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Posts posted by nukecad

  1. As you say this is with your phone then I assume that this is CCleaner for Android.

    Whilst you can make apps and selected cookies 'exceptions' in the regular CCleaner, so that they dont get deleted, unfortunately this 'excluding' is not available in the Android version.

    The Android version of CCleaner is a bit like the 'EasyClean/Healthcheck' option on the PC - in that it cleans what it does and you have little/no control over just what it clears.
    (And yes, CCleaner android does clear WhatsApp files).

    So if it's clearing things that you don't want cleared there is currently only one answer, don't use it.

    PS. I've moved this into the Android sub-forum.

  2. That's the pop-up you get when you close the browser. Are you seeing it at other times?

    To expand on Hazelnut's post:

    Open CCleaner and go to Options > Smart Cleaning

    Under 'Enable Automatic Browser Cleaning' you will see your installed browsers listed, with next to them a drop down section for the cleaning choices.
    You can set a different choice for each of your browsers.
    The choices are:

    1. Do not monitor browser.
    2. Prompt me to clean on closing.
    3. Automatically clean on closing with notification.
    4. Automatically clean on closing without notification.

    So if you want to clean the browser when you close it but don't want the pop-up then you would select choice #4.
    If you don't want to clean a particular browser when you close it then select choice #1
    If you don't want it to automatically clean any browser then untick 'Enable Automatic Browser Cleaning'. (or select #1 for all browsers).
    If you don't want it to automatically clean anything at all then untick 'Enable Smart Cleaning'.

  3. 2 hours ago, deehar said:

    Today all OK.  I don't know what I have done to fix it!

    At least you know a few things to try if it happens again.

    Maybe yesterdays storm was messing up the power supply and/or the server connection, so CCleaner couldn't connect to check for updates, etc.?

  4. Is it opening and not doing anything for a while, or just not opening?
    From what you say I'm guessing the second.

    There are a few things that could cause a delay at launch:

    1. If you are using Winapp2.ini it can be slow to load if you haven't trimmed out the entries not needed on your PC.
    2. Your firewall settings may be preventing CCleaner from connecting, we have seen this cause launch delays in the past, (it can also cause issues if you have the new Health Check feature, and with the Software Updater in CC Pro).
    3. I have in the past seen an issue where CC was slow to launch if there was a Windows Update that had been downloaded but was awaiting a restart to install.
    4. I've also seen the 'Skip' UAC control cause it if switched on.

    If it's winapp2 then trim it down or remove it altogether.
    If it's the firewall then making the CCleaner folder an exception in you Anti-Virus (or Windows Defender) usually cures it.
    If it's a pending Windows Update, then install the update.
    Never found a real cure for the Skip UAC, but that seemed to be a Windows thing that cured itself. As a workaround if you turn on active monitoring then CCleaner will start in the background with the computer, and so you shouldn't see the delay when you launch it yourself because it's already running.

  5. Whilst I've not seen a comparison chart as such, the documentation does say what CCleaner for MAC will do.

    The Documentation for each version has a section called 'What it can and can't do".
    Windows version documentation says that it can find duplicate files, the Mac documentation doesn't

    There are also plenty of online reviews of CCleaner for MAC, did you not notice that none of them mention the duplicate finder?

  6. Yes, Edge Chromium cleaning will be included as standard in the next CCleaner update, v5.64.

    We are told they have been doing a lot of 'nuts & bolts'  backround work on all of CCleaners functions, which is why there hasn't been an update for a couple of months.

    v5.64 is due late February or early March

  7. I'm not saying that its a waste of time turning off fast start-up, FS is known to cause numerous issues.

    I'm just saying that even with fast start-up turned off Windows 10 still hibernates some of the kernel during a shutdown, and restores it on reboot.
    It doesn't hibernate all the kernel/RAM like Fast start-up does, but it still hibernates stuff.
    (It took a while for people to work out that it does this and most articles about turning off fast start-up never mention it, probably because there is nothing you can do to stop it happening).

