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Posts posted by Eldmannen

  1. Ah, nLite I have heard about it but never tried it.


    Yes, if you buy an OEM PC then you often get it preinstalled with junk. The computer manufacturer have some deals with software companies to ship computers with their software. I hate that.


    I think that from some manufacturers you get a real Windows CD, other times you just get an recovery CD which installs Windows along with the bundled junk or something like that.


    Best I guess is to avoid OEM PC's.


    With some OEM's you buy a computer without operating system though, I think it is possible with Dell. Unfortunately in many cases you have to pay the unfair "Windows Tax" though. :angry:


    Having a streamlined CD with all the service packs and patched and SATA device drivers are nice though. :)

  2. No.


    It is like that with all printers. They try to sell the printer itself pretty cheap, then they charge a huge amount of money for the ink. They also make it illegal for other companies to make ink for their printers and sell it, so they sue them, because they cant stand a bit of competition. Then they are alone in the market, and sell the ink cartridges for sky-high prices.


    Strange that there isn't a standard for ink cartridges that work on all printers? No?


    Most printers also print a microscopic dots in yellow, which you cannot see, which contains the serial number, so papers you print can be tracked back to you. http://www.eff.org/Privacy/printers/




    I don't own a printer, and I sure as hell don't plan to buy any. If I had to buy one, it would be a laser printer.

  3. Internet Explorer is an old outdated sucks browser.

    It does not follow webstandards.

    It is broken, it is defect!


    Keep on using it, and it's only a matter of time before your system get infected with all kind of nasty malware, unless you system already is.


    The computer literate use Mozilla Firefox, the best webbrowser in the galaxy.

  4. Well, my honest opinion is that the theme was ugly.

    No disrespect intended.


    All people are different and think different, and are rightly so. If he thinks that theme is nice, then so be it. In that case I am glad that he found a theme that he is pleased with. As it is often said "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". I do not find the aesthetics of that particular theme pleasing.


    Me myself, I don't use any theme, I got the Firefox default look. Which I am fine with.


    And no, I do absolutely not use the Yahoo! toolbar (or any other toolbar for that matter), nor will I ever do! :D

  5. I like the guys fire rocket on one of each other.

    I also like the guy who jump infront of the train, I am not sure what he wants to accomplish, be a retard and have fun and scare the driver, or suicide but get scared and changed his mind.

    I also like the end one, when he put fire on the bowl thing and hit it with plank.

  6. You can also try run Firefox in its "safe mode".


    You can also delete the profile, it is stored in %userprofile%\Application Data\Mozilla, but back it up, because bookmarks and stuff is there.

  7. I am pretty sure you could have different sets of rules for different IP addresses and be able to have some computers protected while the servers have some ports open.


    iptables is crazy awesome.

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