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Posts posted by JDPower

  1. Just listening to Radio 5 and they're doing a tech phone in - bloke phones in with a corrupt MMC card and wants his pics off it, and is told to use a good little program called Recuva ("from the same people who made CCleaner" ^_^ ).


    So if there's a sudden rush of downloads, that'll be why lol (though he did point the bloke to FileHippo to get it, not Piriform :huh: )

  2. Don't those driver setup files create a unique folder inside of C:\Drivers instead of just unpacking all files in it, example:

    C:\Drivers\Some Developer\Driver Files

    Obviously can only answer for mine but here it doesn't, they are directly in the drivers folder (seems a strange approach if it's used by several software companies, one would HOPE they'd behave as you suggest if the folder wasn't empty on install)

  3. I have one pc with realtek audio. This folder/location doesn't exist for me. Quick search online sounds like that folder holds backups of OEM stuff

    It exists on my laptop BUT contains USB controller files, nothing to do with Realtek.

  4. I found this entries on my disk but i don't know what it happen when you delt this....


    C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\Downloaded Installations

    C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA Update Core

    C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\System Update

    C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\Update Common

    C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\Update

    C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Installer2

    I suspect, at the very least, your graphics drivers will no longer be able to update or uninstall.

  5. I'll also add my other suggestion here to be able to filter results, or only search, by file type/extension. At the moment it gives me a lengthy list, mostly files which are filetypes that shouldn't be messed with and I have no interest in. Now as a disorganised type being able to ONLY find image files or ONLY video files etc would be far more useful, rather than having to hunt through a list of obscure system/program related files :)

  6. Seems to work ok and bug free. Only minor issue I found was the duplicate file finder being called just "File finder", which to me is a search function (and I thought that's what it was till I realised there was no search box). Change the button to "Duplicate file finder" or if that's too long, just "Duplicate finder" rather than file finder.


    Also the dupe file finder really needs the option to filter results by file type/extension, without that it's of little use (to me)


    But far fewer minor niggles that I was worrying I'd find in a new version ;)

  7. The winapp2.ini file is something you pick and choose from anyway, no one needs to install the whole thing, only copy the cleaners you want from it, and don't bicker and ruin some useful cleaner for other people that may find it can be beneficial.

    I would argue though it's not a cleaner, it's a fix for a very specific problem. If someone sees an entry for, say, Audacity, they are gonna think "I have that" and use the entry. If someone sees an entry for a Windows 7/8 cache and they have Win7 or 8 they're gonna use it, especially thinking it's just a cache. If it's to stay in winapp2 it needs a more explanatory name or warning IMO

  8. If you have a working wallpaper you dont need this entry.

    But if you have a brocken wallpaper cache you can't do anything until you delt this file.


    I have this problem very often :-(

    That should be stated in the warning.


    Having an entry in winapp2 that breaks peoples wallpapers, on the basis that it sometimes fixes people's wallpapers is strange reasoning for inclusion to me.

  9. Please add Symantec Endpoint Protection and all other Symantec products logs especially Norton [Antivirus] logs!


    Norton keeps the most useless logs >.<



    Also accesschk (sysinternals tool) keeps log of folders accessed. please clean these!


    WInapp2.ini, i know you are smarter than me at finding logs, so please also delete logs from:



    System Tray Share Monitor

    Net Share Monitor





    The purpose of this thread is for USERS to submit their own entries. Winapp2 is kept busy enough as it is, he can't be expected to install every program any user suggest just to create an entry for them. If you want to learn how to create the entries yourself (we are always happy to check they make sense) have a look at the docs: How to add your own program for CCleaner to clean :)

  10. Regardless of whether we are talking about 6.2 or 3.1 GB, if that is zapped there will be a big surprise ahead :-

    Windows will have the intelligence to prohibit removal (I am always surprised when Windows does something intelligent); OR

    Removal will happen but cannot be measured because Windows don't work no more; OR

    After you shut-down it will never boot-up again.

    I read it that that folder only contained links, but that it would count that link as the actual file, as well as the file it links to. So the winsxs folder is actually just the size of the few bytes a folder of links takes up. I'll happily admit I may have misunderstood it though ^_^


    But I agree, deleting that folder's contents is a bad idea. And given that it's in a list that also suggests the massively discussed (and dismissed) prefetch folder, folders that are already cleaned and wildcard *.tmp entries (that would massivley slow CCleaner) I think we can take most of those entry suggestions with a pinch of salt.

  11. Golly Gosh - That halves the burden that Windows 7 places on my SSD.


    That is the removal of

    6.19 GB (6,647,637,591 bytes) held by 42,214 Files, 10,684 Folders

    Except the folder does NOT contain anywhere near that size: The Windows shell will count each reference to a hard link as a single instance of the file for each directory in which the file resides. For example, if a file that is named advapi32.dll is 700 KB and is contained in the component store and in the \Windows\system32 directory, Windows Explorer would inaccurately report that the file consumes 1,400 KB of hard disk space.



  12. The first ever console launch that didn't show the console? As for the announcement itself, can't say I was all that impressed. Graphically the games shown didn't seem that much of a step up, especially with regards to how noticeably big a step there was between previous Playstations. That tech demo of the old mans face gave a major sense of deja vu. They've shown exactlly the same thing, and same claims, with previous consoles and it's never actually made it into games in the way it was demo'd. And of the games shown only one caught my attention -

    . The gameplay looked quite intriguing to me. Aside from that, nothing particularly excited me sadly.
  13. The detect key for this entry doesn't exist here on Win7:


    The only usable reg detect key I have is HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\tomtomhome

  14. Quite often GAOTD starts the day so well with a powerful laxative to cleanse the inner workings of a computer.

    Those days end so badly for some whose computers crash and they ask for help on fixing the damage,

    and even worse for those who can no longer get on the Internet.


    I also remember one person downloaded a "Folder Hider" that promised to conceal any folder he chose.

    He chose to hide a folder he never used.

    He chose to hide "C:\Program Files\"

    The good news was that Folder Hider did what it promised,

    but the consequences were severe :(

    It's hardly the site's fault that some people are dumb.

  15. Everything is not prefect. It overlooks files.

    Really? I've never had any issues.

    I found the same, it was very quick but far too often simply didn't find items that were present so ended up having to use Windows search anyway. So got rid.

  16. Found a couple of duplicate entries:


    In Firefox/Mozilla section there is an entry called 'Install log' and one called 'Firefox logs'. Both clean the same item


    There's also two Process Lasso entries, one in Applications named 'Process Lasso' one in Utilities named 'ProcessLasso Logs' (the latter cleans more)

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