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IE7 available


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OOOOHHHHH, how I hate MS. So I install this new version and for the past 48 hours I get the updates available icon. Click on it and hit download (KB937143), disappears in a few seconds (because it's already downloaded). If I go to Windows Update site and check express it does its thing (supposedly downloading the same update) and when it tries to install says it has failed. This happens way to often with MS updates!

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OOOOHHHHH, how I hate MS. So I install this new version and for the past 48 hours I get the updates available icon. Click on it and hit download (KB937143), disappears in a few seconds (because it's already downloaded). If I go to Windows Update site and check express it does its thing (supposedly downloading the same update) and when it tries to install says it has failed. This happens way to often with MS updates!

Update on the update problem!

I suspect you have all been through this: You have updates notice, you begin the download, then the installation, only to discover the installation failed. Then you start jumping through hoops, you search the problem, find a fix on tech forums somewhere (uninstall this, reinstall this, enter this dll, etc.). Well a few days ago I install the new IE7 version (I really only use Ff and I wonder why?!) and for the next few days the update icon appears in the notification area (for security update KB.....43). I initiate the download and it goes away, only to reappear after the next boot. Installations from the update site also prove unsuccessful and indeed the log file shows all these failures. I have updates configured to notify me only, so I figure maybe if I just change it to auto it would work (never had to do that , however). Well when I went to change my settings there was the option to use Windows update instead of MS update, I selected that and to my amazement the update went off flawlessly! So now when I check the update page there is this typical MS add for "NEW Get Microsoft Update Now". So my question is: do I stay with Windows update and what do you all use?

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Update on the update problem!

I suspect you have all been through this: You have updates notice, you begin the download, then the installation, only to discover the installation failed. Then you start jumping through hoops, you search the problem, find a fix on tech forums somewhere (uninstall this, reinstall this, enter this dll, etc.). Well a few days ago I install the new IE7 version (I really only use Ff and I wonder why?!) and for the next few days the update icon appears in the notification area (for security update KB.....43). I initiate the download and it goes away, only to reappear after the next boot. Installations from the update site also prove unsuccessful and indeed the log file shows all these failures. I have updates configured to notify me only, so I figure maybe if I just change it to auto it would work (never had to do that , however). Well when I went to change my settings there was the option to use Windows update instead of MS update, I selected that and to my amazement the update went off flawlessly! So now when I check the update page there is this typical MS add for "NEW Get Microsoft Update Now". So my question is: do I stay with Windows update and what do you all use?


Well use what works IMO. I use Windows Updates. I have no reason to change.

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I've noticed that if Automatic Updates is set to Notify there is a random chance that it will fail to download files. Setting it to Automatic (recommended) may be worth trying to get the updates, or better just visit the Microsoft Update website using IE.


I've had a couple of failed updates before where I just had to keep trying to install them and they eventually installed.


If all else fails you could also manually download those KB updates, and then manually install them, sometimes that works.

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I've noticed that if Automatic Updates is set to Notify there is a random chance that it will fail to download files. Setting it to Automatic (recommended) may be worth trying to get the updates, or better just visit the Microsoft Update website using IE.


I've had a couple of failed updates before where I just had to keep trying to install them and they eventually installed.


If all else fails you could also manually download those KB updates, and then manually install them, sometimes that works.


I have mine set to notify and fortunately have not had an issue with it. I would not dream of letting Microsoft download and install what ever they want. Their repeated attempts at installing Windows Genuine Advantage Notification Tool as a critical update put a stop to me setting updates to automatic.

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I installed IE7 for the first time, and i noticed something weird: fonts are different. It looks like the fonts are bolder, and kinda low quality looking. Also, I use AIM6, and it made the fonts look different in that too. They are all set to the same as what they were 10 minutes before my installation took place, yet my text appears bolder and low quality. Any idea as to what this is?

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IE7 uses clear type, which should make everything look better.

I actually cant stand not having it turned on now. But if you dont use a lcd monitor then I guess they might not look as hot.(there is also a tool called clear type tuner that you can use to make them look even better).


Anyway to turn it off right click your desktop>properties> appearance> effects> uncheck the box that says cleartype.

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IE7 uses clear type, which should make everything look better.

I actually cant stand not having it turned on now. But if you dont use a lcd monitor then I guess they might not look as hot.(there is also a tool called clear type tuner that you can use to make them look even better).


Anyway to turn it off right click your desktop>properties> appearance> effects> uncheck the box that says cleartype.

I also have to use ClearType. Like you've stated if someone doesn't have an LCD monitor ClearType isn't going to look too good.


That ClearType Tuner PowerToy by Microsoft makes things look even better and more defined.

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I also have to use ClearType. Like you've stated if someone doesn't have an LCD monitor ClearType isn't going to look too good.


That ClearType Tuner PowerToy by Microsoft makes things look even better and more defined.

On all three of the laptops I've used/use cleartype looks crap on - just makes all the writing blurry. Horrible (IMHO of course)


I've noticed some installers and programs use cleartype now with no way to turn it off - highly irritating :angry: (Ashampoo being one of the recent offenders IIRC)

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I think MS has removed IE7 from windows update for windows xp.

I'm in the process of fixing a computer and I had to reformat it(the person had a nasty virus and they didnt even have SP1 installed. :rolleyes: ) Anyway I just reformatted it, installed SP2, and downloaded all the updates. IE7 wasn't in the updates. If this is happening to everyone, I think this is a dumb move for MS.

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So now when I check the update page there is this typical MS add for "NEW Get Microsoft Update Now". So my question is: do I stay with Windows update and what do you all use?


Hi slowday, just for info purposes, I've always had mine set to notify, and I've never had a problem installing.


I have seen in a few places on the web recommendations to steer clear of Microsoft Updates and to stick with Windows Updates to avoid problems. So I've stuck with the latter.

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I have seen in a few places on the web recommendations to steer clear of Microsoft Updates and to stick with Windows Updates to avoid problems. So I've stuck with the latter.

I have mine set on Notify because of the previous failure to download rate of the updates. I let it Notify me, then I go to Microsoft Update to get the downloads which rarely fail to download or properly install.

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I have seen in a few places on the web recommendations to steer clear of Microsoft Updates and to stick with Windows Updates to avoid problems. So I've stuck with the latter.
I switched to Microsoft update as soon as it asked me too and never had a problem with it. Having said that I don't use automatic updates at all so can't say whether its problematic with that.
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