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Posts posted by JDPower

  1. The latest CCleaner update added "old Windows installation folder cleaning". I thought this was the same as the new Windows disk cleanup option of deleting old updates? If so it doesn't even show up in my CCleaner, let alone clean it (have only just been able to confirm it now I have updates that disk cleanup shows up)


    So have I misunderstood this option or is this a bug?


    (Using Win7 Home, CC4.07)

  2. Are we now removing reg cleaner backups?:

    [Auslogics Registry Cleaner 3*]


    Detect1=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Auslogics\Registry Cleaner\3.x

    Detect2=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Auslogics\Registry Cleaner\3.x


    Warning=This will remove your backups, and you will be unable to undo any changes you made with Auslogics Registry Cleaner.

    FileKey1=%CommonAppData%\Auslogics\Registry Cleaner\3.x|*.htm;*.html;*.log;*.rsc;*.sta;*.xml|RECURSE

    RegKey1=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Auslogics\Registry Cleaner\3.x\Settings|RegCleaner.AppLogic.ErrorsFailed

    RegKey2=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Auslogics\Registry Cleaner\3.x\Settings|RegCleaner.AppLogic.ErrorsFound

    RegKey3=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Auslogics\Registry Cleaner\3.x\Settings|RegCleaner.AppLogic.ErrorsRemoved

    RegKey4=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Auslogics\Registry Cleaner\3.x\Settings|RegCleaner.AppLogic.ErrorsRemovedTotal

    RegKey5=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Auslogics\Registry Cleaner\3.x\Settings|RegCleaner.AppLogic.LastScan

    RegKey6=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Auslogics\Registry Cleaner\3.x\Settings|RegCleaner.AppLogic.ErrorsFailed

    RegKey7=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Auslogics\Registry Cleaner\3.x\Settings|RegCleaner.AppLogic.ErrorsFound

    RegKey8=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Auslogics\Registry Cleaner\3.x\Settings|RegCleaner.AppLogic.ErrorsRemoved

    RegKey9=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Auslogics\Registry Cleaner\3.x\Settings|RegCleaner.AppLogic.ErrorsRemovedTotal

    RegKey10=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Auslogics\Registry Cleaner\3.x\Settings|RegCleaner.AppLogic.LastScan

  3. Agree - or at the very least broken into multiple entries. Not sure how many people are interested in resetting their pallets and font cache though.

    I don't see the point either. I suppose I could KIND of see why you might wanna wipe your custom palette (in very rare circumstances) but wiping the gimp font cache achieves no positive at all, except for a temporary freeing up of space until you run it again. And it makes Gimp 5 or 6 times slower to open, and it's not exactly a speed demon starter as it is :P

  4. I think this entry could do with either modifying or a warning:

    [GIMP 2.8 More*]

    Filekey 2 causes Gimp to be majorly slow to open as it has to rebuild it's font cache every time you open it (and as such doesn't really free up any space as it just gets recreated the exact same size every time anyway)


    (Edit: And filekey 3 seems to wipe your custom colour palette which could be a major PITA for some)

  5. I was experimenting with this yesterday and was gonna post a thread on it. I think the winsxs reference is a dud (I found similar comment that it was emptying that folder), as running that cleanup option cleared 3Gb of files but my winsxs folder was unchanged (I did try to track the changes but didn't realise the files were removed during a restart so I failed in that regard)

  6. True, but I think 'it works faster!' is universally relatable.

    Ah but having to scroll further from the page content every time I go to the tab bar doesn't work faster for me ;) (but Chrome does it so all browsers must apparently :rolleyes: )

  7. Excellent. Only one interface region needs to be capable of housing the tabs. Less code, more performance. Also saves time, as they don't need to do QA and unit testing for both interface variations.

    And there speaks a developer, not end user ;)

  8. JDPower: I've asked on MozillaZine and the consensus is that it never got passed mockup stages, but that it also wouldn't be difficult to implement as a theme.

    Thanks greatly for checking, hopefully someone will pick it up and run with it as a theme. I've not bothered with themes for a couple of years (with the exception of a Persona theme), but that I WOULD use!

  9. I don't mind the metro style but it would be nice to have a classic skin option to keep everyone happy.

    Oh I don't mind them changing it (much), just wish developers would have a little originality instead of, en masse, following the crowd.

  10. Hi, it seems that "uTorrent more" delete too much files now ( all the settings, language, ipfilter,... ) !! :unsure:


    BTW: it's perfect for new clean install, but only for that!!!

    Already mentioned HERE, so will hopefully be removed in future update.

  11. I downloaded and installed the software you mention.

    To delete the folders would have deleted the uninstallers present.

    I don't know how many different ways I have to say this, but you're wrong! Just cos that is the case on your system doesn't make it the case for every other.

  12. New:

    [intel Chipset Device Software (Install Logs)*]






    NO NO NO, that removes the whole intel folders!!! Do NOT add this.

  13. hmmm, i skipped the regseeker ones but i suppose i did include the erunt ones. I'm on the fence with the registry backups thing myself. I think it's dangerous to include them but at the same time I recognize that a lot of people would like them cleaned but at the same time no one reads warnings AFAICT, etc.

    Ok, I know it's not the reason I bought the entry up, but what use is a backup program with no backups? I would understand if it removed only old backups but it removes everything. And my memory may be failing but I'm pretty sure erunt limits the number of backups it creates anyway, so that entry just seems stupid to me.

  14. Did we decide not to include entries that deleted reg backups, only I notice there's an entry in the update that deletes all erunt reg backups (which on a side point seems completely pointless anyway - why install a program to make backups, then have a cleaner delete them all? :huh: )

  15. New Entry


    [RegSeeker (Backups)*]

    I would suggest a warning be added to that entry as deleting reg backups from a registry cleaner as aggressive as Regseeker (or ANY reg cleaner for that matter) is not necessarily a good idea.

  16. Re: [Windows SCM Logs*]


    As I was saying, that wiping these log files are completely safe. The problem is when you wipe SCM.EVM files. If you'd like to add this entry back to Winapp2.ini then it should be changed to:


    [Windows SCM Logs*]


    A snapshot is attached with this message showing which files shouldn't be deleted.

    Thanks for the update. I never had any issues from using the original entry, but having looked in the scm folder I don't have any evm files so maybe just been lucky.




    [Nvidia Graphics Driver Installation Files*]


    Detect=HKCU\Software\NVIDIA Corporation








    Detect=HKCU\Software\NVIDIA Corporation






    i don't think the result/effect would be different

    Oh, my winapp2 entry is different and has two cleaning locations, must have been changed at some point.

  18. Indeed, it is the driver installation files, not the driver files themselves. The winapp2 nvidia entry makes uninstalling the drivers impossible without a reinstall first, hope this new CCleaner entry doesn't also do this, at least not without warning (it only cleans one of the winapp2 entries locations though so this may not be an issue)

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