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Posts posted by nukecad

  1. Yes the do make it very easy to sign up, and very difficult to see that you don't have to.

    Although you used to be able to leave the box blank and the 'offline account" was there but very tiny.

    Tbh Google have been getting away with it for years, every Android phone or tablet makes you sign into, or up for, a Google account and nobody complains about that. You can de-google android but who could be bothered?

    I suspect that the majority of Win10 users aren't that bothered about having the MS account either, only us techies.

  2. 4 hours ago, Andavari said:

    My search box works (the one that's supposed to be Cortana but I turned her off so it's just an old school search).

    The issue does seem to be linked to Cortana, if it's disabled then your search still works.

    PS. I don't use the searchbox anymore and got rid of that from the taskbar as well.
    Simply opening the Win10 start menu and typing does the job.

  3. 1 hour ago, hazelnut said:

    Today Microsoft broke the search menu for all Win 10 users.

    Both searches are still working fine here on my 1909, and I'm fully up to date with even last weeks optional installed.
    That may be because I disabled/suspended Cortana long ago. (And don't have a MS account).

  4. CCleaner for Windows hasn't had an update since November either; and that's also been remarked on here.

    We are told it's because they are making quite a few changes this time round, (not all of which will be visible in the User Interface).
    It may be some weeks yet before they are ready to release the new version(s).

  5. I think that what you you are seeing may be nothing to do with CCleaner.

    Many websites that deal with finances, such as banks and credit unions, will not now let you save logins - and so you have to enter your name/password every time that you go there.
    This is for your own security, and to keep your money safe.
    They do this so that if you lost your device (or it was stolen) nobody else will be able to automatically log into your bank account without knowing the password.

    Once they have decided to do this to keep your money safer then they will not keep 'automatic login' cookies. (So the cookies are not even there for CCleaner to remove or save).

    Even my mobile phone top-up site works like this now, I have to enter the password every time I visit there.

  6. Did you try the other suggestions yet to see if they cure that false MB analysis? (The bin fix, Disk Cleanup, and if still no joy then chkdsk).

    We have seen these false analysis reports in MB or even GB before and it's usually the bin being corrupted.

    You could try right clicking on 'Empty recycle bin' in the CCleaner Windows tab and selecting analyze in the menu that pops up.
    If that shows MB to clean then it confirms that a broken bin is the culprit.

    In fact, if you have the time, then you can try that right click/analyze with each of your ticked entries in turn to find out which is the one reporting these phantom MB.

  7. 22 minutes ago, Zevs said:

    Hey, my hard drive has been formatted.  When i start the scan it says impossible to find hard drive2.

    Does it means that i can't recover it?

    What should i do then?

    Please only post your question once, it will be seen but may take time for someone who knows to answer.

    See the repeat post that you made.

  8. Hi Zevs,

    There is no need to post twice.

    This is a user forum so it may take a while until someone who knows an answer to you question logs on and sees it.

    We know that when there is a problem everyone wants a quick answer, but sometimes we all have to wait a while.

  9. Often it's because you have 'only delete files older than 24 hrs selected' for the recyle bin and youve put something big in there in the last 24hrd - and/or have a corrupted bin. So CC sees the files to be removed but you have told it not to, or the bin is reporting files that aren't in there anymore.

    Check the 24hr setting first.

    Then try the suggestions here, if one of those doesn't sort it then come back to us and we'll try something else.


  10. As WPS is not the standard Microsoft Office suite I don't believe that it is included as standard in CCleaner (neither is Softmaker Office, Libre Office, or other MS Office replacements).

    You would have to make it's temporary files an 'include' in CCleaner, which means tracking down what files and folders to include from ...\appdata\local\kingsoft\wps\.

    However it may be easier:
    I believe that WPS cleaning is included in the user extension for CCleaner, winapp2,  (or at least it used to be).
    You may want to check there with someone who knows winapp2 better than I do.

  11. We won't have to wait as long for the next one, but the US will have to wait slightly longer - 12022021  - or 20211202 if you put the year first (y/m/d) to give international format.
    (12th Feb in the UK/Europe if you put the day/month first, Dec 2nd in the US or everywhere if you put the year first).

