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Posts posted by Eldmannen

  1. Funny how when there is a critical zero day exploit which can do remote code execution and install malware and all kinds of crazy stuff, it takes Microsoft a month until the next "patch Tuesday" to fix it. But when there is a vulnerability in the Windows DRM that allowed people to circumvent the copy-protection there is a patch within 3 days.

  2. So my question i guess is this:


    is this tweaked firefox browser safe to download, and can i download it and have an icon on my desktop to use only for surfing certain sites, but still have firefox on the desktop to use for regular surfing? i think that if i visit a site i havent been to, or dont feel is as safe, maybe this would be a good browser to have.

    Yes, I think so.


    You can surf to http://www.ipchicken.com/ to see what IP address that your surfing is getting proxied through. If you use Torpark, it should be different than your real IP address.

  3. keep in mind people that if you plan to use this so the gov't wont catch you, you can still be traced.

    they keep records of where you've been and everything.


    looks pretty cool though, does it really matter if your anonomous unless your looking up certain stuff?


    Yes, of course its no silver bullet. It can help you with your anonymity but it wont guarantee your anonymity. Public Wi-Fi networks can be good sometimes though.

    Yes it does matter even if you aren't looking certain stuff up. Or maybe you would like the goverment to have remote access to your computer and be able to access all your files and see what you do? "Why not? If you aren't doing anything bad, you got nothing to worry about", or?

    I would always want privacy, even if I was only looking up a recipe on how to make pasta sauce.

  4. I think that Symantec is pissed because Microsoft don't make a way to allow them to replace the Windows Security Center with their own thing or something like that.


    I wont be using Vista either though. You need a state-of-the-art graphics card with huge amounts of RAM and much processor power just to run the graphical user interface.


    You thought WGA and Active Registration in XP was a itch with a b?

    Wait until Vista. :D


    Vista with its new DRM will perform useless operating such as encryption video in its PVP (Protected Video Path) system, because they want make it more difficult to rip videos and stuff. So basically it does nothing good for you, and waste your CPU cycles. Hollywood got their will through here.


    The security in Vista will be better though. Normally users wont run with full administration privileges, something thats been the norm in the Unix-world for about uhm 35 years?

  5. When have children of my own I will *MAKE SURE they can't go in reach of any Chemicals.


    You can try your best to prevent them from getting their hands on chemicals by keeping them in a secure placed locked away, and by informing them of the dangerous. But you can never make sure they wont get their hands on them. Kids even sniff gas from lighters, anyone can get their hands on a lighter today.

  6. Torpark is Firefox Portable with Tor onion routing. It chains your data through multiple Tor servers which make it more anonymous because the target webserver which you contact won't see your IP address. However, your surfing will be slower.


    Now while speaking of anonymity, there is a LiveCD distribution based on the OpenBSD operating system called Anonymous.OS by kaos.theory security research. OpenBSD is well known for its extreme stance on computer security.

  7. I wouldn't know since I don't use Outlook Express.

    But I don't recall hearing about other people complaining about Outlook Explorer and CCleaner.


    I thought you should know that Outlook Express is by many considered to be very insecure. It is often described as one of the main ways that Internet worms propagate. By exploiting bugs in the parsing of e-mail headers, it is even possible for you to get infected with viruses, worms and malware without even opening the e-mail. You might be interested in Mozilla Thunderbird.

  8. 1) No there is no such feature in CCleaner. However Windows has a built-in feature for "Scheduled Tasks", you can find it in the Windows Control Panel.


    2) I have noticed this too. I am not why it behaves that way.


    3) CCleaner cleans files for the current logged in user only.

  9. With the plethora a WYSIWYG web page authoring applications that can and do make a royal mess of the page code it's no wonder there's severe and even critical compatibility issues when a particular browser chokes on some websites.


