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Posts posted by CeeCee

  1. I was wondering if anyone cleans out the Prefetch Files?


    Any thoughts on the removal of these?

    Yes, you should delete them once a while, but not TOO often, because then they lost their actual purpose. As far as i know, prefetch files are used for quicker accessing to applications (faster launch). Actually benefit of prefetching is very minimal and in long run it can slow things down. That's why it's good to delete those files once a while.


    I personally have disabled prefetching completely, because benefit is so minimal and because it actually "eats" some memory. Here's guide to disable/modify prefetching: http://www.tech-recipes.com/windows_tips1285.html

  2. I can't anyway, bet CeeCee cannot either.


    Yep, i can't. I have nothing to block that site. I and hazelnut got different firewall (what i've seen from her desktop picture), so i don't think it's firewall problem either.


    I can access the site, if i use proxy!!

  3. Didn't worked with IE7 either. Having 2 browsers should not affect.


    EDIT: Can't go to that site with IE7 either. Clear your cache and try then go to that site. Maybe you can now go, because site is cached.

  4. I'm not saying you shouldn't ever defrag, what I'm saying is that doing so weekly is a waste of time.

    I'm not saying, that you should defrag weekly, but once every couple of months or monthly. Or atleast twice a year. How much disk gets fragmented, depends. If you i.e. install/uninstall lot of programs, you should defrag more often.

  5. Yes, you should defrag on regular basis. If you defrag very rarely, disk can get highly fragramented, and there for defragging takes a lot of time and disk gets under lot of stress, which in worst case may lead to possible hard drive failure (or possibility for failure is higher).


    If you don't EVER defrag, then your system performance really goes down in long run.

  6. Noscript ;)


    that has got to be the most useless extension that exists for firefox. when i used it, my website(which is now non-existent) wouldn't work. Stay away from that extension!!!


    Most sites needs JavaScript to work correctly. In Opera, you can keep JS enabled globally and disable it for specific/suspicious sites (Edit site preferences)* or vice versa; keep JS disabled and enable it for specific/trusted sites. I keep it enabled all the time. Java is disabled (Most sites don't need it).


    *Opera allows you to set several preferences for individual sites using site preferences. While visiting the site, right click on the page (or press F12) and select Edit site preferences.


    Once a preference has been set in site preferences, all preferences in that section will be used instead of the global preferences. To manage or remove site preferences, use Tools > Preferences > Advanced > Content > Manage site preferences.

  7. Did some testing and PNG indeed is better quality than GIF, but expense of bigger file size. Of course you can't have them both; good quality and small file size.


    What i did was resized JPG and saved to those two formats.

  8. I shut it down only when i go to sleep (if there's no any downloads coming). There's really no need to shut it down several times a day.


    I think it's good to give computer and all it's components little rest over night (or whenever you go to sleep) and not keep it running 24/7.

  9. Is it normal that hard drive's access (activity) sound is much louder, than in my other drive, that is from same manufacturer, but model is different? Both drives are Seagate Barracuda s-ata "storage" drives. Are some drives/models just louder and that's it? It doesn't make any "failuring" sounds, when it's idle.


    Drive has been louder from the beginning. I've got it now about couple of months. Drive seems to be just fine; S.M.A.R.T. info says it's ok, and i also have ran a Seagate's hdd diagnostic tool (SeaTools for Dos) test and it passed it. Also have ran chkdsk and defragged it. Drive contains only video files.


    EDIT: Title should be "Loud hard drive".

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