    I find it fascinating that with each of those 3 palindromic dates, (02111120 is the 900 y/o one), when you put the year first instead of last to give y/m/d international format then the 8 digit number changes but it's still a palindrome.


    PS. It's my 60th birthday later this month,
    If you drop the 19 for the century then the date of my birth, whilst not a palidrome, is also an interesting one in both UK and US formats - 260260 or 022660.

  12. Quote

    10 years old kids who are posting a video on youtube offering a full crack version of your latest ccleaner version

    I guess that you have downloaded pirated software from somewhere? (Were you not suspicious of a 10 year old kid offering software?)

    You can't blame any company for cowboys who are nothing to do with that company.

    Only ever get/download software from the software companys website itself, or from it's approved distributors websites.

    If you get it from anywhere else then you are taking an unnecessary risk of getting a virus or worse.


    make ccleaner free

    It is free. (You can pay if you want extra features, but they are not essential to the cleaning functions).



    CCleaner is the most cracked software in the World

    I doubt that, but crackers only bother with very, very, popular software - which should tell you something all by itself.

  13. 12 minutes ago, trium said:

    what has the pagefile to do with windows restore points?

    Maybe have a read of this, see point 6.  (not the best looking webpage but..)

    Like I said above it all comes down to what you are expecting to see from RP's - and that has changed from used to be the case with older Windows OS's.

    If you expect to see what used to happen in the past then you shouldn't, things change.


  14. I agree that RPs have very limited use these days and a mirror image with something like Macrium Reflect is preferable.

    TBH I can't remember ever using an RP that actually solved anything.

    But I suppose it still gives people a sense of security, even if it's missplaced. (And imagine the shouting if MS dropped them).

  15. 1 hour ago, ArchAngle said:

    So Windows updates sometimes do that now? That is bad, particularly as Windows itself should, automatically, put in a Restore Point before updating. If it is rendered useless by the update why would they do that and delete all the Restore Points including the one they have just created?

    That explanation does not seem to really fit the facts unless this is unintended Windows 10 behaviour ie. bug of some sort.

    It's not a bug, and is intended. You have to get your head around the fact that Win10 works differently from previous Windows versions.

    You have to remember that each Feature Update is effectively changing the OS, the version number, so keeping old restore points is useless.
    Just like updating from XP to 7 would not keep XP restore points, it would be useless to do so.
    The big difference with Win10 is that this now happens automatically every six months, without you having to buy the new version and install it yourself.

    There is a different method of 'rolling back' to the previous version following a Win10 Feature Update if you are not happy with that update, because Restore Points do not, can not, work to roll back in such a situation.
    Windows keeps the needed files for the old version for a month. What used to be called 'Windows.old' but because things work differently with 10 is now 'WinSXS'. (SXS = Side-by-Side).
    The update roll back is only available for that month, after which Windows deletes the unneeded SXS files.
    I'm not sure if 'rolling back' to a previous version would also restore the RP's that you had saved with that version? (I've never had to try it).


  16. It can/will also happen that Restore Points will be removed with a Windows 10 Feature Update, (eg. from 1809 to 1903), but not always.

    This is because a  Win10 Feature Update is actually a change to the operating system, and so Restore Points from the old version will not (always) work with the new version.

    In the past there were some complaints from users who had tried to do just that after a feature update and use an old restore point to go back, which of course crashed their machine and they had to reinstall from scratch.
    (Think of it a bit like trying to use an XP restore point in Win7, it just wouldn't work).
    So to prevent that, during a Feature Update Win10 will now remove the old Restore Points if they would not be compatible with the updated OS.

  17. Whenever its been queried before it's usually turned out to be Windows itself that is removing the restore points. Wipe Free space just cleans up the entries afterwards (because Windows have got rid of them and the space is now free).

    There are various reasons why Windows will do that and the fact you say you were 'setting up' Windows 10 may well have triggered Windows to do it.

    There have also been a few problems in the last few years where Windows has not actually made RPs even when it says it has, or deleted them shortly after creation.

    I've also seen problems with Win10 saying there is a restore point, but when they try to use it Windows reports it's doesn't exist.

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