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Posts posted by Eldmannen

  1. Try this on for size. I used to run a 4 line BBS in NYC back in 92. The modems were 16.8 USR HSTs with a 4 port Digiboard running under OS/2 Warp. On top of that I used to have running Frontdoor with Echomail/Netmail server. My monthly phone would ranged from $750 - $1000. That included all 4 lines and long distance with MCI.


    Damn, BBS you're old school! :D

    OS/2 Warp, I never got to use that system, just seen it running once at the Dentist or something.


    $750 - $1000, how could you afford that?


    4 lines, how do you get that?

  2. This was the dumbest thing about the whole process. I actually installed the thing three times and each time I got to that log in screen and thought it was freezing when I typed in a username. Knowing this now just makes me even madder because no where in any documentation that I read(and yes I read wikis, forums, faqs, ect) did it say that nothing would show up in the password field. It really makes no sense. <_<


    Well, that is quite funny that someone actually reinstalled the whole operating system three times over such an trivial matter that was never really a problem.

    If you would have pressed "Enter" then it would have told you wrong "Access denied" and asked you to re-enter the password.


    You could also ask people in some Linux channel on freenode (irc.freenode.net).

  3. Yes, the username shows up when you type it. But nothing shows up when you type in the password, not even masked stars. This is a security feature, I guess.


    Didn't knew you had to login using "vector" since I never used that distribution. Maybe they could have made that a little bit clearer.

  4. When I had my USRobotics 28,8k dial-up modem, it wasn't flat-rate, it was pay per minute. That sucked.


    Ask around, there must be some cheap broadband. Or atleast ISDN if you don't already use that.


    It is strange how USA invented the Internet but have so sucky slow and expensive Internet connection. In Sweden nobody is on dial-up anymore. The slowest is 128 kbit/s, but I don't think much people are on that either.

  5. Well, do you have flat-rate dial-up?

    Or do your dial-up pay for every minute you are online?

    If you pay for every minute you are online, isn't it more expensive than broadband?


    Also, there are many broadband from different operators at different price, like 1 mbit/s have one price, then there is 2 mbit/s and maybe 5 mbit/s and 8 mbit/s and 10 mbit/s or something and you can pick one which is good for your price. All broadband in USA is expensive?

    That truely sucks.


    I have broadband TV via my ISP too, its like 32? too, but then its 50? every 6 month for some card or something, so its not so cheap. Most stuff on TV is crap, but I like The Simpsons, Family Guy and sometimes some other stuff. I also like the extra pay channels we get which actually does have movies.


    I also have broadband telephony, it is free call to everybody who have same ISP as us. I don't know the price of it. Due to my retarded brothers using the phones to call cellphones the bill was high, so I called the ISP/phone-company and made them block outgoing cellphone calls, now the bill is much much more cheaper.


    You can get bicycle instead of ride car. You can buy low-energy lamps instead of lightbulbs. You can turn off lights in room where nobody is. You can turn off or unplug devices instead of let them be on standby mode. You can mount a solarcell panel on the roof that generates electricity.

  6. Funny, how Microsoft patched the DRM issue in 3 days when it was possible to circumvent it. But when there was a critical bug that could lead to data corruption so you loose your file, it didn't get patched until the "Patch Tuesday", a month later.








    "If consumers even know there's a DRM, what it is, and how it works, we've already failed" - Disney Executive.

  7. Yes, that is exactly what they are doing. They are making a "John Doe" file suit, so they can get a court order and stuff.


    They also are accusing him of stealing source code and stuff, which he have denied he ever done.


    I don't think they should sue him. If they want something done, they should patch their mistake. BTW, DRM sucks and WMV is gay!

  8. so hold the button in after the computer is unplugged? that doesnt make too much sense..


    Yes, there are still some electricity stored in some electric components in the machine. That why when you open to computer to replace stuff in it, it can be a good idea, to unplug it, then press the power button to get rid of that energy before you start fiddling inside to avoid static discharge and stuff.

