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Fragmentation Increases after running Defrag


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Defraggler v2022.995(64-bit)

PC: Windows 7 Professional

Hoping someone can help me understand...

Ran “Quick Defrag” and it started and completed with 27% fragmentation.

So I ran the “defrag”.  It took 1hour and 20 minutes and completed with 22% fragmentation.

I then ran “analyze” and it now shows 40% fragmentation???

I guess I am confused as to why it now appears to be more fragmented than before.

Did I do something wrong?


Thank you for any help you can provide.

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It depends how you have defragged.
From the time it took I'm guessing you just clicked the 'Defrag' button after analyzing.

There two processes that are both referred to defragging - Defragmenting and Consolidation
By default Defragler does a mix of both, and Consolidation can actually leave some files more fragmented than before which seems to be what you are seeing here.

See these links,
The first is an explanation of the two diffrent defrag types, and how each type works

This second one is step-by-step how to do a 'files only' defragment without the consolidation, which will get the files in one piece each and the fragmentation percentage down

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Thank you for taking the time to reply.

I appreciate it.

When I "defragged" I just used the defrag button to the right of the analyse button.

I also tried "defrag freespace" that took the percent fragmentation down by 1%

I also, "defragged by file" for a really fragmented file, but that didn't have any overall impact.

So I don't  understand why after a defrag , the fragmentation went from 22% to 40 %.

But right now it is a 39%.

Any other thoughts?

By the way , after a defrag should you reboot the machine?




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1 hour ago, KEL1 said:

I also, "defragged by file" for a really fragmented file, but that didn't have any overall impact.

Try doing that for ALL the fragmented files, as it shows in that second link above.

If there are lots of files with a small number of fragments that can affect the overall fragmented figure more than one file with a lot of fragments.


PS. A reboot is not necessary, in fact it will probably write more temporary files which may be fragmented.

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Okey Dokey...

Just did:

1) analyse

2) select all files 

3) defrag selected files, and as mentioned there are a few it cannot defrag.

Still 39% fragmented.

So after doing the above, not much has changed.  Guess it is what it is...

Must have tired out the PC, not sure all this trying to defrag is getting me much other than being very frustrated.

I should probably stop.....

Unless there is something that I have really goofed up....any thoughts?????



1) Started at 27% fragmentation

2) Ran DEFRAG using the defrag button,

          *  fragmentation went from 27% to 22%,right after as a curiosity I ran analyse and Fragmentation was at 40%?????

Since then have tired :

3) ran quick defrag getting fragmentation 40%

4) ran advanced/defrag free space getting fragmentation 39%

5) ran analyse getting fragmentation 39%

6) went to Files tab and selected all the files, ran defrag selected files, got 39% fragmentation.





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5 hours ago, KEL1 said:

Ran “Quick Defrag” and it started and completed with 27% fragmentation.

So I ran the “defrag”.  It took 1hour and 20 minutes and completed with 22% fragmentation.

I then ran “analyze” and it now shows 40% fragmentation???

not ok.

1 hour ago, KEL1 said:

3) defrag selected files, and as mentioned there are a few it cannot defrag.

Still 39% fragmented.

what files would nice to know... in the file list it should you show the fragmented files ...


1 hour ago, KEL1 said:

4) ran advanced/defrag free space getting fragmentation 39%

free space defrag dont defrag your hdd.


how full is your hdd?


have you a pic?

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thanks for the pic...

there seems to be 9 files with a size of 72,7 gb - as i can see most of them in the middle of your hdd...

normally there is the pagefile.sys, perhaps the hipernation-file and most the system-volume-infos (system-restore-points)

can you take a screenshot/pic after you click on the button "view files"? <--- there will be list the files that fragmented (the 9 big ones...)



ccleaner -> tools -> system restore

how many points are listed/displayed? if more as 2 or 3... need you all of them? if not, delete some of the oldest ones. or if you dont need them, delete all of them. only the newest will be grayed and can stay.

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Thank you for your help.

All this is new to me and I am not very experienced.

Here is what I think you asked me for...

1)      Run a Quick Defrag

2)      Run Analyse

3)      Provide a screen shot of “9 big ones..." being the 10  largest files left that were not defragmented 

                                                 In file ScreenShots-2b.docx

4) ccleaner->tools->system restore

                                                In file Screen Shots -3 (system restore points).docx


            You indicate that it is okay to remove the old restore point?

Thanks for your patience with my learning as we go along.

Screen Shots - 2b.docxScreen Shots - 3 (system restore points).docx


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Thanks for the screenshots, (and thanks to the others joining in to help).

It looks to be those "System volume information" files that are causing the fragmentation. (All the red squares).
They will be either open or protected so that Defraggler can't work with them.

So to start with; yes you can delete those old restore points, that may/should remove some of those System Volume files.
You can do it from CCleaner, or the next step here (Disc Cleanup) should do it.

Next I would run the Windows built in Disk Clean-up with 'Clean up system files' selected. That can take some time cleaning up the system files.
Just in case you've not used Disc Cleanup before: https://www.dummies.com/computers/pcs/how-to-use-disk-cleanup-in-windows-7-and-vista/

That should further reduce the number of System Volume files.

Next I would do a "Boot time defrag" which can defrag system files before Windows loads.
In the menu a the top left of Defraggler select: Settings>Boot Time Defrag>Run Once
It should give you a prompt asking if you want to restart.
Restart your machine and Defraggler will run before Windows loads to defrag the system files that it can. (Because Windows isn't yet loaded you'll only see some lines of text).

Once Windows has loaded try a Defraggler analyze again to see what it says the percentage fragmented is now.

Come back and let us know how it went.

That all takes a while to do, but once you can get things cleared up and defragged keeping it that way is easier.

(PS. You can change the settings so that it doesn't keep as many restore points in future, but let's try and get things cleaned up first).


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Yes, Thanks to everyone who has provided help. I really appreciate it.😊

Thank you for the steps you provided above.

I will work my through them.

It may take me awhile as this is my only PC and I have to be able to use it.

But I will give it a try.

I will be sure to let you know how I make out.

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It's the Disc Cleanup that will take the time, especially if it the first one or if it's not been done for a while, the others should be fairly quick if you do them in the above order.

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I always let it run alone, but that's my choice.

You can keep using the computer and while that will slow down the cleanup, it shouldn't noticably slow down using the computer.

Of course while you are using the computer it will be writing new temporary files, but that shouldn't be the ones we are trying to clean up here.

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on my w8.1 i used only 2-3 restore points, for my older ps´s with xp, vista or w7 i dont have used restore points and deactivated it.

my settings for restore point i have reduced at 3 % of available hdd-space.

my experience with restore points and systemrestore is not so good and i mean perhaps its not so usefull as i was thinking about it. and it gives more problems as it solved for me.


the simplest way for your fragmentation:

if you dont need the restore points that you actually have is -> delete all of it or deactivate it in the system settings -> after this, restart your pc.

after the restart take a look with defraggler what is with your fragmentation

as next -> reactivate your system restore points and create the first one with your pc-status at this moment.

done 🙂

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On 13/02/2021 at 19:06, hazelnut said:

Just out of interest who does Windows 7 builtin Defragger say and do?

yes... what means windows defrag?

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another thing...

have you ticked the option:

"stop vss when defragmenting the ntfs volume"?


settings -> options -> advanced -> the second from below...

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