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Posts posted by CeeCee

  1. Can some one post up a list of process thats should be running in windows xp.





    C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe (most likely there's several svchost.exe processes running - it's normal)




    There also might be i.e. wmiprvse.exe running, which is normal.




    unsober: Don't, please don't copy & paste that long text here. Just put link to Web site.

  2. When I used to use RegSeeker to flush the icons it always destroyed the transparency effect of the icons on WinXP, I always had to use System Restore or ERUNT to undo it.

    So you couldn't re-enable it from the Windows "Visual Effects" options?

  3. 13 MB is not bad but still much more then AVG. Take a look at the working set column. Less than 3 MB for AVG.

    Yes, but memory usage is not everything. 10Mb is not much, if you got plenty of ram. And it's not a reason for me to change AV.


    EDIT: I asked about Avast memory usage from Avast forum and also mentioned about AVG mem usage. I got this info about AVG:


    The AVG scanning engine actually runs in the kernel (in the kernel-mode driver avgcore.sys) so you won't see its memory usage in the Task Manager.

  4. Can someone that is currently using Avast tell me how many processes it has running?

    It depends on what modules do you install with it. If you don't install/use any extra modules, there's 3 processes running for the Avast; GUI process (that shows the system tray icon), automatic update process and the main Avast service process. On my system, currently those 3 processes takes about 13Mb of ram. Update process only takes 292Kb.


    Note: Network Shield module doesn't run as a separate process. That's the only extra module i use with Avast.

  5. If I remember correctly when you choose the simple skin or no skin you don't have the features available that you do with the full skin.

    There's no differences in features. Only thing is, that with skin, there's more options/buttons at skin itself. With simple interface you found those options under 'Tools' and 'Settings' menu. Those options are not needed though, when you do a scan.

  6. The only thing I like about avast is that it scans a little faster than AVG/Antivir.

    Other than that I like the other 2 better. Antivir updates can be god awful slow and you have to block that dumb ad.


    So those gripes leave me to the one I have no issues with: AVG. Its small, fast, and just works.

    What issues did you got with Avast?


    I personally can't say anything about AVG (or Antivir), 'cause haven't used them. Like i said, i have found Avast! to be good and got no reason (so far) to change it. I have used Avast about 4 years now.


    EDIT: Before Avast, i got F-Secure for some time and it was such a resource hog.

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