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Posts posted by Eldmannen

  1. Sorry to hear. :(


    Now your kids and wife take this hard, and its natural for them to take it hard. It is very difficult when a loved one have passed away. They don't know what to say, what to feel, what to think, what todo. They feel just empty. Maybe they all need support, maybe this is the time they need it most, or maybe they just need some time alone, I don't know.

    Maybe you should visit a family therapeutic or visit a psychologist and just go there a couple of times and talk about it, maybe it makes you feel better.

    Much emotions and and emotional stress.


    Maybe you even blame yourself for bringing home that dust off. People tend to try to find reasons to blame themselves.


    You mentioned that this kind of stuff needs gets out of our homes. But there is plenty of ways that people, especially kids can get hurt or killed. You probably have cleaning chemicals like chlorine, floor polish, perhaps Methylated spirit and probably other chemicals that you use in your home for cleaning or when grilling or various other purposes. And if you have a car and a garage then you probably have motor oils, and various kinds of oils and cleaning chemicals and such. It is not uncommon to have these kinds of things, and it is not bad, but these like alot of other things in life can be dangerous when handled unproperly.


    As a parent you try to take care of your kids the best way possible, and wish them the best and try to protect them from all kinds of dangers. But they are individuals of their own, with their own free will, they are young, unexperienced, curious and often naive. They often think that they know best, and often they don't think things through and think what could be the consequence of an action. Even if he didn't have access to that can, hes friends did, and they probably sniffed it before together, and probably would do it later again.

  2. Yes, I have occasionally read some news about optical computers. Wonder when there will be an x86 optical computer.


    Upcoming non-optical processor is Quad-core processors. Intel Core Quadro, but it essentially two Core Duo's on one die.

    Soon coming also AMD K8L architecture, it will be a true quadcore CPU.


    Not on the x86 field, there is the Sun Niagara II (UltraSPARC T2), it is an 8 core SPARC processor with 64 threads, a real beast! :D

  3. Sometimes they try get their software shipped with new computers.


    Often they are crappy software with skins and resource hogging overbloated features. I guess some people don't know there are freeware alternatives.

    And companies often don't use freeware, because they think its less good, so they pay for something just you have someone to blame if something goes wrong. :D


    I feel sorry for all those unfortunate people who actually bought Norton Antivirus. That piece of resource hogging junk is even more difficult to get rid of than a virus, since it wont even uninstall.

  4. CCleaner is a privacy tool.

    "CCleaner is a freeware system optimization and privacy tool."


    I saw ID-Blaster, a tool that generates a new random "product ID number", a "GUID" or a "Unique ID number".

    Sounds simple.


    Maybe CCleaner could have a "Generate new ID" button in the "Tools" section or something.

  5. To be fair I can see where he's coming from as I never use the Tools section (startup and uninstall), prefer to use msconfig and Add/Remove. Though CCleaner is so small I doubt there would be much advantage to removing elements anyway.

    Yes, I don't use the Startup and Uninstall feature either. But as you said, I doubt there would much advantage in removing those elements, and I don't think there will be a version without them.


    Adding Gutmann method cleaning would cripple the speed of CCleaner, I get fed up waiting for 3x overwrite, having been used to the speed of CCleaner but still use it. Certainly wouldn't use Gutmann (35x overwrite).


    I use normal file deletion mode. I wouldn't use it either, but I guess it could be a nice addition anyways.

  6. Not only software, but also services.


    Software from the list that I like:

    7-Zip, AbiWord, BitTorrent, CCleaner, Celestia, Feedreader, Firefox, Google Earth, AdAware, OpenOffice, PuTTy, Thunderbird.

    Other interesting software is, the GIMP, Nvu, FreeMind, Audacity.


    Services from the list that I like:

    Anonymizer, Gmail, Pandora, Wikipedia.


    There indeed are some interesting gems on the list.

  7. The difference between the version is that the standard has Yahoo! toolbar and all languages.

    Basic doesn't have Yahoo! toolbar, but does have many languages.

    While the slim version have no toolbar, and only English language.


