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CCleaner running slower than hell


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Iv'e been using CCleaner for a long while now, and back when i first started using it it was damn near instantaneous. Now it takes around 5 minutes to complete the scan, occasionally as long as 15. The actual deletion is considerably faster, but still around 30 seconds when it used to be microseconds. Anyone know how to get CCleaner back up to speed? I always stay updated.

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Welcome Klaustrophobia


What operating system do you use and what are the specifications of you system?

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school." - Albert Einstein

IE7Pro user

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Also what Antivirus am you using.




Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


Support at https://support.ccleaner.com/s/?language=en_US

Pro users file a PRIORITY SUPPORT via email support@ccleaner.com

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i have it running on 2 computers, one lenovo laptop w/ intel T2500, 2GB ram, ati mobility x1400


desktop: amd 5600+ @3.1 ghz, amd770 chipset mobo, 2 gb ddr2800 ram, ati HD 4850


both running XP pro SP3. previously had an athlon XP 2.4 setup with 1gb ram, ati 9800pro. when CCleaner used to be fast, it was on this. but it went slow before the new build. seemed to happen after one of the updates, but never went back even with rollbacks.


edit: forgot, anti-virus is AVG free 8.0

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got another question to add. is CCleaner known to cause problems with flash player? i keep having to reinstall my flash player, but simply going to the flash site and downloading it does not fix it. i have to run an uninstaller program to clear it first, and this keeps reoccuring. it seems that it might be happening after i run CCleaner scans, but i haven't been able to confirm it. i would think it's the registry scans that do it.

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i should have mentioned, i already did that. which is why i'm not 100% sure it is CCleaner doing it. i was hoping it would be a known bug/required setting i'm missing if it was CCleaner.


any thoughts on the slow thing though? anyone? bueller?

Hello Klaustrophobia,

Why not stop messing with the Registry for awhile until you get things straight ?


Make sure that you have all the latest updates from Microsoft. Especially related to C++.

The older programs are larger and slower.

15 min to Analyze is definitely a problem going on.


What versions were you using when you considered CCleaner to be instantaneous ?


Good luck,

:) davey

P.S. For comparative purposes from 2.02 thru 2.13, I have experienced Analysis times from 1 to 1 1/2 seconds per MB. I have a Pent4 2.8Ghz with 256 MB RAM. I am using mainly "default" settings except I don't use CCleaner to empty my Recycle Bin. I do use the winapp2.ini file as provided on the forum. This is normally done with no other active processes. All browsers etc. turned off. It only ran slower when I , unknowingly had MS updates being downloaded at the same time. I have Indexing turned off for both Windows searches. This is done at the end of the day. Most of the cleaning involves Temporary Internet files 30- 120 MB normal deletion. I am using WinXP Pro SP3. I have 10-15% free space with no "whole disk" Defragmentation in months on a non partitioned 80 GB Hard Drive.(My C drive) I use Defraggler daily "file" defragmentation only. I rely on WinXP disk optimization processes.

P.S. Use Task Manager to monitor what is going on when you run CCleaner.

Edited by davey
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the version that would run instantly was WAY back, 1.4- something i think. back when it had the older, not quite as snazzy icon. if you know what i'm talking about. the first time i ran it, it analyzed over a gb of stuff to delete in about 2 seconds. subsequent runs would display times of .1-odd seconds for upwards of 600mb. i don't run CCleaner with other applications up, but i don't go through and kill background processes either. i have indexing and system restore turned off, but these had both been on when it was fast. i thought maybe CCleaner used the indexing service to quickly identify junk files when it first started happening, but no improvement when i turned indexing back on. norton corperate edition was the antivirus i had when it was fast, but that can't be the issue because it started with the slow scans before i dumped norton for avg. my hard drive is a 300gb with around 50% free space (i have a lot of movie and lossless audio files). i'm pretty sure it's not the amount of data slowing it down, because by watching what it is analyzing as it goes, it spends about 80% of the rediculously long time in the temporary internet files. the only other brain wave i have on this is that if for some reason CCleaner scans the entire physical area of the hard drive, that could be it, because i used to have a 40gb hdd. though i can't remember if the slowdown happened around the same time as the HDD switch.


as for the flash thing, i have an experiment planned to confirm that it is CCleaner or not. if it comes up positive, i guess it will be a matter of hunting through the reg detections and excluding it.

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the version that would run instantly was WAY back, 1.4- something i think. back when it had the older, not quite as snazzy icon. if you know what i'm talking about. the first time i ran it, it analyzed over a gb of stuff to delete in about 2 seconds. subsequent runs would display times of .1-odd seconds for upwards of 600mb.

I never used the old version but it was written a lot simpler in VB back then.

I thought you might be talking about back in those 1. x versions.


They updated to C++ for many reasons. I have seen it run the cleaner in less than 1 second but very few times with very small amount of data.

There is a lot of sorting and things going on now but with your PC it should still be faster than mine.

