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Posts posted by JDPower

  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one that couldn't find it. What on earth are IE addons doing in the startup section, people are gonna be assuming (totally logically) these are programs running when their computer starts up. How long till we get a stream of posts from people thinking they're infected cos CCleaner is showing start up items that aren't showing in msconfig or any other startup analyser program.

  2. What's the point of spending even the little amount of money required to buy the Raspberry Pi if it can't run anything in the modern age? It's a nice concept, but needs to be more powerful in order to be able to run things somewhat decently.

    It's not meant to be a gaming powerhouse or anything, I heard them discussing it on the radio and they were talking about it making computing accessible for people in third world countries. It runs all basic computing needs, word processing etc, that's all it's supposed to do. Anyone who wants more advanced functionality isn't gonna be buying a $25 computer in the first place.

  3. Had some bad expierences with these memory cleaners (or suchlike), but I'll give this a try, thanks.

    Most memory 'cleaners' are complete BS, this one is slightly different to how most work and is actually worthwhile. Hence why Shane's not chased off when posting about it here ;)

  4. I think you should add/modify Jagex Cache entry (bolded):

    DetectFile2 should be added because folder .jagex_cache_32 is not always created.

    It doesn't matter whether it's not always created. If it's not there it won't be cleaned, if it is it will, doesn't mean you need a detect file for it. At the risk of repeating myself, the detect file is solely to tell CCleaner the program is installed - if it's installed CCleaner will clean everything in the entry, you don't need a detect file for every part of the entry.

  5. Well if the first DetectFile is enough, you can remove the rest.

    As I already mentioned, you generally only need one detect file/key. This is just to detect the program is installed, you don't need a detect file for every item in the entry :)

  6. I think some of the old Ashampoo Burning Studio entries should be removed.




    [Ashampoo Burning Studio 5*]

    [Ashampoo Burning Studio 6*]

    [Ashampoo Burning Studio 6 Free (Logs)*]

    Why? I still use version 6 cos the latter versions were bloated junk (IMO), I'm sure I'm not the only one.

  7. What do you mean? Those files were in the root of the folder (User).

    And new entry for the Jagex Cache (in red):

    [Jagex Cache*]















    I don't think you need three detect keys for one program's cleaning routine.

  8. I've noticed this problem since the forum upgrade. I had the old forum set to notify me via email of new threads in the 'Announcements' section of the forum, that way I got notification of new releases, important announcements etc. But since the upgrade this is no longer happening. I've tried un-following and re-following the announcements section but to no avail. And in my forum settings the "Notification method to use for topics in followed forums" has the email box ticked.


    I get notification of new posts in followed threads, but not new thread notifications in followed forum sections


    Forum bug or just me?

  9. @JD I forgot all about the 128K Spectrum, the one with the proper keyboard.

    Yeah was the one between the rubber keyed first one and the Spectrum +2. Still have fond memories of games like Bionic Commando. And going down to my local corner shop that sold games for between 99p and £2.99 :D


    Another favourite was R-Type which I THINK I've owned a version of for every machine I've owned. 25 years and still not bored of it, lets see if anyones saying that about Modern Warfare et al in as many years time ;)


    I almost came out of that link before the real action started. Brilliant.


    When my son was 7, he wanted one of those consoles, and it may be hard to believe but it was a small console, and Pong was all it did.


    While in the shop about to buy, one of the sales staff was demonstrating the latest thing ... a Sinclair Spectrum.


    We went crazy and bought the one with the huge memory, 48K. The other was 16K.


    Wow! What they managed to do with 48K was impressive, especially when the first 3D game hit the Spectrum, "Knightlore".

    My first game machine was a Spectrum 128k, some amazing games, regardless of looking less than great (I've actually still got it but it doesn't work :( ). I remember after that I got a Sega Megadrive and was left with the overwhelming thought of 'how bloody easy are these games?!'. Completing a spectrum game was a massive achievement (and not one I managed with many games at all). Then along came the consoles and completing the game was par for the course :mellow:

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