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Posts posted by CeeCee

  1. ...said Dexter Lehtinen, one of the tribe's police legal advisors.

    That's a Finnish lastname.


    That's one of the worst deaths you can get to become eaten by some animal. Not very honorable way to die...

  2. I accept all cookies for best site/page functionality, but i have checked the option to delete all new cookies when browser is closed. I also empty the browser cache quite often. ...Almost forgot to mention, that i have disabled all cookies for Google. With Opera you can specify different rules for specific sites.

  3. just like most other high school shootings the kid was bullied and outcast.

    I have understand that he wasn't so bullied. His friend told that he never wasn't the quiest one in the table and that he always brought up his opinions about different things.

  4. Very sad. Sorry for you, CeeCee.

    Of course it's sad when this kind of thing happens, but it doesn't touch me so deeply personally. I didn't knew those who got killed, so it's not the same as, i.e. death of a relative or family member, you know. So (in my case) saying, "Sorry for you, CeeCee" is a little bit exaggerated.

  5. Never thought that this could happen in Finland: http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/ , http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7082795.stm


    Eight people have been killed and at least 10 others injured in a shooting at a school in southern Finland


    The shooting appeared to have been planned out in graphic videos posted on Internet clip sharing site YouTube.


    After all the killings he shot himself to head and is now in critical condition in the hospital.




    Very sad day here in Finland.

  6. I guess this has not been your experience? Have you not ran the sweep twice in a roll to see if all of the problems were (or were not) fixed on the first pass?

    I remember having this type of thing, but in my case it's have been very, very rare. I don't remember that did i got this "issue" with CCleaner, though. Btw, are those entries on second scan same entries or completely new entries?


    Also, does it make any difference if you select "Fix issue" or "Fix all selected issues" on confirm box?

  7. Are System Volume Information entries safe to delete if they're flagged as invalid by such as Registry Mechanic?

    All entries should be safe to delete, if there really is not any reference to that "flagged as invalid" entrie on your system. For example, if you got "flagged as invalid" reg. entry that points at to Windows\setup1234.exe, and you really don't got that explicit setup1234.exe on your system.

  8. heres a pic of some of the entries it fould;



    my guess is that some registries get 'locked up' and can't be messed with, unless you are booted into safe-mode..

    All of those entries seems to be OS related, so that's why they might not show up in a normal mode... Are you sure, that they really are invalid entries? :huh:


    I also got 'Eusing' registry cleaner, but haven't run that one in safe mode. Maybe i should...

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