How often do you use CCleaner and approx. MB build up in Temp Int. files ? :) davey


Did you update from MS and reboot ?

Personally, I would never turn off System Restore. Surprisingly. it saved my butt. :lol: I do have it's size changed to about 2 GB .


P.S. You can use Defraggler to see how defragmented those Temp Int. files are.

IF you have files with hundreds of fragments then you want to do some "file" defragmenting at least.

I never do "whole disk" defragmenting anymore. It isn't needed for me. Matter of fact it would slow down my processing.

I have tested it out in my case. "File defragmentation" is all I need.

BTW, you can use Andavari's Defraggler Shell and defrag just certain folders and not even touch your "movie or music" files or folders. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=17287

Edited by davey
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i run CCleaner about once a week on average. i always keep my drive defragmented, but i just use the windows defragger. i defrag after every program, driver, or update install, and then every so often when i think about it if i haven't done one for a couple of weeks or so.


ahh, analysis just finished. here we go. left out the file list except for temp internet files.


as a side note, i turned off system restore because i found it to be useless. there was something i did a while back messing with my computer, i knew i could screw something up before i did it, so i created a manual restore point. made my changes, and as i expected, they messed some stuff up. went to restore from the manual save point, and not a DAMN thing changed back. so i figured there's no reason to have it sitting there taking up resources and disk space if it is going to be of zero benefit.


i DO keep it on my laptop where i keep most of my work, but i've turned it down to minimum space to use. can't be too careful with all my class notes and projects.


ANALYSIS COMPLETE - (270.807 secs)


329.3MB to be removed. (Approximate size)



Details of files to be deleted (Note: No files have been deleted yet)


IE Temporary Internet Files (16281 files) 321.2MB




and just for kicks:

CLEANING COMPLETE - (12.452 secs)


337.3MB removed.

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Klaustrophobia, I hope you are no relation to Santa Klaus :lol:


By the way, in Tools then Internet Options then Browsing history then Settings the default disk space alloted is 10% of the hard drive (HD) which was OK when the HDs were much smaller.


I make mine 100MB that I find is adequate for normal browsing.

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school." - Albert Einstein

IE7Pro user

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I don't think that it's anything that's inherent in CC as a program, as it zips along for me in a few secs (I cleaned yesterday, 30 mb, must have been around 2 secs). But I run CC about twice a week, when it has around 30 to 50 mb to clean (hardly worth it, really). So maybe it's something in the amount and size of the files that are being deleted.


Just to get one thing out of the way, you are using normal deletion (no overwrites) aren't you?


Can you estimate what the files to be deleted are? Lots of small files, or fewer large files?


Have you thought of running CC more frequently?


As an aside I have never updated VB, C+, or much else in the two+ years of my PC's life.

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As an aside I have never updated VB, C+, or much else in the two+ years of my PC's life.

I always give this advice as we never know how the system has been upgraded, system restored, repaired whatever. It is always best to be sure the most basic of things are correct. Many times I forget to tell users to go to MS updates and get their software up to date. The PC I am currently using had never been updated for 3 1/2 years. :lol:

I am sure that you keep your PC in proper shape.

:) davey

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ANALYSIS COMPLETE - (270.807 secs)


329.3MB to be removed. (Approximate size)


Details of files to be deleted (Note: No files have been deleted yet)


IE Temporary Internet Files (16281 files) 321.2MB

and just for kicks:

CLEANING COMPLETE - (12.452 secs)


337.3MB removed.

Hi Klaus,

It looks like you are doing everything OK on your PC.

Your cleaning is taking the average amount of time as far as I have seen from other users experience also.


I think Windows Disk Defragmenter is the best thing for MOST PC users. Just don't over do it. If the Defragmenter says that you don't need to defrag then DON"T defrag. The free spaces spread around your Hard Drive are beneficial not detrimental as some users think.


I would follow the advice to lower the amount of space allocated to Temporary Internet Files and run CCleaner more frequently if the amount of time that it takes now bothers you. Most of the users here use from 50 MB to 150 MB for allocation purposes.


I find around 2 GB good and safe to provide enough System Restore Points for most XP users. I have had as low as 1 GB but I have had system restore points as large as 600 MB when dong some major installs and uninstalls. I am the kind of person that likes a few different things available for recovery purposes.

ERUNT has saved me also and I think all XP machines should have it.


Good luck,

:) davey

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ok, well now that i know that kind of time is normal, i'm fine with it. i was really only bothered because it used to do the same amount of cleaning in under a second with the old versions (like it claims :P), and i thought i had screwed something up in the program. i don't use secure delete, and i like having a large-ish temp internet files space for long browsing sessions repeatedly visiting the same pages. when i don't need the temp files anymore, i run CCleaner. as for defragging, i don't do it specifically to compact the free space, but i can't really help that it does. any time i run the analysis and see fragmented files (other than temp files) i will defrag. that's really the important part to me, because it speeds up the loading of programs. and of course i keep updated on windows update :)

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