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Bear On A Bridge


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Great story! :)

A bear was walking across the "Rainbow Bridge" in Truckee California, on the I-80, California / Nevada State line, when two cars also crossed the bridge from both directions. The bear was so scared, with no place to run, made a leap over the side of the bridge...


The motorists stopped their cars in horror of what just happened and ran to the edge to see how badly the bear was injured.


To their amazement, they saw that the bear had somehow grasped the lower ledge of the bridge support as it fell and pulled itself back up.

Not the end of the drama for the bear as he was still in a precarious position.

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Have any of you looked at the video bottom right on that page? If not, have a look and imagine what you would do.

I'd have a beer to settle my nerves. Then have a beer to celebrate. Then invite all my friends round for a beer whilst deciding what colour Aston Martin to order :D

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I'd have a beer to settle my nerves. Then have a beer to celebrate. Then invite all my friends round for a beer whilst deciding what colour Aston Martin to order :D

Yeah, that bear was lucky too!!!

And speaking of Aston Martins. His name was "BEAR". "JAMES BEAR 007". :lol::o:lol:

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