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Everything posted by nukecad

  1. You need to give us more information if we are to try and work out just what is going wrong. Your Windows version and which AntiVirus you use are usually the absolute basics to be able to start troubleshooting problems, so it saves time if we don't have to ask for them. For instance Trend Micro AV is currently blocking CCleaner, Trend are working to fix it and we can tell you what to to to get round it yourself until they do. That particular error message you report is often associated with Windows TLS settings. Open the Control Panel, and go to Internet Options, Advanced tab, scroll to the bottom, in the Security section, and tick all of the Use TLS versions, (except the 'experimental' one if you have that). DEP and ASLT settings can also cause installs to fail; see the post in the thread linked below. This thread contains various solutions that have been shown to work when download/install fails to work for various reasons (Including old OS's and hardware). https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/5739-solution-when-ccleaner-wont-install-or-download-windows/
  2. An old scam is back, it never realy went away but has suddenly increased again - no doubt trying to target/exploit increased computer use during the current C-19 lockdowns. https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/large-email-extortion-campaign-underway-dont-panic/ PS. I've also seen reports of a variant of the email that says they have hacked your smartphones camera and address book.
  3. Really? This is your first post here so where have you previously suggested it? You have obviously resized sections, and customised the Drive Map display, to your liking. Defraggler lets you do that and will save your changes when you close it, you don't have to "keep resetting on Every start-up" defraggler will remember how you had changed things. Why do you think that anyone else would want to have their display set the way that you set yours? EDIT- Just out of interest what version of Defraggler are you using? The latest is v2.22.995 I ask because it looks like you may be using an old version. Your 'Properties window is not showing a graphic and your Drive Map is missing a couple of entries, (although that may be because you have resized them), they should look like this:
  4. "MsiInstaller Event ID 11316" message is from Windows that says you are trying to install something that already exists. (often a driver) I believe that "CCleaner Update Helper" is part of 'Software Updater' and 'Health Check', so suspect that it may be trying to update something that Windows says is already updated.. Try this: Open CCleaner and click on Tools>Software Updater then wait for it to tell you what it has found that needs updating. That will be the thing that Windows is saying is already installed. Let us know: Whatever Software Updater has found? Which version of Windows you are using? Which AntiVirus are you using? Is CCleaner Home Screen set to Health Check or Custom Clean? (Options>Settings). Do you have CCleaner Pro set to run on a schedule?
  5. OK, so you purchased a licence but think that you gave the wrong email address so never actually got sent the licence key. Don't give any personal details here on the forum, for your own security. First thing to do if you haven't already is to check your email spam folder, sometimes the reply with the key gets flagged as spam by email servers. If it's not there then you need to contact support to resolve licencing issues - it's not something that we can do on the open forum, again for your security. Give them as many details of the purchase as you can (Date, name, card/account used, etc.) and they should be able to track it down for you and correct it. There is a contact form here: https://support.piriform.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Or you can email them: support@ccleaner.com
  6. Unless you have recently made a backup copy of your Firefox profile then I'm afraid that the history been deleted. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/back-and-restore-information-firefox-profiles If you had set up syncing in Firefox then would have been able to get some of the history back from there, but it sounds as if you are not synced. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/how-do-i-set-sync-my-computer Also see this post which tells you how to prevent CCleaner from clearing you Firefox history (or anything else you don't want cleared) in future: PS. If certain websites are important then it's always better to bookmark them rather than relying on browser history.
