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Posts posted by Tr3bg0D

  1. I agree, but I generally do no keep anything on my Desktop that is not important. I place files there as a reminder that I have to do it. All my files are stored on an Alternate drive. I had occasions that I was working on somethign, placed it on my desktop and my system froze. When my system rebooted, the files were gone. THe 1st time I thought it was me, but now I pay closer attnetion.


    @Hazel.....thanks, I will look into that.

  2. I need some recommendations.


    I am currently running Shadow Defender on my C drive. I have set up my Desktop as a safe zone where I can keep files. I have found that during reboot, the files "MAY" disappear from the desktop. Which leads me to wonder what else disappears. I recently had problems with Security Updates failing also, so did I loose somethign else during a reboot????


    I tried Deep Freeze on an x64 system, but it just would not run and I had a hard time removing it.


    What other apps are out there other then Deep Freeze and Shadow Defender?

  3. Couple of suggestions Alan.


    1st - I made thte change in the script to simulate UAC on. I don't feel that E or C is clear on what the user should press. This is my line which I changed

    (E)xit and retry As Administrator or alternatively (C)ontinue and hope




    That line can be made clearer if it displayes this:

    UAC GRIEF probable. To avoid try "Right Click" then "Run As Administrator".
    (E)xit and retry As Administrator or alternatively (C)ontinue and hope ! (E or C)


    2nd - The rows go over my screen on my Netbook. I tried changing rows to 47 but it scrolls a row or so and removes the very top info.




    Above tests were performed on an x86 system. Will try later on x64.

    No Administrators were harmed during the test.

  4. Alan...I ran Trim_6 on a UAC system and basically I don't like it. Here's a screenshot:



    That is the second "hold" just before CCLeaner launches. To me, the text is all clustered together when you are prompted to EXIT or CONTINUE. To be honest, I didn't even see it util I looked at the screenshot and I had hit ENTER instead of C. I also did not like the final output screen (mine failed BTW) but formatting the columns may improve it.



    Maybe some clarification on the prompts, hiding ECHO, and adding some spacing so Continue or Exit is clearer to see. Also, how about setting Column width?

  5. FYI Guys....I have this within my CCleaner.ini file:


    and another for my actual DROPBOX Folder



    Haven't had any problems

  6. Yes, that is also top priority on my system. But every system I fix, I will leave UAC on. I much rather then be annoyed and think a bit vs having system problem. My wife and daughter got a new laptop recently and UAC is on for them.


    @Alan - If you need some code to check for Admin Provilidge at the start of the script, just hollar and i'll search my archives.

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