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Posts posted by JDPower

  1. wouldn't it be better to have just the same feature as Windows "Disk Cleanup" and delete ALL but the most recent Restore Point thereby freeing up as much space as possible in one operation and under one program?


    +1 :)

  2. Good day.


    I was about to post this under the defraggler forums, but I think it will fit better here.


    Too bad there is no 2010 shootout...


    The 2009 defragmenter shootout

    You do realise thats a year out of date? (hint's in the name). And I'm pretty sure it was posted at the time.


    As far as a 2010 shootout, I follow Donn Edwards blog and it was put off due to hardware issues he had. He does intend to get it going and has set up a site specifically for his defrag reviews. Here's the blog entry with link to his new review site:



  3. Speaking of Inpaint, version 2.4 is being offered today at Giveaway of the Day..

    I've got a couple of versions old version of that they gave away a while back and a nice little program (one of the few keepers I've had from GAOTD). Last version (also given away on GAOTD) was a backwards step IMO in usability terms so will certainly give this version a try out :)

  4. I've followed it via it's RSS feed for years now. Does have the occasional decent program but I'd say were probably talking 20 or 30 duffers for every decent one.


    Also if you format your computer that "giveaway" is gone for good unless they run it again!

    Unless of course you track the install and make note of the reg key storing the software registration entry and export it for reinstall ;) (admittedly doesn't work with all programs)
  5. I am using Windows Vista and CCleaner version 2.24.1010. I am having problems, and when I click on Tools, then system restore, a list of restore points comes up (after a significant wait.) But then when I click on ANY restore point, nothing happens.

    Nothing is supposed to happen, it's merely there to allow you to delete old restore points.

  6. Yesterday when i ran CCleaner it corrupt my Auslogics Disk Defrag icon, it became white but i could acces it.. This is in Windows 7 x86.

    Why did that happen? (It maybe isnt CCleaner but straight after cleaning with it i rebooted than it were corrupt)

    I like how it makes my computer faster, but i want my icons to work correctly.

    Is this problem still present after a restart?

  7. Er...Maybe I'm worng,but I think it will not display if it is all '0'.

    Em,I think I am worng when I seriously think it now.

    Ah I think I know what your getting at now, I think you might be getting confused between overwriting the file itself and overwriting the fileNAME. The filename is still displayed in recovery software with zzzzz.zzz but the file itself is actually overwritten (not sure whether its zeros or random data in CCleaner). So yes, overwriting the fileNAME with 00000's would still have it show up in recovery software, would just be called 00000.000 instead of zzzzz.zzz, either way the file itself would be unrecoverable.


    Removing the filenames so they don't show up at all (even as zzzz.zzz) is something that is sorely lacking in CCleaner that other secure deletion programs manage.

  8. Er,well...It may be not a problem.

    It just don't look perfect.

    well,if I just delete many files on the disk,then I wipe the disk.

    Later,I misdelete a file,then I want use FinalDate to recover it,but I see many named 'zzzz.zzz' on the list.

    It will take some time to find the correct filename,and it don't look clean.That's what I think.

    Maybe I'm missing something here but why would it take a long time to find it? You wipe free space and have a load of zzzzz.zzz files, then accidentally delete a file, surely it'll be easy to find as it'll be one of the only ones that isn't zzzzz.zzz (and when sorted alphabetically the accidentally deleted file will be top of the list, all the zzzz will be at the bottom)


    Also I don't see how 00000.000 instead of zzzz.zzz would make any difference to that, the mis-deleted file would still be the only one not renamed 00000.000 so would be just as easy to find (or actually slightly more difficult as when sorted alphabetically all the zero'd files will be right at the top of the list and you'll have to scroll past them to find the file you want).

  9. Can someone tell me how to set firefox to clean the caches when exiting please? Or direct me to the online docs for how to do so in firefox?



    If you go to the menu bar at the top of the firefox window, click Tools>Options, then in options window click on "Privacy". Towards the bottom of the privacy section tick the box for "Clear history when Firefox closes". You can then click the "Settings" button next to it and select what you want to be cleared on FF shutdown

  10. am fearful of doing damage by deleting anything in the registry when I don't know what I'm doing.

    You almost answered your own question - if you don't know what you're doing, leave well alone. Personally I think those entries in your screenshot are harmless and can be deleted BUT you won't do any harm to you computer by ignoring them so if you're scared of doing anything just leave them, and the reg cleaner, alone :)

  11. I vote the heading of this thread be changed to the Gutmann method. :) and moved to the Lounge.

    I vote for the little + and - buttons to be fixed cos Augeas certainly deserves a couple of positive votes for his explanations in his last couple of posts.

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