc cleaner for the grieve and the new laptop?



No fate but what we make

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So this problem exists in both browsers then? Look over Hazel and Alan's posts.

It definitly is cc cleaner that did this. and I did try yesterday to restore the old backup but nothing changed. anyways cc cleaner is gone out of my system so I dont know how to access the backup again.

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well im not gonna try another program on it an destabilise the system further before I get the backed up file fully restored. I had pressed right click and merge but it does not seem to do the trick.

there must be a way to merge this file with the new registry file that cc cleaner bolloxed up.

I get following event:Warning: Error in parsing value for 'filter'. Declaration dropped.

Source File: http://static.ning.com/socialnetworkmain/w...sion=1191499405

Line: 1 and a whole page of these when I want to log into this site.

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There are many users of ccleaner who, like me, have never had ccleaner do this to a system (I have run it on many).

Which means this is 99.99999999999999% unlikely to be CCleaners fault or any malicious design in ccleaner.


This is more likely to do with a virus or hacker related situation.

Configuring your computer to deny you access is not something ccleaner can set up.


1. Try running in safe mode, log in as administrator, and try merging the registry backup again, also try using system restore.

2. If you need to back files up, boot off a Unix or BartPE cd/dvd and backup important files to a CD or USB stick or even another hard drive.

3. Then go through and run the steps in the "Spyware Hell" section of the forum (linked to by Andavari)

4. Don't restore any backup files till you have fully scanned them for infection.


Stop jumping off the deep end and blaming ccleaner for your woe's,

there are many experienced people here happy to help if you, if keep as calm as possible.


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what can i do besides throwing away my 550 euro half year old laptop and suing cc cleaner for the grieve and the new laptop?


Hi, duped.


You are wise to back up everything before going further. :)


What Andavari suggested is nothing more than posting some logs in the Spyware Hell forum, so that a spyware moderator can diagnose the problem and tell you how to fix it. It's safe to do that.

The CCleaner SLIM version is always released a bit after any new version; when it is it will be HERE :-)

Pssssst: ... It isn't really a cloud. Its a bunch of big, giant servers.

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Sorry bout panicing there guys.

Well I do have a strange situation with this laptop. when it downloads and I download it again the counter goes 1, 3, 5 etc. instead of 1, 2, 3.

Does that mean there is a shadow computer or am I making guesses that are too wild?

But seriously it has to be cc cleaner because 1 second before running it everything seemed fine and directly after running it the homepage did not open etc.

So yes something might have been leeching in on my computer and due to cc cleaner that link might be lost thus preventing me from accessing but I am really guessing here. (might be a good one for an sf book lol)

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Well I do have a strange situation with this laptop. when it downloads and I download it again the counter goes 1, 3, 5 etc. instead of 1, 2, 3.

I have never seen anything like that.

The Firefox download manager has a progress bar and a running count of MB transferred.

I suggest you explain what you were downloading, from where, and with what.


But seriously it has to be cc cleaner because 1 second before running it everything seemed fine and directly after running it the homepage did not open etc.

CCleaner is NOT a malware fighter, but is designed to erase redundant junk files, and some malware consider this as a hostile act because they hide in TEMP files. Perhaps you had a keylogger quietly logging and when CCleaner destroyed its home the keylogger phoned home and then deliberately trashed the system a bit to obscure its past activities.



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