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Everything posted by agumon

  1. you can either save the backup in easily access folder... or create a shortcut to that folder... you might also want to try pinning the folder to the start menu if you are using Windows XP(drag the folder to the 'Start' button and release it on the left panel...)
  2. agumon

    .log files

    log files are generally text files and useless unless you want to analyse what happen in the logging... it is safe to delete...
  3. agumon


    i think MSN should include those patch thing in MSN messenger itself... allowing enabling and disabling without the patch... and hope they will add tab messenging in the next version...
  4. agumon


    thanks tarun... just tried out... i should have got this earlier... so many options... now messenging windows is so much cleaner...
  5. agumon


    what should i do with the website...?
  6. agumon


    but if google is really going to release a IM that will work with MSN network, i will remove my hotmail account and MSN messenger... and register my gmail with MSN... with gmail around, it will be more than enough for me... currently there is nothing that can beat it... but for now... a 2MB of hotmail and a bloated MSN messenger... well... i am not complaining here...
  7. dont click that... it have nothing to do with firefox... think it is advertisement or something similar...
  8. agumon


    DjLizard steal the spotlight again...
  9. gunner is always filled with funny stuff... i like Windows Vista look... actually find it very nice... but i believe it need a lot of processing power...?
  10. agumon


    no problem...
  11. agumon


    launch the program and Tools -> Options.. -> Preferences uncheck the checkbox for "Run Windows Messenger when Windows starts this should do the trick... otherwise, you can disable it using any startup mananger and disable Windows messenger to run at startup...
  12. stealing is bad... but i read somewhere that people already have way(s) to bypass the checking...
  13. agumon


    trillian is also bloated... as for Gaim... what is gtk...? i searched the FAQ... but... ...
  14. ya... thanks for telling this... if not Steve1 might use it and something might happen to his system...
  15. no answer...? is ok... i am just curious about it...
  16. along with your nick, you seems to be a very confident person... and maybe you should paragraph your post...
  17. that is very bad... the people who did that online scanner should make sure it is working to help people solve their problem... not adding problem to it...
  18. that person like to collect toolbars...? at least there is one google toolbar which is the only useful among the all...
  19. agumon


    yup... one one my friend is using yahoo account... just that i dont want to use MSN messenger... totally bloated with useless stuff...
  20. firefox 1.1 Alpha is available for download http://fileforum.betanews.com/detail/Mozil...ws/1032985422/4
  21. agumon

    IE 7 pics!

    like firefox...? i also think that way...
  22. agumon

    IE 7 pics!

    ok... i will try the next time i want to upload a image file...
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