  7. In Windows go to Settings>Apps and check what you have for this setting: If like that screenshot you have it set to 'The Microsoft Store only' then you will need to change it to one of the 'Anywhere' options to install anything that has not come from the app store. The problem may also be because you are trying to run the installer in compitibility mode for an earlier version of Windows, you should also check that to be sure to switch it back to no compatibility mode. In File Explorer right click on ccsetup565.exe and select Properties from the context menu. Select the Compatibility tab and check that 'Run in compatibility mode for:' is unticked. We often see this white screen problem if trying to run the Standard installer for newer CC versions on (compatibility with) Win7. If neither of those needs changing (or changing them still doesn't work) then try downloading and installing the 'Slim' build which does sucessfully install on Win7. (Technical bit - there are 'offers' in the Standard installer that Win7 can't handle, the Slim installer does not have those offers). The Slim installer can be found and downloaded from here: https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/builds
  8. Thanks for your feedback John. You are not alone in those conclusions about Health Check. But it's meant as a simplified (dumbed down?) interface and some new users do like it, so it looks like we are stuck with Health Check being in CCleaner. (I've suggested myself that it should be a seperate product, with some agreement from other regulars here). To lessen your annoyance with Health Check then open CCleaner, go to Options>Settings, and change 'CCleaner Home Screen' to 'Custom Clean'. Once you have done that then every time you open CCleaner it will open with the old style we are all used to, (and you will never see Health Check's simplified screens again, unless you deliberately click on it). And of course Custom Clean gives you more control over what is being cleaned or not. (The HC options 'Speed' and 'Security' are then seperate tools 'Startup' and 'Software Updater' - and they won't run with Custom Clean unless you deliberately go to them). If you have other feedback suggestions about CCleaner then you may want to look at the new(ish) ideas board where you can add, and vote on, suggestions, as well as see a 'Roadmap' of which are being worked on and planned. https://ideas.ccleaner.com/ https://ideas.ccleaner.com/roadmap
  9. I think the bleepingcomputer article is more aimed at those who didn't already know about the telemetry options and so hadn't previously turned them off. (TBH I think a lot of it is copied/updated from an older, 2017?, article about Firefox telemetry, some of the pathnames and registry entries are different on my Win 10 1909 build 18363.752).
  10. No problem here. I already had the telemetry (and studies) turned off in Options>Privacy & Security. Updating to Firefox 75 has respected those settings, they are still off.. No scheduled task has been created.
  11. How did you buy an 'outdated' version? Or perhaps more to the point where did you buy it? There are plenty of scammers out there, and plenty selling fake licences, or who will try to sell the same licence hundreds, or thousands, of times. If you tell us where you got it from then they will be investigated/stopped. You can register any older version of CCleaner using a valid licence and it will update itself to the latest version with no further charge. If you are being told otherwise then you are not talking to Piriform/CCleaner but to someone who is trying to scam you If you try to register a fake, or already in use, licence then you will be told that it is 'Invalid' (not out of date). If you did purchase a vaild licence form Pirform then that message is simply saying that you are entering you registed name or key wrongly. You have to use the same name that you registered, and have to be careful not to mistype letters/numbers in the key. - 1 & l, 5 & S, 8 & B, etc. We see the mistyping mistake at least once a week - it's best to copy/paste the key from the purchase email.
  12. When you say 'can't update' do you mean it's not accepting your licence when you type it in? or is it something else? If you entered a wrong email then they wouldn't have been able to send you a licence key anyway, so I suspect that it's something else. Please describe what you mean by 'can't update', just what are you doing and seeing - we've probably already got the answer. It also helps if you tell us your Windows version and, particularly at the moment, what AntiVirus you are using.
  13. To save time asking, I'll take a guess that you have Trend Micro as your anti virus? Trend Micro is stopping CCleaner v5.65 from running for some reason. (There were also early reports of McAfee doing the same but that seems to have been fixed). We are told that Trend engineers are looking for why it suddenly started blocking CCleaner from running. In the meantime the following steps fix the problem for most: Many users have reported that once Trend Micro is updated to 2020 then CCleaner works as expected again. NOTE - Updating Trend Micro from within Trend Micro itself will tell you that you are up to date - but you may not be. You may have the 2018 or 2019 versions of TM, so while that version is up to date itself it is not the latest TM version. You need to download and install the TM 2020 upgrade - go to this page to 'grab' the 2020 upgrade. https://esupport.trendmicro.com/en-us/home/pages/technical-support/maximum-security/home.aspx If that still doesn't clear the problem, try Whitelisting ccleaner in Trend Micro 2020 following the directions in this post https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/57702-ccleaner-not-working-after-update/?tab=comments#comment-317617
  14. Yes, you can import Opera bookmarks but I believe that it has to be done after installation of CCleaner browser. See the steps and screenshot here:
  15. We suspected as much which is why we were asking. More than one user has reported that once Trend Micro is updated to 2020 then CCleaner works as expected again. Updating Trend Micro from within Trend Micro itself will tell you that you are up to date - but you may not be. You may have the 2018 or 2019 versions of TM, so while that version is up to date itself it is not the latest TM version. You may need to download and install the TM 2020 upgrade - go to this page to 'grab' the 2020 upgrade. https://esupport.trendmicro.com/en-us/home/pages/technical-support/maximum-security/home.aspx If that still doesn't clear the problem, try Whitelisting ccleaner in Trend Micro 2020 following the directions in this post https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/57702-ccleaner-not-working-after-update/?tab=comments#comment-317617 We are told that Trend are aware of this issue and that their engineers are looking for why it has suddenly started blocking CCleaner.
