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Horrible change

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Seems they removed custom clean from the free services, which means that after using Ccleaner for oh i dunno, a decade and a half? i will now have to stop using it since it lost any and all functionality for me. The entire reason i used custom clean was that the basic clean removes stuff i dont want removed, custom clean allowed me to uncheck those things (and check a few extra's) I'm absolutely baffled at this change, so many people will just drop this program like a brick now, what were they thinking just shadow dropping this change without any announcement

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12 minutes ago, hazelnut said:

Okay yeah this tells me enough, sad that new owners always end up enshittifying a product, guess i'll have to go around looking for something else to use now after 16 years of using this program

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Since we can't mention competitors products here on the forum, I guess I'll be spending a lot of time on Google. I have no idea what good alternative products are. I've used CCleaner for so long.

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Tip for the technically inclined.

You can still do an Analyse and expand it to see what Custom Clean has found to clean.

You can then put those paths into your own cleaning batch file.

If that went above your head then Health Check still does free cleaning but with little choice of what is cleared or not.

*** Out of Beer Error ->->-> Recovering Memory ***

Worried about 'Tracking Files'? Worried about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:


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