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Everything posted by Alan_B

  1. You are suggesting that Piriform should enable you to violate any terms and conditions that you might accept when installing trial ware.
  2. You are being utterly ridiculous You were NOT told anything about non-destruction of Repair Permissions. Instead you were given information to counter the ignorance you appeared to show by your comment
  3. When my Gmail was not accessible I found that the Google Search engine was also broken, BUT my Startpage Search Engine still got al the results from Google because Startpage is/uses a proxy to protect my privacy from Google. I could access through a proxy because the proxy used a different Domain Name Server than I was using. Perhaps your problem is your DNS Just give me the IP addresses of your Primary and Secondary DNS, and I will add it to my test script of 29 DNS, each of which can resolve winapp2.com It will take less than 1 minute for me to run the test on your DNS and advise you.
  4. My speciality is thinking the unthinkable. I will admit it is more fun when it is some one else's problem
  5. Could it be malware which responds with a system crash when MalwareBytes is looking at it, but either has no fear of AVG or perhaps AVG fails to inspect it ?
  6. Sorry, I have no other advice and will leave it for others to assist. It might expedite assistance by others if you can list your startup programs.
  7. If you cleaned the registry then have you tried restoring the Registry backup that was suggested, and then rebooted ?
  8. I am sorry but whilst I could easily show you in one minute how to launch CMD.EXE if we were sitting side by side, I fear that life is too short for me to explain via forum postings all that you need to know and do - you need far more than CMD.EXE. I will leave it for others to explain if they wish. Alternatively you could look for a local school / college that teaches computer skills, or do a Google search search for You may be able to get for free a few minutes of hands-on tuition in basic computer operations. If you take your memory card with you they can probably identify your problem within a few minutes, and either fix the problem instantly or point you to a professional data recovery service.
  9. Congratulations on your perseverance leading to success. It seems weird that the problem stops when you remove the installed version, and does not restart when you reinstall. I always blame weird things on Windows. I do not know about Vista, but on Windows 7 there is a service called "Disk Defragmenter" which uses C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k defragsvc I have that service disabled and it causes me no grief. Is it possible that your service is not disabled and that allowed the Windows Defragger to become entangled with the Piriform Defraggler ? I always use Portable software if possible so that it is never influenced by Windows doing stupid things to hidden registry keys.
  10. How can that be ? I would not expect Windows to be able to even run if the system boot file was corrupt. I was not aware that non-system media such as a flash drive even needed a boot file.
  11. You could try the Portable version - unzip into a different location so it will not conflict with your "normal" installation. Bad move. In general for most applications :- An update ontop of the old is intended to preserve your old settings/choices - BUT may also preserve all that went bad in the past. An un-install then install should give you a fresh start.
  12. I do not believe that you and I have the same understanding of Folder and File I will accept the verdict of DIR. I suggest you launch CMD.EXE and use the CD command to reach the location of your IMAGES folder/file Then use the command DIR IMAGE*.* /A Then right click on the centre of the black DOS window and CLICK "Select All" Then take a screen shot and post in your reply. I illustrate below :- Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601] Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Users\Alan>CD TEST C:\Users\Alan\TEST>DIR IMAGE*.* /A Volume in drive C is C_OCZ_System Volume Serial Number is 6E59-9E7D Directory of C:\Users\Alan\TEST 23/04/2013 08:35 6 IMAGES 23/04/2013 08:36 <DIR> IMAGES.TXT 1 File(s) 6 bytes 1 Dir(s) 46,887,329,792 bytes free C:\Users\Alan\TEST> If you do this we may have a better understanding of the situation.
  13. Is it possible that the problem was caused by a very recent Microsoft security update that needs a Boot Iso image to undo the harm ?
  14. What version of CCleaner are you using ? What was the previous version you used and did that cause problems ? Next to the bottom of the screen shot you have checked Custom Files and Folders. What did you have selected for removal by that option ?
  15. Are you wanting to adjust the privacy cleaning capability within Firefox ? Is a suitable tweak to instead use CCleaner with the Downloads box checked ?
  16. There is a forum topic on translations here :- http://forum.palemoon.org/viewforum.php?f=30&sid=e9b27e86f5f76ea907bffadd8ee1df69 I assume that Firefox translations are generally supported and Palemoon has adaptations to suit its GUI. i.e. a Palemoon has translations for its GUI features that differ from Firefox. WARNING I am not certain of the latest status, but the previous version had some problem if languages packs were included WITH the initial installation, and it was better to install with standard English and after installation to add the language pack. You will find more information in other sections of the Palemoon forum, I have to close now - preparing for Church.