  16. The OP has replied (In a slightly odd way by reporting his own post so I've copied it here). There appears to have been a typo when support issued his new registration.
  17. Usually this is caused by one of two things. Trying to use a name that is different from the name that you registered. You must use the registered name. Typing numbers/letters wrongly - 1 & l, 2 & Z, 5 & S, 8 & B Try copy/paste of the information from the registration email into the boxes.
  18. That's a related group of questions that get asked a lot, so having the replies in one post we can point to is useful. And it gets changed now and again to keep up with changes to Windows and browsers. (I've just put the note about live tiles back in there, and added a note about synced browsers pre-loading).
  19. Trend are aware and are looking at it: https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/57689-update-failure/page/3/?tab=comments#comment-318143
  20. It sounds that you have installed the CCleaner browser and changed your file associations during the install. Most browsers will change your file associations when you first install them, unless you tell them not to. If/when this happens then it's easy enough to change them back. It often happens with PDF files so that's what I'll use in the example. Right click on any PDF file icon and select 'Open With > ' and then 'Choose another app'. Choose the application that you want to open PDFs with, then tick "Always use this App to open PDF files'. Click 'OK'. The file will open in the App that you have chosen, you can close it if you don't want to work on it just then. You only have to do this with one file and all your PDF icons should change back to how they were. (If they don't change straight away then restart your computer). See also the clips below. If the changed icons are for another type of file (.docx, .png, whatever) then it's the same process to reassociate each type of file back to open how you want it to (and so reset the icons).
  21. That site was shown as having a Revoked Security certificate. It was also blocked by Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Edge Chromium because of that Revoked certificate. The site owner will need to get a new certificate issued before browsers will stop blocking it.
  22. Yes, but when you run the installer it will try to install on your main drive unless you tell it not to. When you run the installer click 'Customise', then 'More', and enter the drive where you want it to be installed You may be better using the Portable version which doesn't need to be installed at all and so can be run from an external drive or even a memory stick. Simply unzip it (or just open the zipped folder) and double click on CCleaner .exe to run. https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/builds
  23. Ken, You've posted on a year old thread but not to worry. I believe that your problem is that you are still using Windows 7 and the Standard CCleaner installer needs later technology. CCleaner still works fully on Win7 but you will need to install the latest CCleaner on Windows 7 by using the 'Slim' installer which doesn't contain the advertising screen(s) that Win7 doesn't like. You can find the Slim installer here, third one down: https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/builds
  24. The Avast/AVG/Piriform offers during an update/install are pretty visible these days, and are not pre ticked. I haven't seen Avast VPN offered during an install, but do recall seeing it on a pop-up offer in the Windows notification area, have you maybe clicked the wrong thing in that pop-up? Here is the sort of thing that you get in the installer: (But be careful of the Chrome offer, that one is pre-ticked and easy to miss if you are not paying attention).
  25. It's simply the way that computers work, see the following explanation. In particular I would check if you have your browser synced. And more particulaly if you have your browser set to pre-load in the background when you start the computer. 'Live Tiles' on your start menu - weather, news, anything like that that shows video or updates - will also put cookies and temporary files on your computer. https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/52668-tracking-files/?tab=comments#comment-300043
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