    Which is why restart is needed sometimes to do a clean start without that hibernated stuff.
    (You could also hold down shift when clicking on shutdown to prevent the hibernation, or use the command line to shutdown).
    As I said it is counter-intuitive that with Win 10 restart clears more than shutdown will, even if you never have fast start-up enabled.

    This thread seems to point it up nicely, once Cris86 restarted rather than shutting down the issue with a rouge process running was cured. (of course we don't know if FS was enabled or not).

    11 hours ago, Cris86 said:

    By restarting the pc, not shutting down, everything seems working fine once again.

  8. Good to hear you got it sorted out.


    In Win10 shutdown still hibernates running apps even if fast startup is disabled. (It's even more confusing if FS is enabled).

    It's not quite what the old hibernate used to do, it's a kind of hybrid between that and a full stop.

    If you want to stop everything then you have to do a restart.

    As I said above it's counter-intuitive to the way that shutdown/restart used to work, and so can cause confusion.

  9. There is no reason why not to use CCleaner with an SSD.

    The only caveats I can think of off the top of my head are not to use secure deletion, don't tick 'wipe free space' in CustomClean, and don't use the 'Drive wiper' tool.

    None of those are needed or desirable with a SSD.

    Edit - And don't use the Registry Cleaner with Windows 10. (SSD or HDD).

  10. As I said above, with Win 10 a shutdown 'hibernates' any running programmes/processes and starts them again at the next boot.
    You need to do a Restart to actually close any running programmes and processes (so that they won't start again).
    That is counter-intuitive, but it's the way Win 10 works.

    So you are saying that Task Manager does not show anything FFx running, but CC says that it is? Strange.
    I can only think that either something connected to FFx is running but has a name you can't recognise , or FFx has left some file open (or locked) so CC thinks that the whole of FFx is still open.
    That can happen if Firefox closes unexpectedly.
    (There is also a slight possibility that your Firefox user profile has become corrupted, but usually that won't let you open Firefox at all and Firefox itself tells you it's already running when you try to open it).

    When Firefox is behaving strangely extensions or addons are usually the first thing to suspect.

    First of all I'd try opening and closing Firefox and then Restarting (not shutting down) your computer, then without opening Firefox do an Analyze in CCleaner to see if it still thinks Firefox is open.
    If CC says it's now closed then open FFX, visit a couple of websites, close FFX, and run a CC analyze again.
    If CC now says it's still open then it shows that Firefox, or one of the addons, is not closing properly.

    If something isn't closing properly I'd then try running Firefox in Safe Mode to rule out an extension being the problem.
    Open Firefox in safe mode, visit a couple of websites, close it again, and do an analyze with CCleaner to see if it thinks it's still open.
    If CC says it's closed do then it's almost certainly one of the addons causing the problem.
    If that's the case then you should remove them and put them back one by one until you find which one is the problem.

    If it's not the addons and it's still not fixed then I'd go for a 'Refresh Firefox'.
    Note - A refresh will remove your addons (make a note of them first) and put all settings back to default, but it will keep your bookmarks and saved passwords.

    Of course there is always the option of uninstalling/reinstalling Firefox, but that's more drastic as it will lose all you bookmarks, and saved passwords.


  11. Odd that I found that other issue as well then.

    It could well be that there have been other changes to Firefox too.
    (I'll have a look round and see what I can find)

    It's also odd that Firefox is running at startup, but if this is Win10 then did you Restart, or Shut down and Reboot?

    Shut down/reboot hibernates files and processes so would restart firefox.
    Restart does not hibernate anything and closes them.

  12. I've just done some testing and can confirm that it is happening, and that it's a Firefox change.

    Firefox has reset the warning message preferences, either during the update to v73.0, or I suspect in the background this weekend.

    You won't see it if you close Firefox before running CCleaner, or if you only have one tab open in Firefox.

    It only happens when you have multiple tabs open in Firefox.
    If you go back into Firefox from the CCleaner hang you will see the following:


    So CCleaner is trying to close it, but can't until that has been answered.

