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Browser advertising


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How do I get rid of browser advertising? Browser provided by Tiscali etc. This is for a friend. I've done it on mine but forgotten how.


Thanks as always.



It is never difficult to distinguish between a Scotsman with a grievance and a ray of sunshine. P. G. Wodehouse

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I can't really help much but I do love sticking my nose in other peoples' mis-haps. :)


By browser ads.....do you mean for the browser itself? (splashscreen intros, etc.?)

Or typical ads that you see while browsing around on the internet?


Nevermind, you mean splashscreens.

Did I already say I can't help much? Well, I can't. :lol: But that's okay cause you're Woody & I've seen your name like a bajillions times on the forum and I'm sure Danny or Adarvi or Dakotah or Minuet or some other superhero will land in this thread and save the day.


Me? I'm gonna have a ciggy.

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If you have SpywareBlaster ("some folks call is SpyBlaster"):

1. Go into 'Tools->Misc IE. Settings'

2. Under 'Internet Explorer Customizations' type in what you wish

The default for IE7 is: Windows Internet Explorer

If I'm remembering correctly I think previous versions were: Microsoft Internet Explorer

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Woody I am a fellow UK Tiscali user.


We must swop horror stories :)

Horror stories!!! :blink: We all want to read horror stories.

Especially about Browsers we may be thinking about trying.

I prefer to avoid horror situations by getting a little info from my friends. :D

:) davey

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Tiscali is not a browser it is an Internet Service Provider. :)

Thanks Hazel.

Woody said "Browser provided by Tiscali etc.".I thought it was something new.

Horror stories about ISPs sound very interesting also.

I imagine the info wouldn't do me much good on this side of the pond though.

:) davey


P.S. IE7 with IE7Pro works just fine for us to get rid of all the ads.

Whoops,almost forgot about SpywareBlaster.Thanks SpywareBlaster!!!

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Woody, go the the page that is linked below and scroll down to the bit called Branding - Remove, it is about three quarters of the way down the page.


I'm sure that is what you are on about and it should give the result you desire.



That's it. Thank you! :rolleyes:

It is never difficult to distinguish between a Scotsman with a grievance and a ray of sunshine. P. G. Wodehouse

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Woody I am a fellow UK Tiscali user.


We must swop horror stories :)

I'm with BT. This is for a friend who is with Tiscali.


Thanks Andavari but she won't have Spywareblaster. Perhaps I should introduce her to it. :)

It is never difficult to distinguish between a Scotsman with a grievance and a ray of sunshine. P. G. Wodehouse

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