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Auto Start Apps


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Hi Humpty :) , I've been wondering about apps in my startup folder.

1/ Adobe Reader Speed Launch.

2/ Microsoft Office.

I rarely (hardly ever) use these apps.

What's the easiest way to stop them from starting?

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You could try msconfig and untick those startups.


Some startups just re-enable themselves so you may have to use something a bit stronger like Winpatrol or Mike Lins Startup Control Panel


Don't delete the startups with those apps as they do have a disable feature as well, so they can easily be re-enabled if needed.

Hi Humpty ;) , I just unchecked those two apps in msconfig startup and rebooted my machine.

After Windows started a message said that I was using selective startup.

Would there be an option in the actual programs "Adobe Reader" & "Microsoft Office" to stop them starting with Windows?

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Hi Humpty ;) , I just unchecked those two apps in msconfig startup and rebooted my machine.

After Windows started a message said that I was using selective startup.

Would there be an option in the actual programs "Adobe Reader" & "Microsoft Office" to stop them starting with Windows?

I think that message always comes up after using msconfig and rebooting with an option to tick something along the lines of "Don't show this message again".


Not familiar with Adobe as I use Foxit Reader and I think Office may install a service?


Not much help there Craig, sorry. :unsure:

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I think that message always comes up after using msconfig and rebooting with an option to tick something along the lines of "Don't show this message again".

So is it OK to use msconfig (startup) to stop these apps? and would it be worth while not having these apps start with Windows?

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If they still work OK and start manually when needed then there's really no need for them to autostart.

Hi Humpty ;) , I can still launch them manually and I clicked "Don't show this message again" when msconfig started after rebooting.

I have 12 apps still listed.

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10 Startups here:


ClipMate7 c:\program files\clipmate7\clipmate.exe

FileLocatorProHotKey c:\program files\mythicsoft\filelocator pro\flprohotkey.exe

Firefox Preloader c:\progra~1\firefo~1\firefo~1.exe

H/PC Connection Agent "c:\progra~1\mi3aa1~1\wcescomm.exe"

OnlineArmor GUI "c:\program files\tall emu\online armor\oaui.exe"

RoxioDragToDisc "c:\program files\roxio\easy cd creator 6\dragtodisc\drgtodsc.exe"

SnagIt 8 c:\progra~1\techsm~1\snagit~2\snagit32.exe

TClockEx c:\program files\tclockex\tclockex.exe

TurboNote c:\progra~1\turbon~1\tbnote.exe

avgnt "c:\program files\antivir personaledition premium\avgnt.exe" /min /nosplash



Incidentally, you can easily copy the contents of Msconfig/Startup by going to Start > Run > Msinfo32, then go to Software Environment > Startup programs

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  • Stuff I Let Run:
  • AVG Control Center: C:\Program Files\Grisoft\AVG7\avgcc.exe /STARTUP
  • Microsoft IntelliPoint: C:\Program Files\Microsoft IntelliPoint\point32.exe
  • Microsoft IntelliType Pro: C:\Program Files\Microsoft IntelliType Pro\itype.exe
    Stuff I've added myself into: Start Menu\All Programs\Startup:
  • Push The Freakin Button
  • Uppercase 7-Zip Archives
    Stuff I've disabled, because they're either resource hogs or completely unnecessary:
    Start Menu\All Programs\Startup (Disabled):
  • HP Digital Imaging Monitor: C:\Program Files\HP\Digital Imaging\bin\hpqtra08.exe
  • HP Photosmart Premier Fast Start: C:\Program Files\HP\Digital Imaging\bin\hpqthb08.exe -s
  • Qwest QuickCare: C:\Program Files\Qwest\QuickCare\bin\sprtcmd.exe /P QUICKCARE


So that's 8 startups minus any services that run. Oh yeah that Uppercase 7-Zip Archives is just a .reg file to "beautify" 7-Zip's archive type descriptions in Windows Explorer, I'm very picky about that type of thing.

