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Speccy is listing "Kaspersky Internet Security" as enabled Antivirus program


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Just a thought that may or may not work:

Have you tried uninstalling Speccy and reinstalling it?

Some entry/flag may have got stuck in Speccy itself?

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Interesting read that involves the role WMI plays.


(just in case you haven't done enough reading lately !!)


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31 minutes ago, hazelnut said:


Interesting read that involves the role WMI plays.


(just in case you haven't done enough reading lately !!)

It does seem interesting but also complicated at the same time haha. Unsure if the code provided there can help me in any way?

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I gather you have once again reached your posting limit for the day.

Have you ever used Windows Repair by Tweaking.com?

I was just wondering if it would reset the WMI




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Guest johnccleaner

Very odd case, I didn't know Kaspersky was quite so... persistent!

In any event, in trying a few things, I might have an answer for you.

Similar to what Hazel had you run for finding the AV in WMI, this command:


wmic /Node:localhost /Namespace:\\root\SecurityCenter2 Path FirewallProduct get * /value

should show the Kaspersky firewall.

From there, the instructions in: https://support.cloudradial.com/hc/en-us/articles/360049084271-Removing-Old-Antivirus-Listings-from-Security-Center altered to FirewallProduct instead of AntiVirusProduct may allow you to finally exorcise it. (It goes without saying to be very, very careful, of course.)

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Hey everyone,

My posting restriction has been lifted, so now I'm able to share an update on this issue.

19 hours ago, hazelnut said:

I converted the C# script that had been posted there to an .exe File through PowerShell using the following command:

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\csc.exe /t:exe /out:MyApplication.exe MyApplication.cs

Make sure to create a .cs file (using Editor) containing the C# script beforehand. Once I converted it to an .exe file, I was able to run it and it then gave me this result:
This means that Kaspersky Internet Security is still registered as a third-party firewall in Windows, even though it had been uninstalled a few months ago (incl. all registry entries and leftover files).

17 hours ago, hazelnut said:

Have you ever used Windows Repair by Tweaking.com?

I was just wondering if it would reset the WMI

I've also tried performing the WMI Repair through the Windows Repair by Tweaking.com application. Unfortunately, it did not change anything and Speccy still mentioned Kaspersky Internet Security in the firewall section.

16 hours ago, johnccleaner said:

Similar to what Hazel had you run for finding the AV in WMI, this command:


wmic /Node:localhost /Namespace:\\root\SecurityCenter2 Path FirewallProduct get * /value

should show the Kaspersky firewall.

From there, the instructions in: https://support.cloudradial.com/hc/en-us/articles/360049084271-Removing-Old-Antivirus-Listings-from-Security-Center altered to FirewallProduct instead of AntiVirusProduct may allow you to finally exorcise it. (It goes without saying to be very, very careful, of course.)

This actually resolved this issue and Speccy now no longer mentions Kaspersky Internet Security at all. 🎉

I'm glad I was able to get rid of it and thanks again to every person who has participated in this thread 🙂

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