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Need help with TCPOptimizer


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Thanks for advice. There are options like "restore windows default settings", "restore backed up settings", but they don't help. I tried to make a registry backup, using WinSock XP Fix program, but all I get is error. It looks like it's not letting me to change the registry. Don't know what to do about it.

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I remember seeing on the web back in the xp days what the default tcp receive window and all of the rest of it is. Youll be able to recover the defaults from the web using regedit.


Vista has a dynamic tcpip stack that optimises the settings in real time

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Hi Kaa :)


Let's try something simple first. Go to Start, Run and type in cmd. At the command prompt, type netsh winsock reset. It'll prompt you to restart afterwards. See if this helps.

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I could not make system restore, it said there were no changes made to the system.

netsh winsock reset; netsh int ip reset iplog.txt did not helped

I made troubleshoot and here is what i get:


It looks like there are problems with DNS servers and Network Adapter. I have to change the DNS servers, but what to do with Adapter?

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Have you tried... Fixing your connection trough Network Connections (or whatever it is in english)? Also, check your connection devices like ADSL-modem with ADSL-connection and so on. I'd go for basics first because I have tried this optimizer and whereas it didn't do anything magical, it neither did anything bad to my system.

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Have a look here Kaa




By troubleshoot do you mean the event viewer on your computer? If not, have a look there and see if it gives an error number.


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The troubleshoot I made was Start>Help and Support>Use Tools to view your computer information and diagnose problems>Network Diagnostics.

If it says there are problems with the Network Adapter, maybe i should reinstall it?

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You may try it, just be careful. Drivers are never easy ones when it comes to reinstalling.


I haven't familiarized myself with how this optimizer works, as it just gave good results with a few clicks and "Exit". But if I remember right, it writes changes to the that part of a registry which controls Windows Networking in general. So reinstalling drivers maybe isn't the complete solution. Anyway, I'd go for them for now.

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