    If you untick that 'Warn me...' and then click Close Tabs, (and close the hung CCleaner), then next time you try to clean an open Firefox CCleaner will still ask if you want to close Firefox and if you say yes will close it without hanging.

    (I previously had that 'Warn me..' unticked, I usually have multiple tabs open. I've had v73.0 since last Wednesday and today is the first time I've seen that message again, so have no idea what changed it but it must be Mozilla).

    So it's not really a bug in CCleaner it's Firefox resetting a preference, but I'll flag it up for the other Moderators and Staff in case someone else asks about it.
    (And maybe the CCleaner devs can also do something to stop it from happening).



    1. The filenames (on the right) are identical, what you have arrowed (in the middle) are the pathnames where the files are located.
      ie. In your first screenshot the first two filles are both called 'bdnc.dll', they are in two different locations.
    2. Never remove OS files or programme files, often the duplicates are needed and removing them will stop things working properly.
      Only ever remove duplicates of photos, videos, music files, text files, etc. - Things that you have saved yourself.
      If you don't know what a duplicate is then leave it alone.
    3. Yes, you have to pick which to remove yourself, only you can decide which of any duplicates you want to keep, CCleaner can't read your mind.
  13. When Avast first acquired Piriform  I too wondered if it was just to merge CCleaner with Avast's Cleanup.

    But as we have seen this month Avast may acquire others but let them continue in their own way. (Oop's, not us we just own them and we've shut them down now).

  14. With drives getting as big as they are nowadays whole disk defragging is rapidly becoming a thing of the past.
    Splliting the drive into smaller partitions/drives would obviously help as you could defrag each partition/drive as needed.

    Once you start talking terabytes rather than gigabytes it best to just defrag the files, that's what you want to do anyway to speed up read times.

    There are two main aims to defragging, and they serve different purposes:

    1. Get each file into one piece for (slightly) quicker loading.
    2. Move all files into one contiguous block on the disk to free up disk space, the holy grail to some. (Actually that's consolidation not defragging, and doing it can fragment some files again if you want to 'fill-up' every cluster in the block).

    There is also Free Space defragmentation (which helps prevent file fragmentation in the first place) and Smart file placement (which puts groups of related files together, again for faster loading).

    You can read about them here, it's old but still relevant:

    So it depends on what you are aiming to do, and TBH with these multi-terabyte drives then freeing up space is not often likely to be an issue.

    PS. Windows 10 does weekly automatic optimisation (defragmenting) in the background, unless you have turned it off or set it to a different schedule.

  15. Good,

    Whatever you use to try and defrag the whole of a 29TB disk is going to take hours to do it.

    Stick to just defragmenting the files that need it.
    (After all, it's not as if you are short of disk space).

  16. 1 hour ago, Hydrad said:

    It seemed that your response was to not use Defraggler to defrag, but to rely on the system to do that,  I was hoping that someone has found a way to make Dfraggelr at least as efficient as the system routines so it can be used for what it is advertised to do.

    Not at all,

    I told you to use defraggler to defrag the fragmented files, trying to defrag the whole of a 24TB disk is going to take hours whatever you use to do it.

    I see that you are now doing that and seeing that it ismuch faster as I said.

  17. Please don't post the same question in two different places. (It just gets confusing for everyone, we can't then see what answers you have already been given on the other post).

    One post is enough to be seen, but it may take a while for someone who knows an answer to come along so have patience.

    I've already answered how to do quicker defrags in the first post that you made.

  18. Disks these days are getting very large, so things like defragging the whole disk, wiping free space, or scanning to recover deleted files is going to take a long time.

    You can speed that up for defraggler by just defragging the fragmented files and not trying to do the whole disk.

    After analyzing the disk: click on 'view files', click the box at the top left to put a check mark next to all the files found, and then click on 'defrag checked'.

    That will defrag just the fragmented files and will take minutes instead of hours.

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