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Puzzle for neighberaaron,and others


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Nice Puzzle Humpty,


I know the answer :P


Here's another to add to the topic



What is strange about these sentences?


Was it a car or a cat I saw?


Warsaw was raw.


No lemons, no melon.


Dennis and Edna sinned.

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Thats a good one, It took some thinking about but I believe its a S**** :P


I dont want to Hijack Humpty's post so will leave people to figure out his and your puzzle



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Puzzle :


"What occurs twice in a lifetime, but once in a year, twice in a week but never in a day?"


Please don't post the answer,just say you know to give others something to mull over.



Yeah that did get the little gray cells working overtime.....nice one.

Once you reveal the answer I'll post one up.

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You people are so damn clever.But I will wait for neighberaaron to answer or give in!LOL :D



What goes round the world but stays in a corner?


Damn,you had to do it eh Hazelnut.Now I won't sleep all night!


Ahhh,I know,I'll just google away.LOL :lol:

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Puzzle :


"What occurs twice in a lifetime, but once in a year, twice in a week but never in a day?"


Please don't post the answer,just say you know to give others something to mull over.

way too easy my friend... BTW, i know...


Here's another -


What goes round the world but stays in a corner?



thats a good one, heard it before tho...

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Puzzle :


"What occurs twice in a lifetime, but once in a year, twice in a week but never in a day?"



OK your too good neighberaaron.


Answer is the letter "e"


Found the answer to-"what goes round the world but stays in a corner". :)

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Something for you guys to think about.


A man gets out his chair,

Switches off the radio,

Switches on the light,

Then shoots himself.


What is the man's occupation?




I've googled and googled.


I give in. :(

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too many answers for these red, black, and white riddles...

why is it illegal for a man living in japan to be burried in china?



cant bury people alive.......?

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  • 2 weeks later...


Carnival Trick?



A boy was at a carnival and went to a booth where a man said to the boy, "If I write your exact weight on this piece of paper then you have to give me $50, but if I cannot, I will pay you $50." The boy looked around and saw no scale so he agrees, thinking no matter what the carny writes he'll just say he weighs more or less. In the end the boy ended up paying the man $50. How did the man win the bet?

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Haha.. The Carnival is kind of an old one... but it still gets people every time! The answer is too obvious for most people. No scales in the floors, remote super-duper satellite weight-detecting algorithms, just a simple answer that's right under your nose :P

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