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WTF is the attraction to app stores?


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For us geeks, MS's move is a bad one. But for your average Joe, it's awesome - he doesn't care at all what the devs have to do, and he likes having one place to download everything.

In fact, an "app store" is what Linux distros have been using for years - the main difference being the fact you can still install apps from other places.

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For us geeks, MS's move is a bad one. But for your average Joe, it's awesome - he doesn't care at all what the devs have to do, and he likes having one place to download everything.

In fact, an "app store" is what Linux distros have been using for years - the main difference being the fact you can still install apps from other places.

This is what I was afraid of happening and it is and will continue. These app stores are not awesome in any way. It's not awesome some moron can't be bothered to research a little and find a good app so now he has one place that him and his fellow morons can go to download. The app stores are not for their benefit. They are a way to nickel and dime you and the morons don't seem to mind.


The Linux repositories are no way the same thing. They are a convenience not a vehicle to financially rape you. You are not locked in to them. They are there to make finding and installing software easier similar to the Firefox addon site. App stores are not there for your convince if they were you would not be locked into using them. They are there to screw you period. Unfortunately there are far too may idiots willing to be screwed and worse actually think it's good.


It blows my mind how stupid many can be. They are embracing a system that nickel and dimes them, censors them, locks them down, and dumbs down computing. These are the same one brain celled monkeys that spill their guts on Facebook and have no concept of privacy. They think Facebook is great and it's the place to be so the monkeys all pile on without giving any thought to the bigger picture.

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Anomaly while I am enjoying the exchange of views by members on this subject, please take care on how you label people just because they don't look at things in the same way as you do.


Saying that people who use app stores are morons and stupid does not strengthen your point of view. Nor does calling Facebook users one brain celled monkeys.


Strong views on subjects are not a problem, but please present them in a way that avoids labeling people in such an offensive way.


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Saying that people who use app stores are morons and stupid does not strengthen your point of view. Nor does calling Facebook users one brain celled monkeys.




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Anomaly: Be restrained...I think you have a good heart but you are coming across as kind of harsh. Just my humble opinion. :-)


One of the reasons I have returned to this forum is that the members here are so polite and helpful, even when I write something ignorant. There is a big difference between ignorant and stupid.

The CCleaner SLIM version is always released a bit after any new version; when it is it will be HERE :-)

Pssssst: ... It isn't really a cloud. Its a bunch of big, giant servers.

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