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Everything posted by Winapp2.ini

  1. odd http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g59/kens...193910/ntfs.png I've several computers running Vista/7 if need be as well; but I've heard its better to format it NTFS. (Confirm/deny?)
  2. I just bought a new external harddrive (1.5TB, I payed 20$ more to see "TB" instead of 930GB or whatever 1000^3 is in terms of GB, darn manufacturers TB..;P) It came with some junk on it I dont want but more importantly; in FAT32, Should I format it to NTFS or leave it as FAT32?
  3. I don't believe in "too soon" existing on the internet, personally.
  4. I heard at Patric Swaezy's funeral, Kanye interrupted and said Michael Jackson had one of the BEST FUNERALS EVER and it was A LOT better.
  5. I've actually met people in real life /after/ I was friends with them on facebook. Go figure. Coincidentally, at that.
  6. I only have around 1200 friends on facebook it'd be cool to have 8000 though! !
  7. It caches all their pictures, so (and specifically with Facebook IM) if they change it, it saves another. Thus over an extended period of time, if you have 200 friends who change their default picture of buddy icon 5 times in the course of a month or two, you have 1000 files.
  8. Not me of course, the file. I wrote a little extension to clean out Pidgin icons a while ago, just because they're junk (if anyone wants it, i'll put it at the end of this post) I never run it though, as I believe it conflicts with pidgin while it runs, and i always have pidgin running. AS it turns out,connecting to the Facebook IM with pidgin caches ALL your friends profile pictures. This was the result (I noticed an incredibly long time lapse whilst copying files from my now corrupt system ) http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g59/kens...pidginicons.png heres the winapp2.ini extension by the way [~Pidgin icons]LangSecRef=3022DetectFile=%ProgramFiles%\Pidgin\pidgin.exeDefault=TrueFileKey1=%UserProfile%\Application Data\.purple\icons just something I noticed, thats /quite/ a lot of files, though they dont take up much room.
  9. Stealing ownership lets me access them, which is all I need for now. Just ordered a 1.5TB external to back everything up to, then im going to format this drive, unless I can just steal my old S-ID back and use my older account..
  10. My windows copy crapped out on me and randomly died, I re-installed windows (new dir. C:\Windows.0) and all my old files are still in place but I can't access my old %userprofile% which has about 99% of what I want. How can I access these files? (C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\ was my old userprofile, all the files are there but I get ACCESS DENIED when attempting to open the folder, and I dont want to log on to the Administrator account for fear it will overwrite my old profile)
  11. I've been working on learning Japanese recently (like, half a week.) and I set my computer to left alt + Shift to change my keyboard layout from Standard English to Romaji to Hirigana translation (if it worked in Firefox, the basis of this question, something like "Boku ga neko desu" would change to "ぼくがねこです") Anyone know how to change it so it works in all programs that support Japanese input (I'd like to get it working mainly in Pidgin and FireFox, but anything else is a bonus)
  12. Me? I'm a fan of most of Ivana's (the girl who plays Ofelia) movies, however this is probably my all time favorite movie. This movie could actually be split into a fantasy and a horror (albeit with some plot missing) but the transfer between the two is amazing imho. The ivana fan forums have been quiet for a while, though a topic about pan's labyrinth might revive them a bit
  13. My friends offered my an invite but i was too lazy to check it out.
  14. at least its not as bad as StarCraft (cant wait for sc2)
  15. But not Defense of the Ancients?
  16. Or, more likely; Soylent Green!
  17. I'll take uhh.. staying on the Earth for now. By the way, did you guys know the Moon is almost HALF the size of Earth? It never gets portrayed that way though. I guess being ~200,000+ miles away makes it seem really small.
  18. Hmm, I a fan of most things fantasy (except Twilight, not because I'm a guy but because I like vampires and the Cullen family is a family of pixies. Also, the movie was awful.) I was actually writing my own book and got about..9 chapters in and then my harddrive crapped out on me last september. Aw well, I guess I still have the first 7 pages :/ I like Dan Brown's books like Deception Point and Digital Fortress, Anne Sages septimus heap series and of course Eion Colfer's Artemis Fowl series cant get enough of that rich, but genius angsty kid.
  19. Ever read Deception Point by Dan Brown? I think they proved bacteria exist on one of saturns moons? I dont recall.
  20. baha, I meant to phrase that first one as "Take experts from the fields in which your children are failing, and feed them to your children so they can gain their powers" at least its not as bad as I was kidding about the hitting them thing I am lazy :> VERY lazy. I agree with you, this looks like a weak troll.
  21. Have you tried feeding experts in the fields they're failing in to your children so they can gain the experts abilites? Thats how i learned most of my ini's that I use in mSL If that doesnt work..have you tried hitting them? I've got a high IQ, I just dont care about certain subjects that require I think in ways I dont want to. Example: History, I get high marks. History format: person a did this. person a died at this time. person b did this too. test: what did both person a and b do? Whereas math gives bs like Cos?ϑ+sin?ϑ=1 test: cot?ϑ-sin?ϑ-1=0 I hate stupid things like that >:3 Unfortunately the computer program at my school is really limited due to a lack of intelligent teachers and students computer teachers and students interested in the subject. They were going to offer a JavaScript class last year but not enough people joined to meet the minimum class size (....6..)
  22. That is possibly the coolest death i've ever heard of.
  23. I did that to my XP. It was cool at first but it was a pain in the ass to go back.. [i'll edit in my desktop later]
  24. I cant wait for the conspiracy theories saying this is part of 'obamas socialist plan to destroy our American way of life by taking out top celebrities' or something like that.
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