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advanced cleaner


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Under my advanced column I don't have anything ticked.


In case you haven't seen it, here is the documentation, I have linked it to open at the advanced windows file section




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You know I was gonna ask the same question about that wipe free space thing. When I used it, it took a lot of time and it seem to have scanned both partitions of my hard disk. But in the very end, 0KB was deleted.

I love computer maintenance tasks.

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Wordpad -basic word processing

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CCleaner- handy computer maintenance tool


If something fails to work after using the registry cleaner, use SYSTEM RESTORE.

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Connie, of all the Advanced settings Wipe Free Space is the last one I would tick. I have never used it and don't intend to. If you must use it then run it once every six months or so, not as a permanent setting. I would leave the Advanced settings on their defaults.


Ishi, if you mean that you didn't get an increase in disk space after running WFS, there's no reason why you should. WFS does what it says, it overwrites all free space so no data will be deleted.

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You know I was gonna ask the same question about that wipe free space thing. When I used it, it took a lot of time and it seem to have scanned both partitions of my hard disk. But in the very end, 0KB was deleted.


Ishi, if you have to use it, and I agree with both comments above, then make sure you go to "CCleaner\Options\Settings", and check only one drive at a time.



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At the least prompt before registry changes.




edit: Up to you of course, but when editing that registry should always create a backup. :)

The CCleaner SLIM version is always released a bit after any new version; when it is it will be HERE :-)

Pssssst: ... It isn't really a cloud. Its a bunch of big, giant servers.

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Ishi, if you have to use it, and I agree with both comments above, then make sure you go to "CCleaner\Options\Settings", and check only one drive at a time.




I`m missing something here. Although for instance I have not ticked wipe free space drives in the advanced options, am I still going to get the C drive wiped if in the settings tab the wipe free space drive option is ticked(by default)?

OS : MS windows XP pro sp3 Processor : AMD Athlon 64x2 Dual core 3800, 2009Mhz.
Mother board : Gygabyte M61 PM-S2 Ram : 3GB
Disk space : 649.05 GB Default browser: Firefox
Protection : Sandboxie, MBam free version

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No. That option is useless unless you tick "Wipe Free Space".



OS : MS windows XP pro sp3 Processor : AMD Athlon 64x2 Dual core 3800, 2009Mhz.
Mother board : Gygabyte M61 PM-S2 Ram : 3GB
Disk space : 649.05 GB Default browser: Firefox
Protection : Sandboxie, MBam free version

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Ishi, if you have to use it, and I agree with both comments above, then make sure you go to "CCleaner\Options\Settings", and check only one drive at a time.



Yes I know about that setting. But I have recently discovered that at least 200 MB of my disk space became free again for no known reason and that was probably after I used the wipe free space option. But I think my computer is good, nothing important was deleted. If anything in high priority was deleted in my PC, I also have Recuva installed to recover lost files.

I love computer maintenance tasks.

Some of my favorite programs:

Wordpad -basic word processing

Notepad - temporary clipboard and basic scripting module

Windows Media Player 12- video, music and online radio player

Windows Media Center - live TV, local FM radio

CCleaner- handy computer maintenance tool


If something fails to work after using the registry cleaner, use SYSTEM RESTORE.

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Ishi, I think you are on Vista. Two hundred mb is nothing, hardly one restore point in Vis. That sort of space fluctuates as you're using the pc: even if you're not good old Windows will amuse itself sorting your hard drive out.

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Ishi, I think you are on Vista. Two hundred mb is nothing, hardly one restore point in Vis. That sort of space fluctuates as you're using the pc: even if you're not good old Windows will amuse itself sorting your hard drive out.

Yes, I use Vista but I have disabled System Protection so I have no restore points available where Vista will consume 200 MB with just one restore point but I have that disabled. It can be disabled by right clicking computer, then Properties, then go to the advanced setting, then System Protection, then just uncheck the boxes there for the drives where system protection is enabled. And for your information, CCleaner has a separate tool for deleting restore points.

I love computer maintenance tasks.

Some of my favorite programs:

Wordpad -basic word processing

Notepad - temporary clipboard and basic scripting module

Windows Media Player 12- video, music and online radio player

Windows Media Center - live TV, local FM radio

CCleaner- handy computer maintenance tool


If something fails to work after using the registry cleaner, use SYSTEM RESTORE.

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Sys Restore was just an example. The point is that a fluctuation of 200 mb, especially on Vista, is nothing when you're using your pc. NTFS transaction logging, buffer flushing and countless other things.

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