    And yeah you're correct about validating the code which is a must, especially for companies that have websites, and a "good" image to keep because often the website is the first contact people have with some companies or services, and it's nothing but a quick way to lose a potential customer if their Firefox, or Opera doesn't work on a site and they're forced to use Internet Explorer.

    Yeah, WYSIWYG is for suckers! Real men use text editors. :D

  10. Sounds interesting and all and the increase in performance at a price for us mere mortals would be nice, but I wonder how much heat a PC case would have to deal with then with all that processing power in it.

    If you thinking about the optical processor mentioned by Humpty, then probably none. Probably wouldn't even need a heatsink.


    The upcoming Intel Core 2 Quadro, which is a normal silicon processor like every other day, have a TDP that is twice as high as the Core 2 Duo (Conroe).


    The upcoming AMD K8L, I have no idea, but probably cooler than Core 2 Duo.




    The Cell processor seems pretty interesting. Worth to mention is that it is not x86 architecture though but it seems it have some performance.



    The processors today used in consumer computers, Intel Pentium 4, Intel Core Duo, AMD Athlon 64, etc are all based on the x86 architecture which is about 20 years old. And we will continue use the x86 architecture for many years to come, because switching to another architecture is a pain, because it breaks compatibility. Apple have been using the PowerPC (PPC) architecture for theri Mac computers for a long time, but recently they have switched over to the x86 architecture.

  11. yeah the thing is on my d disk it says that i have 10 gb of free space left but there should be 12 gb of free space left :/


    1. Goto "My Computer".

    2. Right click on D: and select Properties.

    3. Select the "Tools" tab.

    4. Click the "Check Now" button.


    Maybe that helps.

  12. Thank You. What happend further when I fix it? It delete it?

    What i have to do with file?

    Often the registry entries point to something invalid or that once existed but does not exist anymore or something, so it gets removed when you fix it. CCleaner offers you to make a backup of the registry entries that it deletes prior to deleting them. Usually it is safe, but just in case something goes wrong, it offers you a registry backup so you can revert the settings.

  13. Ditto! It's been that way for years and is unlikely to change.


    Also just because something is freeware/open source doesn't mean it's any worse or better than commercial software. I prefer open source first then freeware whenever I can find it as an alternative to commercial software that may not even be updated as frequently or supported as much as a free alternative.

    Yes, sometimes it can be better, sometimes it can be worse. Generally speaking, I prioritize free software / open source software. My opinion is that it usually is better. Open source developers make software because that is what they love todo. Commercial software developers make software to get their paycheck.

    I also feel much more safe and secure with open source software. In open source software, spyware/adware/malware/etc is pretty much non-existant, you're more likely to win the lottery 10 times. :D

  14. Ok first off this is just my experience. So No flaming allowed, hehe. Awhile back after listening to pretty much all of You. I installed firefox. No fancy extensions or nothing. Long story Short I thought it sucked. it took Me 10 times longer for pages to load then IE, sometimes even longer. Mostly pages with pics. I belong to a custom paiting board & members post pics of theyre work for Critique. It was allmost impossible to view them with firefox. So I finnally uninstalled it. Ok Did I install it wrong? Didn,t know how to use it? Or would this be a normal problem that others have had. Cuz I,d sure give it another shot. allthough I dont have any problems with IE. Just Curious. Thanks Cowboy

    I have no such problem. Firefox is fast for me. You can try download latest Firefox maybe it works better than whatever version you used back then, also in a couple of weeks or a month, I think that Firefox 2.0 will be released. Maybe that will work better for you. Until then you can atleast try Opera, it is standard-compliant (unlike IE) and more secure than IE.

  15. An issue is a problem. When you use the Issue scanner, CCleaner scans your Windows registry for issues (problems) such as broken file assiocations, and other stuff. If it finds any problem, it offers to fix this problem.

  16. No.


    CCleaner cleans unnecessary temporary files and such. These are normally placed on the system drive. Your other drives probably doesn't have anything that can be cleaned.

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