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Posts posted by CeeCee

  1. Yes, quality of the saved images, is not the best possible, but otherwise IrfanView is good program. Quality is good enough for me. Mostly i use IrfanView for pasting and saving screenshots, resizing- and cropping images. It's also my default image viewer.


    Btw, if you save to GIF format, image is not so blurry, than when saving to JPEG format. Though quality is not perfect in GIF format either, but like i said, less blurry/messy.

  2. You should run a registry defrag, if lot of entries are removed from the registry. I.e, if you remove some program and it leaves a lot of leftover reg. entries, that you delete after running a registry cleaning software. Otherwise, there's not so big need for registry optimizing.


    From 'Free Registry Defrag' site: ...when information is deleted from the registry, holes are left which fragment the data within the registry. Registry compacting optimizes your registry by removing gaps and wasted space...


    The improvement (%), depends what and how much registry entries is removed. Some entries left more slack space than others.


    Comparing NTREGOPT to Free Registry Defrag, FRD is better, because there's analyze option.

  3. Hmmm, wonder what this will offer that every other defrag out there doesn't already, bit of a crowded market to enter :unsure:


    Yes, i.e. JKDefrag being so good and popular, i don't see much need for this new product. Atleast for those who already uses JKDefrag. But i think that there's a place for this new product also.

  4. Test that your firewall doesn't leak: http://www.grc.com/lt/leaktest.htm


    When you start a test, LeakTest program tries to connect GRC.com Web Server. Your firewall should right a way warn about this outbound connection. Just do not allow that outgoing connection and LeakTest is successfully finished.


    You should always have a decent firewall, that warns about outbound connections too. Let say you i.e. got a virus on your system, that takes connection to hackers server. You don't wanna that to happen.

  5. Try to use command prompt to launch that "setup" program. Open cmd (Start>Run>cmd). Then type d:. After that type setup. Of course you have to press "Enter" after all typed commands.

  6. Strange, i think it should be excatly opposite. Spin slow first and when computer heats up more, then spin faster. That's normal behaviour on some case fans. I got fan that always spin at same speed.

  7. Are you sure that you go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER and NOT to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE?


    When you find it, double click EnableBalloonTips and change value data from 1 to 0 and hit Ok. Then close registry editor. You maybe have to reboot computer to make changes affect.

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