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Everything posted by nodles

  1. Do you have the paths for those files? You could add them to "Include" or use Winapp2.ini -file and add those entries there. I found this entry (Chrome Installer) in Winapp2.ini: [Chrome Installer*] LangSecRef=3029 DetectFile1=%LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome DetectFile2=%ProgramFiles%\Google\Chrome Warning=Running this may remove Chrome's ability to automatically update to future versions on some computers. Default=False FileKey1=%LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\Application\*\Installer|*.*|REMOVESELF FileKey2=%ProgramFiles%\Google\Chrome\Application\*\Installer|*.*|REMOVESELF And Eve Online: [EVE Online*] Section=Games Detect=HKCU\Software\CCP Default=False FileKey1=%Documents%\EVE\Logs|*.*|RECURSE FileKey2=%LocalAppData%\CCP\EVE|history.txt Seems to clean only logs, though.
  2. nodles


    Foobar2000 v1.1.18
  3. nodles


    Nice to hear! Notepad++ is a great little program.
  4. You could try reinstalling CCleaner and/or try the portable version instead?
  5. Are you sure you have closed your browser/s properly?
  6. You could try: - reinstall the latest Flash (make sure all browsers are closed) - update Sandboxie - update graphics drivers - remember to reboot
  7. CCleaner & OS version? Are you sure you have closed your Firefox properly?
  8. Waterfox 16.0.1 Download | Release Notes Palemoon 15.3 Download | Release Notes | 64bit Edit. (30.11.2012). Palemoon 15.3.1 Download | Release Notes | 64bit
  9. Same here, on all computers I've or I install/tweak.
  10. Yeah.. Gotta save the v1.6.2 installer for later just in case.
  11. Spybot Search & Destroy 2.0 final just got released a few days ago. http://www.safer-networking.org/ http://www.filehippo.com/download_spybot_search_destroy/ Any thoughts? What I like: - New (+more advanced) tools What I dislike: - New GUI - Settings - 3 unnecessary services started automatically & set to automatic (Security Center Service, Scanner Service, Updating Service)
  12. nodles

    Robot fun

    I first read "My grandmother loves it."
  13. You could try to reboot and run CCleaner before opening any browsers (to make sure none browser-related processes are running). If that doesn't help, you could use the browser's built-in cleaner, close the browser and run CCleaner.
  14. NVIDIA GeForce 310.61 Beta
  15. Firefox 17.0 Thunderbird 17.0
  16. nodles


    Btw. Foobar2000 v1.1.7 released. Change log
  17. Not sure if it's possible to defrag the file, it has something to do with SafeBoot encryption. You could add it to exclusions I guess.
  18. Meanwhile you can use Winapp2.ini-file which contains some cleaning entries for Roboform: [AI Roboform Search*] LangSecRef=3022 Detect=HKCU\Software\Siber Systems Default=False RegKey1=HKCU\Software\Siber Systems\RoboForm\Query-MRU FileKey1=%Documents%\My RoboForm Data\**|mru.rfo|RECURSE [AI Roboform*] LangSecRef=3022 Detect=HKCU\Software\Siber Systems Default=False FileKey1=%ProgramFiles%\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm|*.txt FileKey2=%AppData%\RoboForm\_gsdata_mirrors_|*.*|RECURSE ExcludeKey1=FILE|%ProgramFiles%\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\|affid.txt
  19. Cool, thanks! Firefox rules!
  20. nodles


    What kind of videos? Never had problems with MPC HC. True, using it just for music/radio/CD etc.
  21. True. Haven't done it though.
  22. Thanks! I can get some sleep now!
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