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Everything posted by TheFiresInTheSky

  1. woah, confused. i like what i have already that ive made. first, i can use this code, <embed src="C:\other stuff\Aaron\AARONS FINISHED VIDEOS\lucky numbers\z1-30 nd.mpg" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="430" height="346"></embed> and the video will show up. how do i make it so when you click on the screen or press a key it closes? second, how do i get the number to show up right behind it afterwards? thanks for the help andy but i think its just a little too confusing for me, figuring out where to put it n all.
  3. i cant upload it cuz the computer im gonna be putting this on doesnt have internet connection. it will allow it tho with the browser that im using. (IE) since it doesnt have internet, thers no threat of viruses so i just changed the browsers settings and it works. no how would i set up the other part?
  4. i dont know JS but i found that code and decided to try it and it worked. so how do i put a video on there? the video itself worked by the way.
  5. TheFiresInTheSky


    i made a generator type thing which picks a random number. all you do is refresh the page. see here.the problem is, i would like to make that the background. i want to put a video of random numbers spinning through which i already have and when they click on the screen, it closes that video and goes back to the background showing the random number that way it looks better. heres the code, <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>1-30</TITLE><script LANGUAGE = "JavaScript">function picklink() { var linknumber = 30; var linktext = "white.jpg"; var randomnumber = Math.random(); var linkselect = Math.round( (linknumber-1) * randomnumber) + 1; if ( linkselect == 1 ) { linktext = "1.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 2 ) { linktext = "2.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 3 ) { linktext = "3.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 4 ) { linktext = "4.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 5 ) { linktext = "5.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 6 ) { linktext = "6.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 7 ) { linktext = "7.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 8 ) { linktext = "8.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 9 ) { linktext = "9.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 10 ) { linktext = "10.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 11 ) { linktext = "11.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 12 ) { linktext = "12.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 13 ) { linktext = "13.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 14 ) { linktext = "14.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 15 ) { linktext = "15.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 16 ) { linktext = "16.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 17 ) { linktext = "17.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 18 ) { linktext = "18.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 19 ) { linktext = "19.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 20 ) { linktext = "20.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 21 ) { linktext = "21.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 22 ) { linktext = "22.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 23 ) { linktext = "23.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 24 ) { linktext = "24.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 25 ) { linktext = "25.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 26 ) { linktext = "26.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 27 ) { linktext = "27.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 28 ) { linktext = "28.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 29 ) { linktext = "29.bmp" } if ( linkselect == 30 ) { linktext = "30.bmp" } document.write('<IMG SRC = "images/' + linktext + '">');}</SCRIPT></HEAD><TABLE BORDER = 0 WIDTH = 100%><TR><TD ALIGN = CENTER><script LANGUAGE = "JavaScript">picklink()</SCRIPT></TD></TR><BODY background="" BGCOLOR="#000000">[color=#FF0000]<embed src="C:\other stuff\Aaron\AARONS FINISHED VIDEOS\lucky numbers\z1-30 nd.mpg" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="430" height="346"></embed>[/color]</BODY></HTML> the red is the part that ive been working on and is not on the website. im having a problem putting that over the random number and making the random number bigger. then when you click on the video, it closes it. please hurry on this because i cant be on during the week except this monday.
  6. how would i select "random number between 1 and 25? what if i just said like random like links and such advertisements and run it off the internet?
  7. congrats matt! wow, i only have 2 more full years till im 16...
  8. problem: i need all variations of numbers
  9. when clicking view new posts at the top right of this page, i get this "IPB WARNING [2] Invalid argument supplied for foreach() (Line: 3536 of /sources/ipsclass.php)" anyone else getting this problem? just noticed, its appearing at the top of the page in this and a couple other of the sections. not in the software section though, how odd. i did just recently delete my cookies attempting to fix a problem and what it was, was all the pages werent up to date. i would go to a page, and everything was old. i had to refresh to get all the new posts, emails, and such like that.
  10. im trying to make something that would randomely select a number. id like to be able to have a pop-up where you could enter 2 numbers and have it select a random number including those numbers. ive checked websites and asked around but no one knew how to(using JS of course).
  11. i think he is talking about a business or something of the such. probably logging what employees are doing.
  12. i just like knowing stuff like this. how bout, say a shortcut to do many things at once. say, maybe clear the desktop, then switching users. how about that one?
  13. ya, i dont know how to do any of this kind of stuff.
  14. im just curious about this kind of stuff. say for instance everytime i click a little icon on my desktop, it would "show desktop" then switch user. how would i do that?
  15. i dont know anything about skins or anything like that. whats lunaelement? think im better off just not attempting this?
  16. i have added this to peoples startup folders but they can just hold down shift and get past it. how would you add this kind of stuff to the registry? explain in detail please since i know nothing about it.
  17. ah, this has happened to me for so long and i have installed so much and done so much, i think ill just live with it.
  18. IIRC? so how would I go about changing it?
  19. well i have my browser to accept all cookies and i havent restored the defaults. one thing that i just remembered is i have noticed fonts being big on some websites. i didnt change anything and they just got bigger the last couple of days.
  20. sounds pretty fun. how would i go about editing the start icon in XP?
  21. IE 6.0 i would know if i messed with them right? i dont think this is something that could just accidentally happen could it?
  22. im getting so flustrated because everytime i go to make a post, i have to sign in. i type in my post and click "post" and it tells me to log in. i have had to log in over 20 times today and i havent even closed this window. i think its just my computer but this doesnt happen with any other forum or website.
  23. quite an appropriate post. there are a few settings that you could change (even a non tech). first, open up ccleaner and theres the menu with the check boxes. it just depends what you want to delete but i kept my settings the same. running it depends how much you are on your computer. i am on most of the time and i just run it whenever i remember to. usually every other week. speaking of which, im gonna go run it right now...
  24. how did you fix this? i've also been having this problem.
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