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Posts posted by trium

  1. 2 hours ago, 1bit said:

    HDD Wesern Digital HDD 2TB-cpicked up as HDD  - takes several hours to defrag and resukt is same or worse or fractionaly better 1-4%


    perhaps this is an result of pagefile and hiberfil.sys directly related to the size of installed RAM - defraggler cant defrag the pagefile and/or hiberfil.

    example: with 8 gb ram -> 8 gb pagefile and 6,25 gb hdd-space (and with fragmentation - two or more pieces... and the % go up)

  2. 1 hour ago, 1bit said:

    HDD Sagate Barracuda 2TB (256Mb cache) picked up as an SSD tkes for ever to defrag n never changes or gets worse


    only a supplemental - now i can imagine why defraggler means such a hdd would be an ssd... 256 mb cache is more as standard - its a "hybrid"


    perhaps for the next defraggler-version it should be scanned for large cache-size so that defraggler can it sort out from "ssd"

  3. ff v68.9.0 esr

    02 june 2020




    Security Vulnerabilities fixed in Firefox ESR 68.9

    Announced June 2, 2020
    Impact high
    Products Firefox ESR
    Fixed in Firefox ESR 68.9

    #CVE-2020-12399: Timing attack on DSA signatures in NSS library

    Reporter Cesar Pereida Garcia and the Network and Information Security Group (NISEC) at Tampere University
    Impact high

    NSS has shown timing differences when performing DSA signatures, which was exploitable and could eventually leak private keys.


    #CVE-2020-12405: Use-after-free in SharedWorkerService

    Reporter Marcin 'Icewall' Noga of Cisco Talos
    Impact high

    When browsing a malicious page, a race condition in our SharedWorkerService could occur and lead to a potentially exploitable crash.


    #CVE-2020-12406: JavaScript Type confusion with NativeTypes

    Reporter Iain Ireland
    Impact high

    Mozilla developer Iain Ireland discovered a missing type check during unboxed objects removal, resulting in a crash. We presume that with enough effort that it could be exploited to run arbitrary code.


    #CVE-2020-12410: Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 77 and Firefox ESR 68.9

    Reporter Mozilla developers
    Impact high

    Mozilla developers Tom Tung and Karl Tomlinson reported memory safety bugs present in Firefox 76 and Firefox ESR 68.8. Some of these bugs showed evidence of memory corruption and we presume that with enough effort some of these could have been exploited to run arbitrary code.



  4. ff v77.0

    02 june 2020



    • Pocket recommendations, featuring some of the best stories on the web, will appear on the Firefox new tab for our users in the UK. If you don’t see them, you can turn on Pocket articles in your new tab, follow these steps.

    • WebRender continues its roll out to more Firefox for Windows users, now available by default on Windows 10 laptops running on Nvidia GPUs with medium (<= 3440x1440) and large screens (> 3440x1440).

    • You can view and manage web certificates more easily on the new about:certificate page.



    • Various security fixes.

    • A number of features have been fixed to improve Firefox accessibility.

      • The applications list in Firefox Options is now accessible to screen reader users.
      • Some live regions previously didn't report updated text with the JAWS screen reader. This issue has been fixed.
      • Date/time inputs are now no longer missing labels for users of accessibility tools.


    • The browser.urlbar.oneOffSearches preference has been removed. To hide one-off search buttons uncheck search engines on the about:preferences#search page



    Developer Information

    • Significant improvements to JavaScript debugging make loading and stepping through sources faster and with less memory being used over time. Source map support also got a lot more reliable and will just work for a lot more cases.

    • Added support for the JavaScript API String.prototype.replaceAll() which allows developers to return a new string with all matches to the provided pattern while preserving the original string.

  5. hi fans,

    i noticed in our forum that the sort order going wrong sometimes... in this case - announcements

    in topic announcements seems all fine but at the top -> there shows me an entry from april 29, 2020

    only by me?





  6. ublock v1.27.8

    gorhill released this

    May 26, 2020


    This release contains only updates to translated strings; especially, malicious translations were found and removed from Malay language.

  7. here the "original post" from 2017 🙂




    JULY 25, 2017 9:00 AM

    The End of an Era – Next Steps for Adobe Flash

    [Update Aug 30 2019 – We have posted an update on our plans for the removal of Flash support from Microsoft browsers, including the new Chromium-based version of Microsoft Edge. – Ed.]

    Today, Adobe announced that Flash will no longer be supported after 2020. Microsoft will phase out support for Flash in Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer ahead of this date.

