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Posts posted by Tr3bg0D

  1. I use Paperport and have not found anything that allows me to do what it does. If you have drivers loaded, Windows should just be able to Scan and save to PDF. Newer HP scanners use web interface to scan/save file. Now if you wanted to print to PDF, doPDF is what I use and it is free.

  2. EXACTLY. I am still tweaking Shadow Defender, but still see a need for AV/Firewall as I keep my apps on a separate drive. Mind you that not all APPS are kept on a separate drive, but just my portable apps which don't require installation. I can see how my apps would be protected that have been install on my OS/Protected volume, but my Firefox is on my Apps volume. Though it is also a portable, an add-on can sneak on and if I did not have any protection, who knows what could happen.

  3. This is one of a few boards that I am on that upgraded. One thing I noticed about IPB, when the upgrade happens, all the hard work that was put in to get the board running perfect goes right out the window. Sure wish they would consider the customization that was done to the previous board and make upgrading less painful for the Admins.

  4. I have a similar story, but my 4 birds just fell out of the nest with the nest and had no feathers. I boxed them, took them home and called a local Nature Center. Of course they did not want them and told us to feed it the hamburger type dog food and give them water using an eye dropper. 2 of them died several days later as feathers were coming in. 2 weeks later one more died and it had full feathers. My daughter, who was very young, was in tears. So we buried it in the back yard. The other was very strong. We began letting it out of a cage we got and put it back in at night. One time we felt it could fly away and tried letting it go. It flew but we wanted it stronger so we got it back and put it in the cage. Once it was strong enough to fly, we let it go and it would come back to its feeding ground...us. When I called it, it landed on my arm and we fed it; when my wife called it, it landed on her head where we would pick it up and feed it. One time when we woke up and went outside to call it, it did not come back. SO we thought the best and it flew away. We continually called it and one day it was on our garage waiting for us....but this time it was calling us. When we opened out door, it flew on my arm where we fed it. It stayed with us for a few minutes and then flew on to the garage. It looked at us, gave out a few chirps and few away. We knew what happened....it came back to tell us thank you and it has to leave us. Till this day we wonder where it went and how long it survived. It was truly one memorable summer for our kids and will never forget it.

  5. If he is going to replace the HDD and reinstall the OS, it is best to leave the other HDD alone. Once he gets the OS running and working properly on the new HDD, he can then tackle on how to image the old drive with an external HDD case...usually about $6-$10. One suggestion I have for for the new HDD to be partitioned where C will contain his OS and D for other important files like the image of the Boot/OS Partition and the image of the original HDD.

  6. Tr3bg0D, They don't have the cds. :(

    Got it...just reread the 1st post. I'm not clear on the brand of his system, but DELL and HP usually have a hidden partition. Also, if the oh boy has a COA tag on the system, maybe someone with the same system and has the discs can ISO them and let him download. I have many DELL, HP, and other brand original disc, but I will be out for a week so I can't help. :(

  7. Come on, get real here.


    If that were true you wouldn't have the time to post here on forum in the post quantity that you do.

    Not if he is running them on a test bed. Pop the app on and walk away.....running a script. As they say on MythBusters.....Plausible ;)

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