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Raging Blonde


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A blonde suspects that her boyfriend has been cheating

on her for some time. In a fit of rage she visits a

local gun shop and buys a pistol. She then takes the

gun to her boyfriend's apartment to confront him with

her suspicions.


As she arrives, she hears amorous moans coming from

within the apartment. In a rage she bursts in and finds

her boyfriend making love to a woman on the floor in

front of her.


She reaches into her purse to retrieve the weapon and

as she does so, she is overcome with grief. In her

grief she raises the gun to her own head. The boyfriend

jumps up and begins to plead with her not to end it

all. She cocks the gun, looks him angrily in the eye

and says, "Sit down and shut up, you're next!"

I'm here. What are your other two wishes?
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One of my friends in high school used to say that...and she was a blonde! :lol:

I'm here. What are your other two wishes?
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I know this is all in fun but I think there is something to it. I have met dumb women of all types but the majority of them (dumb women) and the dumbest of them have been blond. Another factor is hooter size. Blonds with big boobs are the dumbest of them all. I also notice that when an intelligent brunette goes blond there is a huge drop in IQ. If a blond goes brunette there is no increase in IQ. So it seems blond syndrome is permanent. Also the bigger the blond hair the dumber the women. You are in big crap if she is blond with big hair and big hooters. That is a dangerous combo. If you ask her to do anything she will probably forget to breath because she can't multi task very well. Blonds have more fun though because they don't know enough to realize they are actually having a boring time. :lol:

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I know this is all in fun but I think there is something to it. I have met dumb women of all types but the majority of them (dumb women) and the dumbest of them have been blond. Another factor is hooter size. Blonds with big boobs are the dumbest of them all. I also notice that when an intelligent brunette goes blond there is a huge drop in IQ. If a blond goes brunette there is no increase in IQ. So it seems blond syndrome is permanent. Also the bigger the blond hair the dumber the women. You are in big crap if she is blond with big hair and big hooters. That is a dangerous combo. If you ask her to do anything she will probably forget to breath because she can't multi task very well. Blonds have more fun though because they don't know enough to realize they are actually having a boring time. :lol:


LOL that sad part is I think this is true. I went to high school with a whole gaggle of 'em, all who fit your description to a "t"! :lol:

I'm here. What are your other two wishes?
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