    If you don't use the Issue scanner function, then simply don't use it. I don't see why there should be a lean version without that feature, since its optional to use it. I also doubt there will be a lean version.


    Adding Gutmann secure cleaning is a good idea though. But remember CCleaner wasn't crafted with secure deletion in the mind from the start. If you interested in secure deletion, you might want to take a look at Eraser.

  8. About japanese cartoon trigger seizures, wonder how long until you need a firewall for the TV to block uhm... malshow? :unsure: (malicious show, not malware :P). :D


    Now to the question, everybody wonders, can you use hypnosis in conjunction with women to get laid? :D

  9. seen 2GB already, and you can boot up to linux with a 256MB flash.

    I've seen them 4gb too, if I recall correctly.

    And you can boot Linux on 1mb too. :D

    Shouldn't expect too much though, no graphical user interface, etc.

  10. Yeah, Wikipedia is awesome, I use it alot and I am also a avid contributor.

    Iptables can be complex, but it sure does provide the possibility to configure it and control it in-depth to great extents.

    And while using it, you hopefully learn a thing or two about routing, Internet, TCP/IP, etc.

  11. Perhaps check some of the reviews on Mozilla HERE before using this extension. As is pointed out, if you were worried about being tracked would you really want potential search terms like guns, bombs etc being used to hide your perfectly innocent search terms. Good idea in principle but I think they need to work on the word list being used at the moment.

    (I'm not saying don't use it, just be aware first)

    "hamster whacking" LOL :D:huh::P:lol::o

  12. nowadays, i try using one of those but it says to please use a real email account.

    this happens on some forums and websites for me.

    Yes, I have noticed this. Usually I tend to boycott those sites. But can also use a valid secondary e-mail address that is rarely used and only used for dubious stuff.

  13. It might be a good idea to have 2 email addresses. One for friends and contacts. One for when signing up to things, newsletters, subscriptions, forms, etc.


    When signing up for things, it might be handy with a disposable one-time email address.

    Such as Mailinator, spamgourmet, TrashMail, etc.


    Wikipedia has an article on e-mail spam. Various methods to fight spam is whitelisting, blacklisting, greylisting, bayesian filtering, honeypots, address munging, etc.


    I once made a PHP script that randomly generated a list of what appeared to be e-mail addresses to trash the databases of e-mail harvesting bots.

  14. A couple of methods is that they use a name-list which mass spend names from a text file to many domains, example alice@example.com, bob@example.com, charlie@example.com and it has lots of common names.


    Another method they use is e-mail address harvesting. They have a bot that browse websites and look for email addresses by identifying patterns of text that looks like an e-mail addess, ex. [a-z0-9\-\.]@[a-z0-9\-].[a-z]{2,4} which is like *@*.* in wildcards. You can protect yourself from this using "address munging".


    They also send a spam to you, which say "send a email if you don't wish to receive any further email", when you send them an email, it puts your email address in the "people who read email"-list and spams you even more as they know it is a valid email address that is being read.


    Spammers also buy/sell CD's of large amount e-mail addresses, which are usually alphabetically ordered or sorted by TLD (top level domain) name. So sometimes an email starting with the letter Z gets less spam than one that starts with an A.


    About Outlook Express, it is often said to be main ways that worms propagate. When you get a spyware or a worm, the first thing it does is to check your Outlook Express addressbook and send itself there in the case of a worm, or check it, and relay it to the author in case of spyware. The security in Outlook Express is often touted as poor and it has an history of being exploited via buffer overflows in the e-mail header which allows for code to execute, this can happen even if you don't open the email letter. Using an web-based service or using Mozilla Thunderbird would be much safer imho.

  15. You can read more about iptables in the manual page by typing "man iptables" in the shell.





    There are documentations, guides, how-to, scripts, etc.


    I like to write the configuration scripts by hand, because it gives me alot of flexibility, freedom and control to configure it in every aspect exactly as I want it to behave. I drop all packets except those which I allow.

    I haven't used it for routing though, I've only used it for firewalling.

    It was love at first eye-sight, I immediately fell in love with it! :D

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