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Posts posted by JDPower

  1. [MS Office 2003*]

    I'm guessing you didn't see the posts about OPA11.bak, unless you have evidence that it doesn't trash your Office install

  2. Australis problems ;)

    Australis??? What's that? ^_^

    Actually Australis has indirectly been a great thing - with all the customisation options available in Classic Theme Restorer, my Firefox UI is more compact, more efficient and all round better to use than even pre-Australis FF. So thanks Mozilla  :P

  3. Social networking sharing used to be an addon at Mozilla Labs, I'm surprised to see it finally make its way into Fx itself (given that Labs has been defunct for quite some time)

    It's pretty half arsed anyway with it not including the biggest social network on the planet :rolleyes:


    Oh and Hello is working for me now, seems it wouldn't launch first time from the hamburger menu (or whatever it's called), had to be placed on a toolbar and started. THEN it could be moved back to the menu and it WOULD launch :rolleyes:

  4. Also, not listed, FF35 adds a social network share icon (I did wonder what excitement had been added when I saw the paper plane icon, sadly not exciting lol).


    And the Hello rollout continues as it's now present by default for me. It's not actually working in any way, shape or form, but it's present lol

  5. Did [AMD/ATI*] ever remove installers?


    I have:

    "ccc2_install.exe" in C:\Program Files\AMD\CCC2\Install

    "MOM.InstallProxy.exe" in C:\Program Files (x86)\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\MOM-InstallProxy

    "MOM.InstallProxy.exe" in C:\Program Files (x86)\AMD\ATI.ACE\MOM-InstallProxy

    It used to a long while back, haven't been using AMD/ATI for ages though so no idea what it does now

  6. I live in a free society and I am not shy to ask!

    You didn't ask, you stated what you thought he SHOULD do, that's what was rude. Winapp is (AFAIK) busy studying at college and does this in his spare time, he doesn't have to and gets nothing for it, and without him the winapp2 file probably wouldn't exist in the way it does now, so I think he's entitled to release an update when it's convenient for him, not anyone else.

  7. No because it then interferes with the chrome entry. That's why all the add-on entries who've a version in both browsers are listed as such

    How about just [Adblock Edge Backups (Firefox)*] for entries that duplicate in different browsers? Puts the important bit of the name first, browser clarification second. Looks a little less clumsy in my opinion (unless you consider brackets clumsy looking, in which case you'll hate this part of my post too :P )

  8. EDIT:


    [steam Browser Cache*]



    Warning=This will also delete the thumbnails and custom background images of the games in your Library.








    FileKey8=%LocalAppData%\VirtualStore\Program Files*\Steam\appcache\httpcache|*.*|RECURSE

    FileKey9=%LocalAppData%\VirtualStore\Program Files*\Steam\config\cookies|*.*|RECURSE

    FileKey10=%LocalAppData%\VirtualStore\Program Files*\Steam\config\htmlcache|*.*|RECURSE

    FileKey11=%LocalAppData%\VirtualStore\Program Files*\Steam\config\overlaycookies|*.*|RECURSE

    FileKey12=%LocalAppData%\VirtualStore\Program Files*\Steam\config\overlayhtmlcache|*.*|RECURSE


    Added FileKey 6 and 7. I wasn't sure which those entries belong, so I just threw them with the browser cache. Is there anyway we can just combine all the steam cache sections into one, rather then having 3 seperate. I do think it will harm anything. Also, I do not know if those 2 FileKey's are the same for everyone, but those are just cache files I found at those locations. Someone should investigate to see if those apply to everyone or if they are different for everyone.



    @qsdewa: No, they haven't used that path for a very long time now. I think the first versions of steam did, but not sure.

    Off the top of my head I don't know what that entry is, other than the obvious (some sort of message cache), but your entry needs a wildcard as the number in the path seems to be different on different systems (and I only have one folder, holding just 13k).


    And regarding merging entries, I certainly think the cache entries can/should be.

  9. I understand, but that old. Some of these were released in 2006 and 2007.

    I still used one of those ancient Ashampoo burners till quite recently on my old laptop as every subsequent release was bloated to hell, but the old one was small, ultra simple and quick ^_^  I totally get your point, but people have lots of reasons for sticking with older software, especially with utility type softwares that don't necessarily gain anything from updates, and it's not doing any harm leaving the entries in (IMO)

  10. Am I the only one who also just cares about the technical side of things?

    Nope - custom skinning, dead space, confusing tabs. I don't really care about the ugly icons/colours, but those issues affect the usability of the program (in my opinion :ph34r: )

  11. How about this one?


    Try changing the ES language code in the URL to anything else. I can't do it. It resets back to ES.

    Thanks Pusher, somehow missed that when searching the Mozilla site and works almost identically to FVD (and has no sign of anything dodgy in it, unlike FVD, just a couple of presumably sponsored links in the menu)

  12. And I found out after 'liking' another post that I reached my like limit for the day - apparently only 1 per day.  Maybe newbies to the community only get one per day.

    The like buttons don't work, never have, so not just you :)

  13. Gotta say I agree, doesn't look great. I accept all programs and websites are going down the "dumbed down for tablets" look, but that aside, a few things I think could/should be addressed:


    The one I dislike is the title bar - white is not attractive and, more importanly, doesn't match the rest of the program, and the icons don't look, or function, nice. The close button isn't fully in the corner, a nuisance when using full screen and you just naturally go to the extreme top right to close (and nothing happens cos the icon is inset). The min and max buttons also don't react on hover, so gives no idea of whether you're over the, relatively tiny looking, buttons. Perhaps darken the buttons to make the button size/borders clearer

    The Windows and application tabs - I dunno what it is but they're just not right. Partly they're not very intuitive as they are, due to the coloring of the tabs and the dark highlight on the active tab, the grey tab actually looks bigger so gives the impression of being the active tab, even though it's greyed out.


    50 shades of grey - having the sidebar, and bottom bar a different shade of grey looks like an unfinished product (also, any reason for the bottom bar at all? Seems a lot of dead space just for an update link)

    Following on from above, dead space - bottom bar, progress bar, "Analysis complete" section, "Files to be deleted" section, vertical text spacing throughout, column headers (and tab heights, but I know that's more of the seemingly compulsory tablet dumbing down look so probably never change)

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