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Posts posted by JDPower

  1. Your problem is not recognised as a CCleaner Bug so your other topic has been locked

    This problem may take many posts with lots of unrelated posts in-between which will only distract us.

    I have therefore started a separate topic under Discussions and I ask that we should continue discussion in that topic

    "Debugging CCleaner and WinApp2.ini"




    Please include your Operating System and whether 32 bit of 64 bit in your first response to that topic

    Wow, way to confuse a new member - tell him not to post here but continue his dedicated thread instead, go to that thread and get told not to continue that original thread but continue getting help here, come back here then get told not to discuss it here or in the original thread but in a completely different thread he never even started :blink:

  2. I was semi-concious of it until recently when I was making an entry and I was like, "there's an entry in winapp.ini that uses semicolons, that'll probably save space"


    took me a few tries to workout how to recurse (initially I tried ;*.*|RECURSE;*.*2|RECURSE but that did not work) but I figured it out. Ho-ah.

    Could you perhaps add an explanation and usage instructions to the "How to make your own entry" in the first post sometime :)

  3. Perhaps the Winapp2.ini thread is no longer needed as the "unofficial ccleaner update" thread! :lol:

    Well that's gonna MASSIVELY cut down your workload, you'll have no end of extra time for new entries now :D

  4. A new script that I have tested on my normal configuration,

    with some options checked and others unchecked,

    and with some includes and some excludes.


    The only difference I have observed from ANALYZE logs when running with the "normal" CCleaner.INI and the sorted variant is

    ANALYSIS COMPLETE - (1.420 secs) using "normal" CCleaner.INI

    ANALYSIS COMPLETE - (1.422 secs) using "sorted" CCleaner.INI


    The code :-



    The end result is that all the Applications are in sorted order at the end of the CC*.ini file,

    and everything else appears in unsorted order at the beginning.

    Works perfectly here :-)

  5. I want to update today but opendns has been giving me grief with the forums

    Is it an OpenDNS problem, I just assumed the forum being intermittently inaccessible the last day or so was the forum still having glitches, never suspected ODNS :huh:

  6. The pagefile advice in the first post is incomplete and (IMO) inaccurate. Doing just those steps will not save you from having a fragmented pagefile. You could already have a fragmented pagefile and those steps will not change that. You need to turn the pagefile OFF, then defrag your drive (to make plenty of contiguous space) and re-enable the pagefile to a set size. As for the 1.5x RAM recommendation, as far as I'm aware that recommendation dates back to the introduction of XP. Are you seriously suggesting someone with 16GB RAM should set a 24GB pagefile!!!


    I have used TCP Optimiser in the past, on XP. I never noticed any difference but think it has some validity on older OS versions, I don't think it's necessary on Vista/7/8 though (purely my opinion)

  7. @Andavari

    It's not the spam itself, it's the fact that a unique email address used once to register for this formum has fallen into the hands of a spammer.

    Or was 'guessed' by a bot (there's no such thing as a unique address, any address is guessable). If you google it you will find many many people have got this email, so on a forum with nearly fifty thousand members it's simply representative of the internet at large that some members here will get this spam.


    What DNS provider are you using?

    OpenDNS here

  8. When you "split" physical disc into partitions then each partition has defined boundary limits with upper and lower limit values of LBA.



    A normal user file access is by name of drive letter/folder/file to the Operating system which translates this to LBA values that are communicated to the disk controller.systems.


    Writing a large file to contiguous range of LBA values is translated by the physical disk controller to :-

    A contiguous range of tracks/sectors on a rotating HDD and the contents of one partition are never intermingled.

    Whatever the controller arbitrarily chooses based upon algorithms which include the intention of equalizing the wear out of every Flash chip held in an entire stationary SSD.


    The SSD has no concept of a partition - every Flash chip is "grist for the mill".


    Thanks, so in short, no, it has zero effect on wear :D


    My insight, also. I've searched for and discussed with others a justification for partitioning SSDs, and discovered none. So what prompts users to do it?


    My own personal reasoning, if/when I get one, would be for one of the same reasons I partition my current drive - if Windows goes tits up, all data etc is safe on a non OS partition (I should probably mention it's a laptop I'm considering fitting one in so only one drive)

  9. I gave up long ago. I just monitor the forums everyday to compensate :lol:

    I'm a total forum failure lol, not been here anywhere near as much as I used to be (I know, and here's me complaining about it :P ). I only knew there was a new version cos I'm subscribed to your winapp2 thread and you mentioned it there ;)

  10. Would be this:








    However to reduce the size of the Firefox and Pale Moon SQLite files use SpeedyFox (freeware) then you won't ever have to delete them.

    Isn't that already dealt with via CCleaner's own "Compact databases" function in the Firefox section?

  11. That makes sense to just narrow it down to one program.


    Like all of those install trackers though and even Revo they won't always remove everything so some manual cleaning is sometimes still necessary, especially with big programs that install many registry keys and many files.

    They also sometimes pick up unrelated items that just happen to be created at the same time. The one thing I liked about Total Uninstall was the fact you could exclude keys and files from future scans. Though Revo doesn't do that (you can add reg keys to exclude but not files, a not directly from an install uninstall window, though it does exclude a bunch of keys by default), you can review include/exclude every key/file when uninstalling a traced program.


    My preference is to use Portable software on a non-system partition.

    If I do not wish to keep it then I simply delete its folder and any start menu/desktop/etc shortcuts.


    If I think I need non-portable software I postpone as long as possible,

    and then create a partition image backup before installing all the postponed non-portable stuff,

    and then I evaluate whether I really want to use it.

    If any of it fails my evaluation I restore the image to erase every trace,

    and then install only the stuff I want to live with.

    For testing programs I just install them under Returnil so if I don't like them all trace is gone after a restart.

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