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Ipod to Computer


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I reformatted awhile back, losing all my songs/media in the process, however my Ipod still holds all of my stuff..


I've been trying to figure out if it's possible, to send songs from your Ipod back onto your computer...

I found an article that explains that it is possible;



it says certain programs can allow you to send songs from your Ipod back onto your computer. so I've been looking for such programs on the internet, but I can't find any that are freeware :(


can someone help me? anyone know any Ipod>PC transfer programs?

there must be some free (full version) ones out there on the internet, somewhere......

so far i've had no luck


I would be very grateful if someone can help me out



EDIT: I'm only finding trial versions that only let you transfer 1-5 songs.. I'm about to give up :angry:

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Hi unsober B)

When you connect your ipod to your PC is it listed in "my computer" as a removable drive?

If it is, you might be able to browse to and select files "songs" to copy to a "folder" on your PC.

I don't have an "ipod" so if I'm way off track here I'm sorry :)


Edit: I just checked out the link in your post http://www.jakeludington.com/ask_jake/2005...to_windows.html now I see what your up against <_<

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this one can :D




This program will allow you transfer your songs from your iPod to a PC, iDump does come wrapped in installer but you can simply drop the .exe in the root directory on your iPod and run it from there.Connect your iPod and run iDump and you'll have access to all your songs, select the songs you want to transfer then pick a destination directory and how you would like your songs to be named. And then sit back and transfer all the selected songs to the PC.


from download.com :)

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When you connect your ipod to your PC is it listed in "my computer" as a removable drive?

If it is, you might be able to browse to and select files "songs" to copy to a "folder" on your PC.

I don't have an "ipod" so if I'm way off track here I'm sorry :)

yeah, this was the first thing I tried.. but doing that is not possible, you can't browse through your songs that way.

Apple makes it very difficult to extract songs from Ipods.. <_<



and thank you hazelnut! that program worked great! :D


Copy Complete! 4Gb in 559 files copied in 00:05:44. (11MB/sec)


woohoo! I got it all back B)

I'll be keeping this program

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It might be wise now to create a specific hard disk partition just for your music and other essentials so they aren't lost in any future format and reinstall.



A good idea Andavari, I use Karen's replicator for that purpose, copies all my pics, music and setup .exes to a safe place.


Plus it's a very small, safe program that is simple to run.


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thank you also q231 (I just saw your post)

iDump is even better. I think I'll use that one 'cause it comes with an installer


and creating a whole other partition/drive.. that seems like a lot of extra work :wacko:

I think I'm too lazy to be that organized

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A good idea Andavari, I use Karen's replicator for that purpose, copies all my pics, music and setup .exes to a safe place.


Plus it's a very small, safe program that is simple to run.

Good ole batch files work for me. I haven't found one backup program that meets my requirements after switching solely to using a batch file for backup.


and creating a whole other partition/drive.. that seems like a lot of extra work :wacko:

I think I'm too lazy to be that organized

If you bought any music from the iTunes store it would be wise to somehow backup your stuff, even to DVD if possible.

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i love external drives for backing things up. drag and drop, andyou are done. as well, you can unplug and if there is power surge or you get a nasty on your computer, the unplugged/turned off external doesnt get hit. :)

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Just in case you didnt know, you can backup your song's etc through Itunes itself.


Have a look here

I don't use iTunes because the included QuickTime is too slow. I never knew about that backup feature and will past the link on to others. I must say that backup feature they have is pretty damned neat, and the low cost of DVD's nowadays makes it affordable for backing up purchased media from the iTunes Store.

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