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Everything posted by slowday444

  1. Well I discovered if I double click (so as not to auto scroll) with the wheel first then they work! Well, I also just discovered all you have to do is single left click anywhere on the page and those keys will work!
  2. on Google, MSN and Yahoo home pages? Most web sites they work but not on these home page type sites! Thank You!
  3. I had a two year subscription to ZA Pro but didn't renew it. This Comodo really reminds of it, different interface yes, but very similar in its actions and responses. I really don't see any reason to ever use a different one, since it has free lifetime support and the beta is supposed to be an even better product. As far as memory usage is concerned, at this moment with all its features enabled, it's using 3,722kb, which seems low to me. Relative to all RAM usage, you all need to periodically scan your memory with AVG Anti-Spyware if you own it (don't know if free has that option!). If you run CCleaner first, then the scan, it takes less than 1? minutes. If you don't clean first it will take over two minutes. I do this about twice a day or after a scan with another product. I'm running (open and monitoring) AVG A-S, Spy Sweeper, Windows Defender, NOD32, Comodo, HDD HD Temp Monitor, MemInfo, PopTray, Weather Pulse and of course Firefox and at all times my memory usage is around 350MB to 400 MB of 1G. Apparently, when a process uses memory, it doesn't return it and AVG A-S frees it up. After a scan, with all those processes running except a browser, usage drops to 270 MB. Have a good New Year!
  4. http://www.windowsonecare.com/prodinfo/bac...oredetails.aspx
  5. Thank you hazelnut! I failed to mention that when I used RegSeeker to find Sonic entries it found 89 and that really freaked me out. I was going to backup the registry anyway, especially since I wasn't able to delete the folder but when I saw all the entries I just backed out and left them. I've enclosed an example of those dlls that I'm concerned about. What do you think about removing most of the other files from that folder?
  6. I now have Ashampoo, so I attempt to delete this folder after uninsalling (tried to uninstall) Sonic Record Now but I couldn't. Problem is, all the dlls you see that start with ms are MS files. Could I delete all but those files or should I just not worry about it since sonic isn't really hurting anything and I have a ton of disk space anyway? The reason I ran the unistall was because I opened it to see what it looked like compared to Ashampoo and it started nagging me about upgrading, which ticked me off. I had forgot that it always did do that.
  7. around that is preventing it's folder from being deleted after an uninstall? I even tried it with unlocker and it couldn't do it.
  8. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/12/25/technolo...agewanted=print
  9. You are all to clever but my heart is just as big! Merry Christmas!
  10. In view of an impending Christmas gift from one of my children, a Maxtor OneTouch III External HD, I just did their flash tutorial. From what I can ascertain, I would not need any backup software programs like Acronis or Norton feature, just the software the OneTouch comes with. Is this correct? Also, it appears as though, besides backing up files, I can create system restore points, the thing I would most value. Comments please! Thank You! http://maxtor.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/maxtor....amp;p_topview=1
  11. Oh, I thought it did this: DirectX improves the graphics, security, and performance of your operating system. Download and install this update for your Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, or Windows XP-based system.
  12. http://www.microsoft.com/windows/directx/default.mspx
  13. So, in the past month, three of us at work just got new Dells with XP Pro and our IT lady left the XP Pro Service Pack 2 Reinstallation CD. When my daughter comes for Christmas will we be able to reinstall Office with this CD? I assume it's part of Pro, right? Thank You!
  14. From another site, a poster linked a 60 day trial of Office 2003 which seems to be working fine. This will get her through a busy week. Before informing her IT department she is going to cry to MS and see if that gets her anywhere. Apparently all of her important work things are in Outlook. Thanks all!
  15. I'd suggested that also but she said she checked and it wasn't there! She basically has resigned herself to the fact that she has to call her IT folks tomorrow. Thanks all!
  16. My daughter, who is working part time on her MBA at Boston U, uninstalled Office7 Beta today for some incompatibility issue she was having while working on a project. She had been using 7 Beta for several months and really liked it. She was using her companies lap top (XP Pro) and it also uninstalled MS Office. Apparently, the Beta must have installed over Office. Now she has no Word, Excel, etc. She tried doing an XP restore but it gave her the message (I paraphrase), there is nothing wrong with your computer, try an earlier restore point! Have any suggestions? My main question is: since she doesn't have the XP Disc, since it's a company computer and tech support is in Atlanta and she is in Boston, if she contacts MS and they see she has a valid copy of XP, would they give her a link to download Office? Thank You!
  17. I did some testing this morning! While using Open DNS, I timed using the Fasterfox timer going to Yahoo. Then, again using Fasterfox, I timed to Stopwatch (http://www.numion.com/stopwatch/index.html?). Once I was at Stopwatch, I used there timer and went to Altavista, Excite, Microsoft, Netscape and Tucows. Then I set my router back to the ISP server, cleaned the cash, rebooted and checked to make sure I was not using OpenDNS with their test link. Cleaned everything again with CCleaner, then ran the exact same test. My ISP was faster to every site, by from one to over three seconds. My normal download speeds, by the way, are about 4.8mbps, testing at multiple sites. One possibility is that somehow the Stopwatch site cached the sites I went to since I was using their default test sites and I had just tested there. I even opened my Prefetch Windows folder and looking at the times it appeared to only prefetch startup programs and my CCleaner cleaning. Perhaps my ISPs servers are closer and that has something to do with it. Your thoughts?
  18. Sorry ridge, but I deleted it from my gmail the other night or I would have been glad to! Joining their forum seemed quite painless though!
  19. I think it works great! Been using it on a sports forum where I got banned for criticizing a coach. Faster than most proxies! No conflicts with any other applications so far. Thank You!
  20. What is the advantage, disadvantage of having a browser enabled as the default browser? I one click my Firefox icon in my task bar or on rare occasions the IE icon, and of course they both work. Is it just so something is enabled to open links in mails? Thank You!
  21. OK, so a couple months ago, with Unlocker, I was uninstalling some OpenOffice files I always noticed while doing malware scans, even though I had uninstalled it (OpenOff) after installing MS Office7 Beta. I foolishly kept my XP Restore files at 1% so there was only one restore point. This file(s) was of the type that Unlocker could only remove on reboot and "I think" that action was "set" in the restore point, because after the reboot I could not access the Internet, even after restoring. XP even warned me these files may affect other programs but I ignored the prompt! Anyway, ended up having to get someone to reformat my pc. With numerous External Hard Drives on sale tomorrow, I have been thinking about this question! Can you move or copy 100% of you computer to the external hard drive, and then if something happened to your computer, and for some reason or another you could not use system restore, could you just repair it from the ex drive? Or, would you have to completely wipe your pc and do a complete reformat from the ex drive? If the answer is yes to the last question, how would you wipe your whole drive? Also (last question!), this copy that would be on the ex drive, would all programs, e.g. ccleaner, anti-malware progs, registry cleaners, etc. all function normally after reinstallation to the pc? Sorry for all the complicated questions! Thank You!
  22. Thank You and Happy, Fun & Safe for You (all)!
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