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dial a fix removed user accounts


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HI ,

I had the same issues appearing, so I followed advice on the forum and down loaded dial a fix, ran it, then scanned for issues, fixed the issues but i found that my wife's account and my son's account was no longer in the login page, but when i tried to create their accounts again I was prompted that the accounts already exists.

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Check out this thread (the last post) http://forum.ccleaner.com/index.php?showtopic=6120 about missing user accounts/user profiles. Just make sure you backup all important documents, music, pictures first to a completely different location like "C:\Backups\User Profile Name 1" "C:\Backups\User Profile Name 2" then copy them back into the new user account location.

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Please do not do what Andavari has suggested. It is much easier than starting your account over again or mucking about with your documents and settings.


This isn't a CCleaner bug, so you shouldn't really be mad at the CCleaner team. I understand that someone directed you to use the program, but I'm the author of Dial-a-fix; nobody can properly help you here with problems caused (or revealed) by Dial-a-fix.


This happens sometimes, and only with limited user accounts. I think I've found out the root cause of it, but for now, you just need to roll back the SAM and SECURITY hives to get your accounts back. Fortunately, this isn't as hard as it sounds, you just have to boot into XP's Recovery Console. A full article detailing how to roll back individual registry hives is located on my wiki: http://wiki.DjLizard.net/SVI


Feel free to email me using the Dial-a-fix email address if you need any assistance, and I apologize for the inconvenience.


In the future guys, please refer people who have problems after using Dial-a-fix directly to the dial-a-fix email address.

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(By forums he means the "DjLizard.net Software" section on Lunarsoft.net)


Well, that would work, but they'd get a faster response if they directly email me at the email address listed inside of DAF.

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Do you live in Bradenton, Sarasota, Tampa, or St. Petersburg, Florida? Visit Digital Doctors where I work :)

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Thanks for your replies folks, especikally for Djlizard, read through your roll back instructions. however do you think it would be easier if I unlimit all the limited accounts before I ran the dial a fix? (since it only sometimes affect the limited accounts)Then set limits for them again thereafter.

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I believe my next release will address this issue completely, and you won't have to worry about anything. It would be interesting to see if it still happens if you promoted a limited user, though, but I must say you should try that only at your own risk. :)


Thanks for being so understanding.

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Do you live in Bradenton, Sarasota, Tampa, or St. Petersburg, Florida? Visit Digital Doctors where I work :)

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LOL(@ at your own risk) isn't always!!!. If you expect the next release to be out soon I would rather wait than to take a risk. would appreciate it if you could drop me a notification when that happens (alsubjacsg@yahoo.com). and thaks a million for you help and time.


I believe my next release will address this issue completely, and you won't have to worry about anything. It would be interesting to see if it still happens if you promoted a limited user, though, but I must say you should try that only at your own risk. :)


Thanks for being so understanding.


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