    Flash led the way on the web for rich content, gaming, animations, and media of all kinds, and inspired many of the current web standards powering HTML5. Adobe has partnered with Microsoft, Google, Mozilla, Apple, and many others, to ensure that the open web could meet and exceed the experiences that Flash has traditionally provided. HTML5 standards, implemented across all modern browsers, provide these capabilities with improved performance, battery life, and increased security. We look forward to continuing to work with Adobe and our industry partners on enriching the open web without the need for plug-ins.

    We will phase out Flash from Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer, culminating in the removal of Flash from Windows entirely by the end of 2020. This process began already for Microsoft Edge with Click-to-Run for Flash in the Windows 10 Creators Update. The process will continue in the following phases:

    • Through the end of 2017 and into 2018, Microsoft Edge will continue to ask users for permission to run Flash on most sites the first time the site is visited, and will remember the user’s preference on subsequent visits. Internet Explorer will continue to allow Flash with no special permissions required during this time.
    • In mid to late 2018, we will update Microsoft Edge to require permission for Flash to be run each session. Internet Explorer will continue to allow Flash for all sites in 2018.
    • In mid to late 2019, we will disable Flash by default in both Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer. Users will be able to re-enable Flash in both browsers. When re-enabled, Microsoft Edge will continue to require approval for Flash on a site-by-site basis.
    • By the end of 2020, we will remove the ability to run Adobe Flash in Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer across all supported versions of Microsoft Windows. Users will no longer have any ability to enable or run Flash.

    This timeline is consistent across browsers, including Google, Mozilla, and Apple. We look forward to continuing our close collaboration with Adobe, other browser vendors, and the publishing community, as we evolve the future of the web for everyone.

    — John Hazen, Principal Program Manager Lead, Microsoft Edge


  8. 16 hours ago, hazelnut said:

    My new Edge updates itself.


    bad choice for me 😉 with databased surfstick. i have disabled the two update-services of edge with ccleaner because i cant find an option to deactivate the auto-update-function

    16 hours ago, hazelnut said:

    Or you can check manually.

    Edge..Options (three dots upper right of page)... Help and feedback..about Microsoft Edge.


    thank you for this option for a manually search for updates :-) i dont have found it before :-)

  9. https://blogs.windows.com/msedgedev/2019/08/30/update-removing-flash-microsoft-edge-internet-explorer/



    AUGUST 30, 2019 10:00 AM

    Update on removing Flash from Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer

    In 2017, we published a roadmap to remove Adobe Flash from Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer by 2020. Since that post, we announced our intent to build Microsoft Edge on the Chromium open source project. In this post, we will provide an update on what to expect for the Flash retirement in Microsoft browsers.

    Here’s what you can expect for each Microsoft browser:

    In the next version of Microsoft Edge (built on Chromium), we will continue to retire Flash in the same timeframe as other Chromium based browsers. You can learn more of that timeline in this blog post. Flash will initially be disabled, and the user will need to re-enable Flash on a site-by-site basis; Flash will be completely removed from the browser towards the end of 2020. Group policies are available for enterprise admins and IT pros to change the Flash behavior prior to that date.

    For both the in-market version of Microsoft Edge (built on EdgeHTML) and Internet Explorer 11, the current experience will continue as-is through 2019. Specifically, we no longer intend to update either Microsoft Edge (built on EdgeHTML) or Internet Explorer 11 to disable Flash by default. We still plan to fully remove Flash from these browsers by December 2020, as originally communicated.

     Colleen Williams, Senior Program Manager, Microsoft Edge


  10. ublock v1.27.0

     gorhill released this 

    3 days ago


    The popup panel and dashboard have been redesigned to be more user friendly, including more mobile-friendly. The re-design is being done by taking into account @brampitoyo's suggestions and feedback.

    You can revert to the old popup panel by setting uiFlavor to classic in advanced settings -- though keep in mind the old panel is not likely to be kept around forever.

    Closed as fixed:




    Notable commits with no entry in issue tracker:

  11. i have installed it as replacement for ie11 on older w7 32 bit -> nice and fast :-)

    on w8.1 64 bit -> similar as srw iron portable (chromium)


    now im waiting where the updates come from for both :-) windows update or enhanced microsoft update (for other microsoft produkts) or browser itself

  12. as you can see in the line "specifikation" -> there is your correct cpu-id

    i think its a subcategory of the cpu above (an improved version)


    the other thing is speccy is not up to date... perhaps in an newer version in the future it works better.

  13. what kind of windows opens? what windows-content?

    if all from ccleaner i can imagine what popups.

    one way is to block ccleaner with your firewall... the next is disable something in the settings if you dont need or want this for yourself


    have you the free version or a buyed one?

    is smart cleaning active? or scheduling (pro)?

    is updates set of automatically?



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