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Icons in winapp2.ini?

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I think we all agree that winapp2.ini is a great way to add applications that (probably) won't make it as far as official Pirifom support. One humble request: can winapp2.ini functionality be expanded to include icons? Either as part of the existing DetectFile= directive or as a new Icon= directive, is my thinking. Chromium and my other winapp2.ini entries look so alone and so plain with no icon in the list. :D



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I like the idea . . . but I don't understand it, currently in CCleaner no applications have any icons. group heading do yes but no applications do. Are you not adding the LangSecRef= into your entries? by doing so using these codes


; LangSecRef
;  3021 = Applications
;  3022 = Internet
;  3023 = Multimedia
;  3024 = Utilities
;  3025 = Windows



your entries will have a place under an icon. . . then maybe they will have less loneliness.




[*Adobe Flash Most recent Files]



so this should be able to place them there


(NERGAL is trying new Piriform Forum feature of add placemarker for attachment)




Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


Support at https://support.ccleaner.com/s/?language=en_US

Pro users file a PRIORITY SUPPORT via email support@ccleaner.com

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The only problem I foresee is of people submitting new winapp2.ini cleaning entries with icon locations in them that don't exist, i.e.; a program being installed elsewhere and not in the default location, or a portable version being used.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The only problem I foresee is of people submitting new winapp2.ini cleaning entries with icon locations in them that don't exist, i.e.; a program being installed elsewhere and not in the default location, or a portable version being used.


Sorry for the late reply. Topic tracking isn't emailing me. :D


I think fair use rights would cover building a leedle archive of... 16x16 icons? Is that the size being used? I'm using portable builds of everything, so the icons would go right into a directory under my Windows equivalent of $HOME. Or, again, DetectFile could provide the icon hint: no app; no icon. You'd possibly need one extra entry to specify the icon to select in multi-icon-resource EXEs. I have to adjust the entries from the Chromium support section as it is-- my Chromium lives under $HOME/applications/chromium and not undder the default "mini_installer" location.

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I like the idea . . . but I don't understand it, currently in CCleaner no applications have any icons. group heading do yes

I appreciate the advice, but then at best I get a big "Internet" section with loads of entries for Chrome, Opera, etc. And what you said isn't *quite* true-- a few apps (IE, Fox) get their very own section. I'd like to be able to do the same for Chromium and other apps.

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I could see the default installation of CCleaner itself being able to do it properly with its already in-built cleaners for software with the icons already embedded into the application, that is if the developers wanted to do it. That would also bloat CCleaner.exe having to have all those icons embedded for the horde of software it cleans up after! However for the unofficial and unsupported add-on winapp2.ini I don't see it happening but with that said it isn't my choice since I'm just regular user and volunteer like everyone else.


And yes I think CC is using 16x16 icons from just eyeballing them that's what they look like at least.

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That would also bloat CCleaner.exe having to have all those icons embedded

Oh, not like that. I would propose we collect them on the forum-- or somewhere --and pull them in as needed; the same as the entries in winapp2.ini. You'd just copy in a handful of the icons you needed.

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While I'm about it: does anyone know how to use the SQLite-compressing functionality that was introduced for Firefox? Chrom[ium] also uses quite a lot of SQLite3 databases that could probably benefit from occasional VACUUM;-ing.


You just enable it for Firefox in:

Cleaner -> Applications -> Firefox/Mozilla -> Compact Databases


I don't know what command CC uses to do it, but compacting the FF SQLite database is common knowledge and even FF can do it per the user manually inputting some code as seen here:



As for vacuuming Chrome's database, there's this I found via a search but since I don't use Chrome I can't verify it works:


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I don't know what command CC uses to do it, but compacting the FF SQLite database is common knowledge and even FF can do it per the user manually inputting some code as seen here:

I actually have a bash alias to do this on my Linux machines, both for Fox and Chromium. :D I'd prefer not to have to do it manually for Chromium under Windows, is why I was asking. Thanks, though.


(Technically, this alias also works fine with Cygwin so long as the sqlite3 package is installed. I'd just prefer all of my crap cleaning in one place.) ;)

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