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Multiple Profiles CLeanup

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This a feature request which I think should have been implemented a long time ago.


The software should be able to do the clean-up to different profiles in one run and not have to run the CCleaner from each profile.


Imagine yourself trying to do some maintenance cleanup to a computer classroom on which more than thirty students could could log-in at any computer, thus creating a profile for each one of them at logon.


Please consider this very seriously.


Thank you.

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I agree - that's extremely unfortunate since a ) it's an excellent idea (which I have been thinking about before) and b ) one would think that this is a no-brainer.


Additionally, the Piriform applications unfortunately don't integrate application menus/icons into Windows' Start menu for all of Windows' user profiles (exclusively into the profile where the app is installed from). At least that should be changed.

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I think this is primarily for privacy concerns. Maybe the devs think you shouldn't meddle with profiles which aren't yours since that is what different profiles are for!


Thats just what I think, and yes, I have suggested this too.

Simplicity is hard.

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Well - at least the admin of a machine should be able to do this - I mean, he can manually change the other users' profiles anyway.


On a sidenote - I am the only user of my computer - and I use multiple profiles (admin/restricted). I would think that I am not the only one doing this.

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Well - at least the admin of a machine should be able to do this - I mean, he can manually change the other users' profiles anyway.


On a sidenote - I am the only user of my computer - and I use multiple profiles (admin/restricted). I would think that I am not the only one doing this.

in the case of the latter, just press shift while right clicking ccleaner and choose "run as..." or "run as a different user" (depending on XP or Vista/7 respectivly)




Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


Support at https://support.ccleaner.com/s/?language=en_US

Pro users file a PRIORITY SUPPORT via email support@ccleaner.com

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Yes, I am aware that this is possible - but isn't one of the goals of CCleaner (or any decent software for that matter) to make things as easy as possible and more efficient for the user? That's one of the reasons I am using CCleaner instead of some competitor's product - it's very efficient and very easy to handle (well, at least most of the time).


I mean, what are the good arguments *against* this?


in the case of the latter, just press shift while right clicking ccleaner and choose "run as..." or "run as a different user" (depending on XP or Vista/7 respectivly)

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