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Four entries here:




Volume tray icon (needed as laptop doesn't have a physical volume control :( )

AMD Dual Core Optimiser


A useful program I found for deleting old disabled entries from msconfig is MSConfig Cleanup. I know this can probably be done via the registry but this was quicker when I was looking for a way of removing old entries (would make a useful addition to CCleaner)

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NvCpl (probably component of nVidia's drivers) RUNDLL32.EXE C:\windows\system32\NvCpl.dll,NvStartup

nwiz (probably component of nVidia's drivers) nwiz.exe /install

NvMcTray (probably component of nVidia's drivers) RUNDLL32.EXE C:\windows\system32\NvMcTray.dll,NvYaskbarInit

NeroCheck (component of Nero :P) C:\Windows\System32\NeroCheck.exe

Reader_sl (Adobe Speed Launch for those who aren't familiar, needed) "D:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader\Reader_sl.exe"

egui (NOD32/ESS' GUI process) "D:\Program Files\ESET\ESET NOD32 Antivirus\egui.exe" /hide /waitservice

HWinPlus (Hide Window Plus) D:\Program Files\ESET\HideWindowPlus\HWinPlus.exe -background

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NvCpl (probably component of nVidia's drivers) RUNDLL32.EXE C:\windows\system32\NvCpl.dll,NvStartup

nwiz (probably component of nVidia's drivers) nwiz.exe /install

NvMcTray (probably component of nVidia's drivers) RUNDLL32.EXE C:\windows\system32\NvMcTray.dll,NvYaskbarInit

Reader_sl (Adobe Speed Launch for those who aren't familiar, needed) "D:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader\Reader_sl.exe"


None of the above are essential to the workings of either your Graphics card or Adobe Reader.


I have three of them, and they have been disabled from the beginning.


NvCpl and nwiz are only required in some cases, namely when you have one of the advanced features of your Graphics card enabled. If that's not the case, they should be disabled.


Adobe Speed Launch is a useless feature. On modern day computers you won't notice any difference at all with or without it enabled.

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Try this craig.


StartUpLight from Malwarebytes. Gives you a good measure of control over your startup.


Startuplight V1.06: (This release October 30th 2007)


I've just updated to this version myself.

Hi Dennis :) , thanks for the link to "StartUpLite" I decided to try it :D

I'm not sure if StartUpLite has a problem?

After running it and restarting my machine, it keeps finding and wanting to disable the same two items.


2/ NvCplDaemon

If I check the list in "msconfig-startup" those two items are unchecked anyway.

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Hi Dennis :) , thanks for the link to "StartUpLite" I decided to try it :D

I'm not sure if StartUpLite has a problem?

After running it and restarting my machine, it keeps finding and wanting to disable the same two items.


2/ NvCplDaemon

If I check the list in "msconfig-startup" those two items are unchecked anyway.

ctfmon.exe takes special steps to remove it. Thankfully MS tell you how:



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ctfmon.exe takes special steps to remove it. Thankfully MS tell you how:



Thanks JDPower :) , I don't think I'm going to bother with it.

A few weeks ago "Smitfraud" stuffed up my (Add or Remove-Programs) list, and I can't go through the procedure as described in http://support.microsoft.com/kb/282599

That still leaves "NvCplDaemon" It's a System Tray icon for changing settings for my nVidia graphics card, it starts NVIDIA Control Panel.

As I mentioned this item is unchecked in "msconfig-startup" anyway.

While NVIDIA Control Panel is running I unchecked the option to display it in the System Tray also.

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have 4 items here:


1. ctfmon.exe

2. SiteAdvisor(any advice to this? :D if i remove this one will there be a conflict when i start my browser?)

3. SpywareTerminator

4. ZoneAlarmClient

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None of the above are essential to the workings of either your Graphics card or Adobe Reader.


I have three of them, and they have been disabled from the beginning.


NvCpl and nwiz are only required in some cases, namely when you have one of the advanced features of your Graphics card enabled. If that's not the case, they should be disabled.


Adobe Speed Launch is a useless feature. On modern day computers you won't notice any difference at all with or without it enabled.

I've played with Speed Launch and found a difference in speed, but it doesn't always run in the memory so I'll leave it. I also use the advanced features of nVidia.

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I took McAfee out of my startup and it still runs fine in FF and IE.


I'm puzzled though, why it has to have a service running all the time.

Must just be for IE, I only use it in FF and haven't seen any startup item or service for it.

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