  17. Please note that a folder CAN have an extension, and a file does NOT need an extension. I launched CMD.EXE to demonstrate Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601] Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Users\Alan>echo %TIME% > IT-IS-NOW C:\Users\Alan>TYPE IT-IS-NOW 9:07:36.02 C:\Users\Alan>MD IT-WAS-THEN.TXT C:\Users\Alan>DIR IT* Volume in drive C is C_OCZ_System Volume Serial Number is 6E59-9E7D Directory of C:\Users\Alan 21/04/2013 09:07 14 IT-IS-NOW 21/04/2013 09:08 <DIR> IT-WAS-THEN.TXT 1 File(s) 14 bytes 1 Dir(s) 46,971,551,744 bytes free C:\Users\Alan>
  18. Mozilla keep on breaking Firefox by fixing things that are not broken - just because they want to change for the sake of changing. At around Firefox 8 I tried Palemoon Portable and am loving it. I am now using the installed version of Palemoon as my main browser, and the Portable version as a backup with a separate profile. I eradicated Mozilla Firefox from my system over a year ago - no regrets. Palemoon 20.01 is based on Firefox, but the developer has tamed the erratic variations and hazards of Firefox. Why not sample the delights of Palemoon Portable ? Or if you are more bold than I was use the installed version which can coexist with Firefox. http://www.palemoon....-portable.shtml There is excellent help available on their forum http://forum.palemoon.org/
  19. I doubt your Tech support competence (or veracity) if Recuva can detect file names after they "zero filled" the drive. If Tech Support could not spare the time to phone you before wiping the drive it is unlikely that they would waste hours wiping it, a quick format would have been enough to prepare the drive for giving it back to you. If you added 'x' GB of data to this drive you will have only over-written 'x' GB at the start of the Drive. The rest of the drive will still have your original data with whatever damage happened as a result of the power problem and Tech Support abuse. Even better news is the fact that IF this was previously your System Drive, then you overwrote your Windows System files which were at the start of the drive, so your "small amount of data" will not have overwritten your user documents such as *.wpds. SUGGESTION :- Try to Recuva files which ARE compatible with simple programs such as Notepad. If you Recuva a *.TXT file it has no special header or format, and even a broken fragment can be read by Notepad, and if that fragment is intelligible you have proof that most of the data has survived all the disasters of the Power failure and Tech Support abuse, in which case it is worth looking for software that can either :- read a broken / damaged *.wpds file; or repair/create an appropriate header etc. to give make it usable. N.B. I got "About 255,999,251 results (0.49 seconds) when I searched for "*.wpds file" Mostly they were WPS converters etc but you might find something suitable. Otherwise there are alternatives which may work for you, but for recommendations you need to find a general forum that is not tied to a specific product.
  20. Because stuff happens. No software would ever be released if it had to be tested upon every possible hardware build and operating system with every possible combination of installed applications. Just be thankful that you do not have to download an ISO image and burns a Boot Rescue CD to resuscitate the computer, which is the fate of some who allowed a Microsoft Patch to install http://www.microsoft...s.aspx?id=38435
  21. You need to specify the complete path and and file name for each instance. I suggest you change the extension from ".reg" to ".txt" of one instance and report whether this automatically changes the extension of the other instance. If changing one affects the other then deleting one will delete both. Finally I suggest that you create in one of these folders a file named anything.txt and if a duplicate appears in the other folder, then it is definitely not a CCleaner bug but a Windows feature - which is the worst sort of bug
  22. So would it be reasonable that with iTunes restored, for ericjmzto launch CCleaner and Analyze - BUT NOT RUN CLEANER and then right click on the Analysis results and save to text a log file and then search the log file for iTunes Library.itl If this file is part of the Analysis results then the path on which it is found will give a clue, and by unchecking the checkboxes and repeating the Analysis the specific checkbox can be identified.
  23. I find it ironic that this only works on systems that are modern enough to have Bitlocker capability, but NOT if Bitlocker was enabled
  24. What is this "file that identifies ..." ? Can you state the name and path of this file ? Could it be a registry key that is damaged ? Are you complaining that the songs may still be present but something like a PlayList is missing ? I do not understand the relevance of "to just NOT delete itunes labeled or itunes created files". Are you complaining that many thousands of songs were deleted and the Free space increased by many GBytes ?
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