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It's not what you think. Even though I am Corona.


(I tried to thumbnail this but, you know, fail.)




That "Plugin container for Firefox" is just another resized window to have on my dtop showing the Decorah eagles cam. I have it on all day long.

I know, I can close all of FF and start FF fresh again and the memory will lower again. Over time it rises, especially with a live feed.

Anyway I was looking at Process/Create Dump/ Create Mini Dump (or) Create Full Dump. (I'm really holding back my natural gross instincts here.)

But anyway, is there a way to "dump" this gained memory to get that 1 million K back down to normal without shutting down and restarting FF? Is that possible?

You know I'm not a tech wizard or anything. Should I back away from it like it's a reg hive with gnarly teeth? Or is there a simple solution?


Thanks for reading. I enjoyed writing this book as much as you enjoyed reading it. ;)

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The last time I tried killing off that "plugin container" thing it caused Adobe Flash Player to crash, I just restart Firefox when it has a bunch of them open consuming half of my system RAM.

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I'll look into that, Winapp. Thanks.

But can anyone tell me what happens if you create a mini or full dump? I see that it allows me to save said dump into my Documents folder. But I've never tried it because I have no idea what it would do. What exactly does it "dump"? :blink:

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A little bit of reading for you Corona






The second link I found really interesting as I had never considered debugging a hung program from the taskmanager before.


On xp drwtsn32.exe can be set up to show minidumps when any app crashes. This can give devs the info they need to fix things. I have my xp test machine set up for them. It is mega simple to set up and needs no attention (apart from remembering where the minidmps are when you need them!)




I guess the question is balancing your memory against that plug container.


p.s. ccleaner cleans dump files so make sure you get them before you use ccleaner.


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Wow Hazelnut, you are amazing! :) That first article nailed the problem, and the other 2 articles confirmed that Corona shouldn't be dabbling with dumps of any kind. (Way too techy.)

Now I need to go to about:config and mess around like the instructions say. Thanks!

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