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Posts posted by Eldmannen

  1. Yeah, I meant "god given right", not "got given right". :D


    I wouldn't call it cyberterrorism (buzz warning), unless it targets critical infrastructure.


    Also, it sucks wiht worms that steal passwords or private data (but I don't think Zotob does this though, but not sure). Sucks if it installs adware too to get money, then its evil greedy.


    And as for damage, I am not sure it actually does any real damage to the computer.


    I think it would be pretty f***ing hilarious though to spread a worm that sets the desktop wallpaper to the infamous goatse.cx picture, then sends the picture to everyone on MSN/AOL/Yahoo! :D

  2. I experienced crashes with 2.0 beta 1, but overall it was pretty stable.

    Now I am running 2.0 beta 2 and it is pretty damn stable, never crashed yet.


    I don't like the theme so much in 2.0 beta 2 though, I hope it is better in rc1. :D


    I am eagerly awaiting rc1. :)

  3. Would you rather use adobe? Thats about the only other option...


    Heh, good point! :)

    I have been looking at alternatives, unfortunately not really been able to find any. :(

    The Adobe one is horrible, it takes forever to load and use much memory and is slow. I hate it.

  4. New_Age

    Why do buy a new computer?

    The computer you have in signature is good enough, and by the components you choose, I wouldn't consider it worth to buy a new one, if you're looking to replace your computer. But maybe you just want an additional computer for some reason?


    The monitor is 8ms, this shouldn't be any problem unless you play games (esp first-person shooters).


    The motherboard is 100/100 ethernet, this shouldn't be a problem, worth to note is that most motherboards nowadays come with gigabit ethernet.


    The harddisk is SATA-300, but this one is 8 mb cache, the one you picked before was 16 mb.


    Also, the link to the CPU points to the motherboard.

  5. It is everybody's got given right to wreak some havoc and cause some chaos. :D


    Chaos is part of the charm of the Internet.


    What would the world be without villains sitting in their moms basement, lights off, room dark. 24 pack of Jolt Cola, backlit keyboards, and the "Muhahahahaha" laugh (or h4w h4w h4w). Planning and plotting on their wrecking chaos and havoc. :D


    Hail Dr. Evil! _/

  6. Then get rid of some processes? :D

    If you have anything from Norton, then remove that. :D

    Same goes for anything else that is resource hungry.


    You can choose which services start at, Control Panel -> Administrative Tools - Services.

    Be careful though.


    Start -> Run... -> msconfig

    There you can select what startup too.

  7. New_Age, the Pentium 4 sucks. It is built on the crappy Netburst architecture. It provides poor performance, generates massive amount of heat, and needs hell of a cooling, which often results in a noisy computer.


    You choose a PATA harddisk and PATA IDE cable, instead of go with SATA (Serial ATA). PATA is getting phased out in favor for SATA which provides higher performance and got slimmer cables which reduces clutter and is good for the airflow.


    Your motherboard is old tech, it doesn't have PCI-Express which pretty much all of todays motherboards got. Your graphics card is AGP.


    The motherboard NIC is only 10/100, most nowadays are gigabit.


    The LCD monitor qualifies to TCO '99, latest is TCO '03. It's response time is 8 ms, it is good enough for use application software, but if you do games, you might want to check into one that can handle 2 ms.


    Pretty cool that the soundcard comes with Audacity, which is open source, go Diamond! :)

  8. Well, SATA-II is backwards compatible with SATA-I. So even if your motherboard supports SATA-I but don't support SATA-II, a SATA-II disk will still work, even though it will work as a SATA-I disk.


    I cannot tell whether the upgrade is worth or not.

    My opinion about the Netburst architecture isn't positive. :D

  9. So essentially no system cleaning software/privacy software can rid the system of index.dat files because that's the nature of Windows?


    It is possible to delete protected files too, but usually not when Windows is loaded. But it can be scheduled to be removed at next startup or something.

  10. Thank you Eldmannen, that's clear enough that even I can understand it. :)


    Then do you, or does anyone else, know of cases where things have been deleted that have caused machine problems? (I'm not casting doubt on the quality of the CC application -- I'm only questioning whether I have the qualifications to be driving it.)


    I don't wish to burden the forum with FAQ questions, if this is one. If you know of old threads that I should be looking at, please tell me.

    TYVM, ~~~z


    Personally, I don't think that I have ever had any problem with CCleaner, but of course there are some unfortunate who appears to have had some problems.

  11. Well, it is much more profitable to have two products to sell, one for viruses and one for spyware. :)


    There are so called "security suites" with combined firewall, antivirus, antispyware.


    Personally, I prefer small applications that do one thing, and do it well. Instead of doing several things.


    Also somethings are unrelated and are in totally different and separate fields.


    I like hamburgers, I like chocolate. I wouldn't want a chocolate hamburger though. :D

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