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Posts posted by JDPower

  1. Does it make sense to delete a program's License, Readme and WhatsNew files?

    I know from past experience deleting license.txt files can break some programs (admittedly only happened to me once but I've left them alone ever since). I have added the readmes from some regularly updated programs to my custom files list. Saves virtually no space but just one of those things I added whilst adding their language files.

  2. Off-topic post removed.


    This is a section for Piriform product announcements, not an arena for political discussion

    What's political about suggesting security concerns of the product announced (security concerns already alluded to by Web Atom)? Seems perfectly on topic to me :huh:

  3. I can see IT Depts using this to remotely cleanup client PC's and same for small IT business for their customers.

    Convienant for small home networks too. Can run it across computers from my main terminal, etc.

    Given the above, I think the product description could do with a rewrite to make it a little clearer the purpose of it. As I read it I was just left thinking "why would I want to run CCleaner/defrag on my home computer while sat in a coffee shop?"


    (though I'm still not sure why it's any better than scheduling said actions across computers, rather than having to log in to a cloud service and do it manually)

  4. BitTorrent has started caching old exe's with every update so here's an entry to clean them up:

    [*BitTorrent Updates Cache]

  5. Forgot about that, it had me shouting at the screen when he (falsely) claimed CCleaner found over a gigabyte of information that would all have been sent on to third party tracking companies. Either not as tech savvy as he claims or never used CCleaner till that clip was actually filmed.

  6. Tabs on bottom is actually disabled in Nightly or Aurora now I think.

    Damn. Give with one hand and take with the other lol. Fingers crossed there'll be a mod or extension to sort that by the time it's released.

  7. Sorry guys, I'm in a rush today. I've updated but I forgot to check the forums thread to include entries, so most of them are probably missing.

    Is it just me that's getting screwy formatting in the winapp2 update, it's all just one continuous line when opening with notepad :huh:

  8. The new v22 release really makes a massve improvement on Javascript performance. Using BananaBench to test, FF21 showed the gameplay stuttery, FF22 it runs smooth, evidence of that is in the test stats:



    preload : 25.528 seconds

    startup : 28.482 seconds

    gameplay: 95.018 total seconds

    gameplay: 83.679 JS seconds



    preload : 26.4 seconds

    startup : 24.935 seconds

    gameplay: 40.588 total seconds

    gameplay: 31.606 JS seconds


    Who knows how much that will impact general FF usage but a big improvement where it does.

  9. Updated (sorry about the wait)


    I even got rick's last entry in there


    Edit: For anyone interested in how many little changes the alphabetization involved: http://i.imgur.com/6fMO4qR.png


    The yellow indicates lines that were modified.

    Did you have to do it by hand or is there a handy little batch file or script we could apply to our own winapp2 files? B)

  10. Close, but not quite.


    Using Defraggler - BUT NOT to defrag anything,

    I can Search and specify CMD.EXE in "filename contains:"

    and check "Include non-fragmented files"

    and it shows me only 2 instances, each of different sizes, one in System32, and one in SysWOW64

    It sees none at all in WinSXS because, as you said, WinSXS are only links.


    Using Windows explorer these two large file are also shown at




    and Windows Explorer is fooled into seeing these as being the same sizes as the real things, i.e.

    337 KB and 296 KB


    Using Defraggler and Searching for *.exe takes a couple of seconds.

    When I click on the "Path" Tab a couple of times the results are sorted in reverse sequence,

    and fourth from the top is vbc.exe which is 1.11 MB (1,169,224 bytes) and is on the path



    Searching for vbc.exe Defraggler finds instances at the above, plus 2.25 MB (2,361,160 bytes) on path


    plus 4 more instances of various large sizes under the parent

    C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\ etc. etc.


    When I click on Sizes I see that Defraggler finds all 6 items have different sizes ranging from 1 MB to 3 MB

    Windows Explorer on the other hand sees 10 such items, 8 of which are duplicates and the other 2 are unique.

    The 2 unique files were modified and created on 30/01/2012 and exist only in .NET Framework but not in WinSXS,

    the 8 other files all have date stamps of 21/11/2010


    Conclusion :-

    Originally there were 4 off VBC.EXE files of different sizes,

    Two of which were scattered across .NET etc, and duplication links planted in WinSXS,

    and two of which were scattered across WindSXS and duplication links planted in .NET etc.

    Subsequently there were patch updates and SP1 and these added two files that were planted in .NET only,

    but for some reason no confusing duplication links to/from WinSXS.



    Windows XP was too good and users were able to understand it and use it and become self-supporting experts,

    so Microsoft chose to confuse everyone with the needless complication of WinSXS which does nobody any good,

    and to carefully hide the truth (from anything but Defraggler) as to which was physical and which was the link,

    and just when a user figures out the truth in one instance the next instance is the other way round.


    The good news is that by 30/01/2012 the developers became so confused they could no longer cope with WinSXS,

    hence the latest VBC.EXE files only exist in .NET etc and there are no additional lying deceitful links in WinSXS.


    Is it just me experiencing serious deja vu here? I'm sure we had this exact conversation just a few weeks ago :huh:

  11. Fascinating stuff hazel, and an interesting web site. :)


    I've set the "NoLog" registry key.

    You wanna check it works, I tried creating the no encryption key so I could read the entries, followed the instructions, restarted, and didn't do anything. Also be aware that not logging (presuming it works the same as deleting) kills recently used programs in start menu :)

  12. It doesn't bother me personally since I don't use the start menu much (all of my most used programs are keyed to line commands, anything else I just search for in the start menu) but I think it'll definitely bother people that rely on the menu. Warning needed.


    Probably something like


    Warning=This will also reset your start menu and remove any pinned applications.

    It wouldn't bother me but the start menu wipe out seemed permanent, I couldn't get it to repopulate (had a reg backup so wasn't a major issue to fix)

  13. Made this immediately after reading a post by Hazelnut:


    Which reminds me I stumbled across this key recently with a load of reg entries for old Flash player versions: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\RADAR\HeapLeakDetection\DiagnosedApplications


    Dunno if it's worth an entry or not, or if anyone even has that many old Flash entries to be worth a winapp2 entry (the only real info I could find about that reg key was HERE, old Flash entries should certainly be safe to remove, other entries probably not, or at least unnecessary)

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