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Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Winapp2.ini

  1. Whats piriforms interest in music? Personally I find anything thats not like "Yo, I went to da streetz and slapped ma bitchz for ma cash yo" ...er.. bearable. For the most part. (I can't stand any glossed up Disney Channel crap either, or really Pop at all) As for my favorite artists, heres a list of the ones I admit to liking and having songs of http://paste2.org/p/137770 I really have songs of about 50-80 more artists, i just don't want to admit their names. Who does piriform like? ^ Picture of my less preferred music player. (Stupid firmwear on iPod my aunt got me requires you sync with Apple's iTunes to use it- no Linux iTunes? I smell a lawsuit coming)
  2. There's more than one reason you weren't allowed to drink it. D:
  3. I love onion! Not the best thing to eat before kissing however. D:
  4. I'm 16 I don't like the following: Pizza (With tomato sauce, I do like white pizza) Chicken Ham Pork Bologna Salami Tomatoes (I do like Ketchup) Roast Beef Yams Garlic Beets Mango Anything that lives in the water Sushi I dislike more that I can't think of, I can sum it up by safely saying that my dinner consists of little but hamburgers or meatloaf or pasta, hehe. I don't know why I can't gain any weight, however. I hate weighing 92lbs >:[
  5. All hail Yokenny, survivor of cruel amounts of pain and discomfort, survivor of the torture that is WinME. D: Also Why are you using windows 98? Thats SOOOO last millennium!
  6. http://funnyvideos.todaysbigthing.com/2009/01/21 http://funnyvideos.todaysbigthing.com/2008/09/15
  7. I dislike IM clients like AIM/MSN, though Pidgin is a wonderful way to use them.
  8. Why don't you like IRC? You don't need to install an IRC client you could always use like CGI:IRC or another Java client.
  9. Perhaps a Piriform IRC channel? I rarely disconnect from IRC :$ [ Status ] I am Op in 16, HalfOp in 6, Voice in 5 and Regular in 3. I have power over 291/727 users, which is 40.03%. It has been 1day 5hrs 41mins 27secs since my internet went out last, and I have been on mIRC for 2wks 4days 4hrs 19mins 59secs. My local time is Friday January 2009 08:31:04. I am running mIRC v.6.35 on Windows XP. 2wks 4days, not bad. heh.
  10. I personally only use Betamax for my video needs. 8-tracks for my music of course.
  11. Its a newer laptop, my dad uses it for work and wanted to try windows 7, I'll edit in the model number soon enough.
  12. I just installed the Win7 Beta on a laptop. Nothing but problems so far. Can't access files, BSOD within minutes of initial install when installing updates and accessing pictures at the same time. Behavior is erratic when logging in after Switch User. Its been installed for 7 minutes.
  13. My dad just prepared a windows 7 install disc for a 20gb partition on his laptop, I'll have him try it out and relay back to me
  14. Winapp2.ini

    how ?

    All in all your friend could just copy the text into his/her URL bar and use the link that way.
  15. I love onions! I'd consider making Macaroni and Cheese..and Onion!
  16. You'd think with 3 digital cameras, one would have a working battery for me to take a picture. hehe.
  17. Winapp2.ini

    how ?

    Edit: Step one. Install Firefox. If you look up in your context menu bars you should see one called "file" click it and select "Send Link" otherwise you can just copy the contents of your URL bar and paste them in the email field.
  18. I made a video of some of my games ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEdyLpFe9EI&fmt=18 Keep in mind only /some/ are there. Sorry for my choice in music, I had the thing on shuffle. 7,873 songs but sometimes I fancy some of my less played music (that was Drop Dead Gorgeous) I made that wooden board edit: hahaha, all the "related" videos are of CCleaner
  19. Life? I've played that game. Worst game ever. http://www.peoplecorporation.org/post_imag...t-game-ever.jpg
  20. World Of Warcraft Half Life 2 Far Cry 2 Sims 2 Supreme Commander Supreme Commander Forged Alliance Max Payne Max Payne 2 Crysis SPORE Quake Doom 3 Diablo Diablo 2 Saurbraten OH GOD when I was little I loved Duke 3D atomic addition, I had all the addons. I found a version ported to win32 but it was a little buggy, still awesome. Atomic Winter and Caribbean were fun, Duke it out in DC was kinda hard. Im going to get Left 4 Dead soon - My friend keeps trying to get me to switch to WAR because he got bored of wow and switched If we're talking non computer games, I could go on forever. I'll get a picture of my desk soon enough, its got quite a few games on it.
  21. I like Pistachios and Peanuts. Cashews are alright as well. I'm more of a Sunflower Seed kid myself though Hazel nuts are a tasty treat!
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