    Also, it is very dangerous to open a power supply unit (PSU) and fiddling with it, even if its not powered. People should not try repair monitors or power supply units.


    Computers should be connected to grounded power sockets.

  9. I've decided that linux is the devil. <_<

    After 3 days of trying to get something to install I finally got vector too off of a live cd. Cool right? WRONG! First off it won't boot because for whatever reason GRUB(something I installed with puppy) doesn't recognize it.(it did mention something about installing lilo but I don't know how to get rid of GRUB). Well I can boot to my HD from the live cd, but when I do it asks for a password, guess what? It didn't ask me to set up any passwords. :angry: This is the biggest piece of junk software I have ever seen.


    GRUB is a bootloader. LILO is a bootloader too.

    When you install whatever Linux distribution you are using, it probably asks you during the installation setup something about a bootloader. You can also configure your bootsector. The LILO config file is in /etc/lilo.conf after you configure it, you run "lilo" for it to move the config to the bootsector or MBR or something. Info on configure it is in the "man lilo". GRUB I have never used (yet), but it shouldn't be difficult to configure it.

    You can probably install LILO over GRUB. GRUB is like any other bootloader most likely located in the MBR (Master boot record) or the bootsector.

    The Windows bootloader (NTLDR) does not auto-detect what operating systems are installed in your computer either, those have to be configured in boot.ini


    If it haven't asked you for a password, then it means it haven't setup an account for you. You can easily setup an account yourself. Login in using the username "root", without any password, if it ask for password, just press enter. Now you


    Well now I can get it to boot to linux but guess what? I still cant log in! :angry:


    Login using username "root" without a password.

    Now when you are inside, you probably want to change your root password, todo this, you type "passwd".

    The "root" account should only be used for system administration such as creating/modifying/deleting users, installing/removing/updating software packages, etc. It should not be used for normal day-to-day activities such as listening to music, browsing the web, coding, gaming, etc. So you should setup an user account, this you do with the "adduser" command.

  10. Programs should be able to be undeleted. However, if you checked the "Uninstall Hotfixers" then its not possible to uninstall Windows Update patches (which you shouldn't uninstall) and IE7 and WMP betas.


    Other software should be able to be uninstalled, sometimes software use crappy uninstallers which does not work or does not work correctly, or was wrongly configured by the author of the software. NSIS is the best installer. :D

  11. I don't know anyone who still uses dial-up. Dial-up makes me feel nostalgic.

    I used to have dial-up before too, a USRobotics 28,8k. It was hell, costed much money and was slow.


    If you don't live in the bush then why don't you have broadband?


    Broadband is as far as I know, available pretty much anywhere (except the bush), and is in most cases cheaper too.


    I remember I had modem pools that I illegally did connect to, so my parents wouldn't kill me for getting huge bills.


    The dial-up noise signal beep-bop-bop-beep-beeeeep thing that you hear when the modem dials up makes me so nostalgic. Dial-up is old school. :D

  12. The lower the TDP is, the better. The less power it use, and a CPU with lower TDP also often runs cooler and don't need as much cooling which allows for more silent cooling.


    Quadcore is interesting. But it doesn't give you 4x the performance all the time as you expected. In many normal applications it doesn't provide any extra performance. In multi-threaded applications which are built to utilize many cores, it provides much better performance though. BeOS was an operating system that was heavily multi-threaded.


    Vista. :wacko:

  13. Winmodems sucks, that much I know.


    I only have used Linux to connect to the Internet via Ethernet using DHCP.


    But I know it is possible to connect to the Internet via a modem using PPP.

    An external modem most likely will work. I heard that USRobotics are good.


    You live in the bush or something? :(

    It is amazing people still have to connect to the Internet using dialup.

    Feels great to have 100 mbit/s down, 10 mbit/s broadband.

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